25 September 2019
8:00 : PhD and young scientists Seminar
(Faculté de Médecine)
12 :00 : Lunch break
14:00 : Conference
(Université Toulouse1 Capitole)
To receive healthcare in any other European Union country and to be reimbursed : The European Directive on cross border healthcare at the service of European patients
Speaker : Henriette Roscam-Abbing
Moderator : Jacques Larrieu
15:30 : Break
16:00 : Reception in honor of Pr Henriette Roscam-Abbing
(Academie de Législation) - On invitation
18:30 : Reception given by the Mayor of Toulouse at the Capitole
(Hôtel de ville)
For all attendees
26 September 2019
Room Pélerins
8.30 : Opening session
9.15 : Key note speaker
K1- Laurence Lwoff, Conseil de l'Europe, Direction des droits de l'Homme, Unité de Bioéthique New Technologies : new challenges for human rights ? The work of the Council of Europe
K2- Prof. Dr. Henriette Roscam Abbing, European Journal of Health Law Innovative technologies, a challenge for equal access to health care in Europ
10.30 : Session 1 - Artificial intelligence
Patient rights for a trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (62)
Tom Goffin, University of Ghent
Key legal issues around the use of Artificial Intelligence in medical technology (67)
Monika Kupis, Jagiellonian University [Krakow] (UJ)
The patient's "right not to know" computerized health diagnostics algorithms (89)
Erik Hahn, Zittau/Görlitz University Of Applied Sciences (ZG UAS)
Artificial intelligence and professional liability (122)
Tom Balthazar, Ghent University [Belgium] (UGENT)
The standard of due diligence in using algorithms in medicine (129)
Tomasz Sroka, Department of Bioethics and Medical Law, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
Artificial Intelligence applied to diagnosis and treatment : facing legal and ethical challenges of big data and robotics in healthcare. (143)
Joaquin Cayon-De Las Cuevas, IDIVAL-University of Cantabria - Spain
13:30 : Workshop 5 - Council of Europe
The Council of Europe Education programme on Human rights (HELP) and bioethics
Coordinators : Ana Medarska-Lazova, HELP Project Officer (CoE)
Katrin Uerpmann, Administrator, Bioethics Unit (CoE)
Chairmans : Laurence Lwoff, Head of Bioethics Unit, CoE
Annagrazia Altavilla, European Association of Health Law Board of Directors – France Representative - Espace de Réflexion Ethique PACA-Corse
HELP courses and the HELP Methodology : HELP courses developed jointly by the CoE Bioethics and HELP Units (15)
Ana Medarska-Lazova, HELP Unit, CoE
Key human rights principles in Biomedicine I (Introduction)
Ivana Roagna,Attorney, Human Rights trainer, Asti – (Italy)
Key human rights principles in Biomedicine II (Free and Informed Consent, Medical Confidentiality) (28)
Katrin Uerpmann, Bioethics Unit, CoE
The application of key human rights principles in Biomedicine in specific contexts (Biomedical research and genetic tests) (102)
Fabio Macioce, Professor of Legal Theory and Bioethics, LUMSA University, Rome – (Italy)
Data Protection and Privacy Rights
Raluca Bercea, PhD, Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Timisoara University – (Romania) (160)
17h00 : End
Room Chapelle
10:30 : Workshop 12 - Innovation organisationnelle en santé
Coordination : O.Sechoy, Marie-Laure Moquet-Anger, Frédérique Decavel, Direction de la recherche CHU Toulouse et Association Française de droit de la santé
Educ@dom, dispositif de télésurveillance et télé-éducation (85)
Marie Christine Turnin 1, *, @, Jacqueline Delaunay 1, @, Helene Hanaire 1 , Pierre Gourdy 1 : CHU Toulouse
L’Institut Toulousain de simulation en Santé (It-SimS), Vecteur d’innovation en pédagogie et en santé (154)
Pr Thomas GEERAERTS, CHU Toulouse
Innovation organisationnelle en santé : le dispositif de soins partagés en psychiatrie
Dr Sophie Prebois (155), CHU Toulouse
13:30 : Workshop 8 - Innovation et santé : approche historique : l’exemple de la vaccination au travers de l’histoire du droit et de l’histoire de la médecine
Coordinateurs : Stanis Perez et François Vialla
François Vialla (148)
« Du vivant dans le vivant pour le vivant ». Retour sur la généalogie de la vaccination dans l'histoire de la médecine à l'âge classique. (59)
Stanis Perez, Pléiade université Paris 13 : EA7338 Société française et francophone d'éthique médicale (SFFEM) AIEMPP
La « pollution » du vivant par le vivant : les humeurs animales et la vaccine au XIXe s
Laurent-Henri Vignaud, Centre Georges Chevrier UMR 7366-Université de Bourgogne
Quelques exemples des craintes contemporaines d’empoisonnement par les vaccins : mythes de la pollution par les vaccins vivants, par l’ADN ou les produits d’origine fœtale
Françoise Salvadori, CIMEOS-Université de Bourgogne
Politiques vaccinales européennes : disparités et sensibilités (87)
Annick Opinel, Institut Pasteur de Paris
17:30 : EAHL General Assembly
Room Colonnes
10:00 : Coffee break and poster session
10h30 : Workshop 1
Emerging health related (converging) technologies : a challenge for social justice and patient rights
Henriette Roscam Abbing
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Medicine : Medical Liability Issues (10)
Athanasios Panagiotou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Law, Laboratory for the Research of Medical Law and Bioethics
Doctors on line' - a promise or a threat for social justice and patient rights ? (27)
Titti Mattsson, Faculty of Law Health Law Research Centre, Lund University
A child's right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications in health care : a good deal ? (51)
Santa Slokenberga, Lund University [Lund]
Artificial intelligence, robotics and the potential legal issues concerning healthcare and patients' rights (142)
Brenda Daly, Associate Professor of Law Dublin City University (DCU)
Artificial Intelligence and automated decision-making in healthcare (80)
Ana Nordberg, Lund University, Faculty of Law, Health law centre
12:30 : Lunch and poster session
13:30 : Workshop 10 - Medical law education : innovation, healthcare, Justice and multiculturalism
Coordinator : Vugar Mammadov
Medical law Education : Innovations, Healthcare, Justice and Multiculturalism (106)
Vugar Mammadov, 1, 2, @, Iryna Senyuta 3, *, @, Maria Deliverska 4, *, @
1 : WAML, Law Faculty of Baku State University (WAML, BSU)
2 : Azerbaijan Medical University (AMU)
3 : Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
4 : Sofia Medical University (SMU)
15:30 : Session 2 - Genetics
Germline Gene Editing and the Challenges for an International Regulation (26)
Noemi Conditi, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (UNIBO)
Ethical and legal considerations of predictive genetic testing (30)
Ingrid Soraya Alvarado Lopez, University of Bologna (UNIBO)
Genome Editing, Ethics and the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine – Is the Time Ripe for Reassessment ? (141)
Amanda Blick & Juli Mansnérus, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law
Who is my patient ? An exploration of the definition of the patient in medical law (111)
Naomi Hawkins, University of Exeter Law School
Daniele Carrieri, University of Exeter Medical School
Protecting the Best Interests of the Child in the Regulation of Gene Editing Technologies (121)
Andrea Mulligan, Trinity college Dublin2
Consent for genome research on behalf of the child in early childhood (137)
Merike Helander, University of Helsinki
Stem cells in interaction with intellectual property law
Brožová Sandra, University of Economics, Prague
17:30 : End
Room Gaspar de Maniban
10:30 : Workshop 7
Is Intellectual property a booster or an hurdle for the health care innovation ?
Alexandra Mendoza-Caminade and Jacques Larrieu
Panel : Pierrick Rousseau, Intellectual property Director Fabre SA
Florence Taboulet, Université Toulouse III - P. Sabatier
Elisabeth Berthet, Attorney, Promark Paris
Charlotte Lamure, PhD toulouse 1 Capitole
13:00 : Lunch break
14:00 : Workshop 2
European Health Law and Innovation : substantive aspects and embedding in national legal orders
Aurélie Mahalatchimy and Mark Flear (Panel to be confirmed)
17:00 : End
Vendredi 27 September 2019
Room Pélerins
8 :00 : Session 3 - E-health
Attitudes of Estonian Healthcare Professionals to Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.(66)
Melita Sogomonjan, Tanel Kerikmäe, Peeter Ross, Pille Ööpik, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech)
Mobile health and data privacy challenges (68)
Klaudia Surmacz, Jagiellonian University (UJ)
Role of E-health at Healthcare Reform in Ukraine (110)
Ivan Demchenko, Legislation Institute of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Are well-being apps in good (e)health ? Introducing the borderline problem in light of the new medical devices regulation (126)
István Böröcz, Audrey Van Scharen, Eugenio Mantovani
Innovating health care by e-health : disruptive implications of new technologies (128)
Jaap Sijmons, Melita Van Der Mersch, Mirna Oosting, Utrecht University [Utrecht]
Big data, personalized medicine : tensions between autonomy and solidarity in the welfare state (48)
Mette Hartlev, Katharina O Cathaoir, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
11:00 : Keynotes
K3 Judit Sandor Professor Central European University Budapest Human Genome Editing : What are the Legal Implications for Europe and for the World?
K4 Pr Herman Nys Catholic University of Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) The European Journal of health law 1994-2019 How innovative has been its contribution to the development of health law in Europe ?
12:00 : Round table Past presidents
13:30 : Workshop 4 - Innovative medicine and research : ethical, legal and regulatory issues
Welcome speeches :
Adriana Ceci, Fondazione per la Ricerca Farmacologica Gianni Benzi Onlus -President
Annagrazia Altavilla, Espace Ethique PACA-Corse/AP-HM, EAHL Board of Directors -France Representative
Laurence Lwoff, Head of the Bioethics Unit – Human Rights Directory - Council of Europe
Introductory session
Models of Governance for Innovation in Medicine and Health Research (152)
Siobhán O’Sullivan Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Chair of the COE DH-BIO Drafting Group on the Strategic Action Plan for 2020-2025, Vice-chair of the European Group on Ethics in Science & New Technologies
Session I - Innovative medicine and research (Fondation BENZI)
Chairman : Timo Minssen, Director, Centre for Advanced Studies in Biomedical Innovation Law (CeBIL), University of Copenaghen, (Denmark)
Access to Personal Data for Scientific Research in the Perspective of Developing Innovative Medicines (73)
Jean Herveg, CRID Head of LIS (Liberties & Information Society), University of Namur (Belgium), Coordinator of the EAHL “Data Protection law and policy WG”
Legal and Regulatory issues dealing with paediatric translational research in the EPTRI (European Paediatric Translational Research) framework (153)
Dr. Olga Tzortzatou, Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (Greece)
Intellectual Property Protection of Genetic Material and Information in the Pharmaceutical Sector ? - Legal Questions on Genetic Material and Genome Sequencing between Innovation, Protection and Sharing (11)
Claudia Seitz, Faculty of Law, Center for Life Sciences Law, University of Basel - Suisse
Session II - Access to health care and innovation
Chairman : Joaquin Cayon De Las Cuevas, University of Cantabria (Spain), Director of the Research Group on Health Law and Bioethics at IDIVAL, Member of the Board of Directors of EAHL
Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and access policies (81)
Verena Stühlinger, Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology GmbH (UMIT) – Vice-President of the EAHL
Machine Learning Systems applied to health data (118)
Fedele Bonifazi Vice-President Fondazione per la Ricerca Farmacologica Gianni Benzi Onlus – (Italy)
Exploring solutions to foster ATMP development and access to patients in Europe
Vincenzo Salvatore, University of Insubria, (Italy) Former Head of the Legal Service and Data Protection Officer at the European Medicines Agency
Session III - Empowerment and patients’ rights in innovative healthcare
Chairman :Tom Goffin, Ghent University (Belgium)
Orphan medicinal products and health budgets : our role as patient advocates (115)
François Houÿez, European Organisation for Rare Diseases (EURORDIS), Representative at the European Network of HTA Agencies, and the European Medicines Agency
Health vulnerability and the European framework on access to orphan medicines (82)
Eloïse Gennet, INSERM (UMR 2017 Équipe 4), Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale – INSERM (France)
17:30 : Closing conference
Ethical dilemma in introducing innovative technologies in clinical practic :: ethical framework and the place of legal instruments
Anne Cambon-Thomsen
Award ceremony for winners of PhD Seminar and of Conference posters
Room Chapelle
8:00 : Workshop 9 (in French) - Innovations dans la prise en charge numérique des personnes âgées. Aspects techniques, éthiques et juridiques
Coordinateur : Isabelle Poirot-Mazères
Gérontologie et e-santé : le droit à l'épreuve de l'innovation et de la protection des personnes âgées (83)
Renaud Bouvet, Faculté de médecine de Rennes, Université de Rennes I, CHU de Rennes, service de médecine légale et médecine pénitentiaire
Digital biomarkers are a necessary step to achieve the declared objectives of modern medicine (75)
Antoine Piau, Gérontopole CHU Toulouse Orcatech team, OHSU Portland
Consumérisation de la santé et e-santé : vers la fin des acteurs traditionnels ? Le cas de la silver Economie (108)
Yann Ferrari, Toulouse 1 Capitole Centre Maurice Hauriou
10:45 : Session 11 (French)
Vers des politiques nutritionnelles innovantes ? l'évolution du droit de l'Union européenne et du droit français en matière de prévention de l'obésité et du surpoids (139)
Marine Friant-Perrot, Université de Nantes
Diagnostic médical sans supervision d'un médecin : des concepts scientifiques aux enjeux juridiques (135)
Laurene Mazeau, Laboraoire de Recherches en Droit (LabLex), Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO) : EA7480
Jordan Ninin, Laboratoire des Sciences et Techniques de l'Information, de la Communication et de la Connaissance (Lab-STICC) ENSTA Bretagne
De la consultation virtuelle (téléconsultation) à la réalité de l'acte de dispensation : problématiques juridiques (127)
Catherine Dumartin 1, @, Françoise Amouroux 1, @, Marie Baumevieille 1, @, Marine Aulois-Griot 1, *, @ 1 : INSERM CR 1219, Université de Bordeaux INSERM U1219
L'importance d'une réflexion bioéthique internationale à l'égard des activités de recherches utilisant la méthode Crispr-Cas9 – L'exemple des bébés chinois génétiquement modifiés (43)
Bénédicte Beviere-Boyer, Université de Paris 8
L’épineuse question des prix des médicaments innovants en EuropeTaboulet : quelles perspectives ?
Florence Taboulet, Blandine Juillard-Condat 86
Enjeux éthiques et juridiques lors du rendu des résultats de séquençage génétique en pratique médicale (99)
Perrine Malzac, Marion Mathieu, François Faurisson, Espace Ethique Paca-Corse
Implication des associations de malades dans processus décisionnel : pour une « participation informée » (98)
Marion Mathieu, François Faurisson, Perrine Malzac
13:30 : Workshop 6
Rights on health data and databases : which legal innovations ?
Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Margo Bernelin, Sonia Desmoulin-Canselier
Panel : Danielle Bourcier (Centre d'études et de recherche de science administrative, Université Paris II Assas
Amandine Cayol, Institut Demolombe Université de Caen Normandie
Emilie Debaets, Institut Maurice Hauriou, Université Toulouse I Capitole
15:30 : Session 4 - Data protection
Witness Immunity in the Field of Health Care : Balance between Public and Private Interest (25)
Iryna Senyuta, Danylo Halytsky, Lviv National Medical University
Personal Health Data security and privacy protection in the e-health era (45)
Luciana Caenazzo, Pamela Tozzo, University of Padua (Italy) (DMM-Padua University)
Data sharing in the context of learning healthcare systems : A common objective for patients, physicians and researchers (49)
Yann Joly, McGill University
The Unofficial Apartheid – Scientific research for public and private bodies under the GDPR (70)
Paul Quinn Health and ageing lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (HAAL)
Human rights and postgenomic biometrics : protecting the public against potential misuses of personal epigenetic and microbiomic information (61)
Charles Dupras, Centre of Genomics and Policy [Montréal] (CGP)
Access to and Re-use of Government Data and the Use of Big Data in Healthcare (116)
Miet Caes, Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy (KU Leuven) (LIGB)
Room Colonnes
8:00 : Session 5 - Patient rights
Healthcare Decision-Making and the Older Person in Ireland (91)
John Lombard, University of Limerick
Does emergency rescue access to drug technologies save patients - assessment of Polish regulations / solutions
Anna Jacek, Faculty of Law and Administration (FLA Rzeszow)
The patient’s treatment plan in Slovenian health law (50)
Blaž Ivanc, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences (ZF UL)
Patient Engagement Technology in the light of patient's right to information (76)
Zuzanna Zapotoczna, Uniwersytet Jagielloński (UJ)
Worlds Apart or Two Sides of the Same Coin ? Attitudes, Perceptions and Motives of Potential Oocyte and Sperm Donors in Austria (58)
Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni, Bettina Böttcher, Caroline Voithofer, Gabriele Werner-Felmayer, Astrid Lampe, Wilhelm Geser, Claudia Schusterschitz, UMIT - University for Health Science, Medical Informatics and Technology (UMIT)
Personalised medicine, medical law the rights of the patient (6)
Marta Sjenicic, Institut of Social Sciences (ISS)
Patient Safety as a Human Right. Is Tort Law the Right Remedy ? (41)
Mariya Sharkova, Faculty of Public Health (FPH)
13:30 : Session 6 - Research
The liminality of research ethics committees : navigating participant protection and research promotion (3)
Edward Dove, School of Law, University of Edinburgh
Key Legal Challenges Associated with Biobanks : The Example of the International Biobank for the Collection, Cultivation and Dissemination of Inner Ear Organoids in the UK (120)
Maria Paraskeva, Dr Psoma Wellness Ltd
Review of medical devices legal regulation in Bulgaria and European Union.(46)
Kremena Ivanova, Stamatios Priftis, Antoniya Yanakieva, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University - Sofia (FPH, MUS)
Information rights during medical experiments (44)
Khrystyna Tereshko, Danylo Halytsky, Lviv National Medical University
Regulation and surcumstances in conduction of Clinical Trial Management education in Bulgaria (47)
Antoniya Yanakieva, Assena Stoimenova, Kremena Ivanova, Faculty of Public Health (Prof.) 2 : Faculty of Public Health (FPH)
The influence of the EU clinical trials legislation on the criminal law (131)
Malgorzata Galazka, Université Catholique de Lublin Jean-Paul II
15:30 : Session 7 -Access to health care and innovation
The Innovation of Self-Managed Medication Abortion : Increasing Access but Adding Legal Risks for Pregnant Women (39)
Dean Harris, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Access to innovative unauthorized medicines under specific procedures - the perspective of Poland (71)
Katarzyna Melgies, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL)
Geographical equality in access to innovative healthcare (130)
Michal Koscik, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University (LF MU)
A legal perspective on improving access, affordability and quality in healthcare : comparing the UK and the Netherlands (57)
Jos Boertjens, Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa)
Mary Guy, Lancaster University
Psychiatric Patients Requesting Euthanasia : Initiatives for Sound Clinical and Ethical Decision Making
Verhofstadt Monica Kristof Van Assche, Sigrid Sterckx, Kurt Audenaert, Kenneth Chambaere, Free University of Brussels & Ghent University (VUB-Ugent)
The role of legal regulation in the innovative health care
Raimo Lahti, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law
Room Gaspar de Maniban
8:00 : Workshop 3
Health risk management in the European Union
Nathalie De Grove-Valdeyron
L'évaluation et la gestion des risques liés aux produits phytopharmaceutiques : quelle place pour le principe de précaution ? Quelle protection de la santé publique ? (15)
Nathalie De Grove-Valdeyron, Institut de recherche en droit européen, international et comparé (IRDEIC -Chaire Jean Monnet), Université Toulouse 1 Capitole
L’évaluation et la gestion des risques liés aux organismes génétiquement modifiés dans l’Union européenne (147)
Estelle Brosset, Professeure[i] Chaire Jean Monnet, Aix Marseille Univ, France
Innovation in veterinary pharmaceuticals and antimicrobial resistance : assessment and management of public health risks in the European Union under the 'One Health' approach (90)
Stefania Negri, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) - University of Salerno (UNISA)
10:45 : Session 12 (French)
Pratiques et représentations des professionnels de santé autour de la loi Claeys-Léonetti sur la sédation en fin de vie.(72)
Bettina Couderc, Alfonsina Faya Robles, Laurie-Anne Galiby, Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Trajectoires d'innovations en santé : enjeux bioéthiques et impact en santé publique (Biotherapeutics), Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III - UPS, IUCT Oncopole
Les médicaments innovants et le défi de la sécurité sanitaire (84)
Florence Taboulet, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 - INSERM UMR 1027
Aurélie Mahalatchimy, CNRS UMR 7318 DICE CERIC, CNRS-Aix-Marseille Université CNRS : UMR7318
L’injonction de soins, dernier né des soins pénalement ordonné :: innovation thérapeutique ou commande sociale ?
P.A Delpla, MCU-PH de Médecine Légale, Docteur en Droit, Expert et Médecin Coordonnateur
Le transhumanisme, une remise en question des droits fondamentaux par les innovations biotechnologiques ? (114)
Guylène Nicolas, UMR 7268 ADES (Centre de droit de la santé) Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, EFS
Aurélie Mahalatchimy, UMR 7318 DICE CERIC, CNRS-Aix-Marseille Université - Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour - Université de Toulon et du Var
Innovation en génétique et renouvellement de la norme bioéthique (113)
Bérengère Legros, Université de Lille (CRDP)
Intelligence artificielle et santé : à la recherche d’un statut juridique pour la prothèse (144)
Kamilia Bentaïeb, Doctorante en droit privé à l’Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Centre de droit des affaires (CDA)
13:30 : Workshop 11 - Cross-border access to end-of-life services in Europe
Coordinators : Steven Lierman, Kristof Van Assche
Cross-border access to end-of-life services in Europe (109)
Steven Lierman 1, *, @, Kristof Van Assche 2, *, @, Verhofstadt Monica 3, *, @
1 : Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy KU Leuven (LIGB), University of Antwerp
2 : Research Group Personal Rights and Property Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp
3 : Free University of Brussels & Ghent University (VUB-Ugent)
Cross-Border access to “sensitive” health care service in Europe (149)
Dr hab. dr Dobrochna Bach-Golecka Faculty of Law and Administration University of Warsaw
15:30 : Session 8 - Ethics
The dangers for scientific progress and the rule of law of asphyxiating ethical considerations in a techno-centric world (157)
Pierre Deschamps, C.M, Ad.E. Membre du groupe de recherche en santé et droit Université McGill Montréal Canada
EU values and ethics in health innovation & new technologies (5)
Markus Frischhut, Management Center Innsbruck (MCI)
Religious-cultural Determinants of perception of Patient's Rights. Analysis based on the human rights standards.(74)
Ryszard Kozłowski, Institute of Social Work (APS)
Daria Bieńkowska, Pomeranian University of Słupsk (APS)
Informed refusal of treatment in ethical and legal conflict with clinical pathway payment regulations (36)
Elisaveta Petrova-Geretto, Mariela Deliverska, Zlatitsa Petrova, Faculty of Public Health
The ethics of cross-border biomedical data sharing : considering the application of Confucius’ moral philosophy (146)
Xiaojie Li, Yali Cong Center of medical ethics Pekin University China
Legal and ethical considerations in providing healthcare services to patients with rare diseases in Bulgaria (65)
Mariela Deliverska, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University Sofia
Psychiatric Patients Requesting Euthanasia : Initiatives for Sound Clinical and Ethical Decision Making (103)
Verhofstadt Monica Kristof Van Assche, Sigrid Sterckx, Kurt Audenaert, Kenneth Chambaere, Free University of Brussels & Ghent University (VUB-Ugent)
Room Enjalbert
8:00 : Session 9- Innovation and health care
Directive 2011/24 Reimbursement rules and innovation in health care : a mismatch or an opportunity ? (138)
Tomislav Sokol, European Parliament (elected Member), Zagreb School of Economics and Management (EP ; ZSEM)
Suicide Machines and Healthcare Innovation (133)
Nataly Papadopoulou, Andreas Dimopoulos, Hui Yun Chan, University of Huddersfield
EU Health Law and Policy – Shaping a Future Research Agenda (125)
Mary Guy, Lancaster University
Innovative medical treatment in England : a “right to health” a “right to try” and a “right to fail” ? (100)
Jean Mchale, University of Birmingham [Birmingham]
Innovation, Rights/Obligations and Healthcare : The Physicians Legal Obligation to Report Potential Impaired Drivers in Romanian Medical Practice (136)
Maria Aluas, Iuliu Hatieganu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca
New medical technology and evolution of legal approaches and principles (119)
Anne Kjersti Befring, Inger-Johanne Sand, University of Oslo
The role of legal regulation in the innovative health care (132)
Raimo Lahti, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law
13:30 : Session 10 - Others
Social rejection to vaccines (124)
Gustavo Merino, IDIVAL (IDIVAL)
Some Issues on Special Legal Status of Siamese Twins as Patients (32)
Oksana Harasymiv, Iryna Senyuta, Danylo Halytsky Lviv, National Medical University
Does emergency rescue access to drug technologies save patients - assessment of Polish regulations / solutions (13)
Anna Jacek, Faculty of Law and Administration (FLA Rzeszow)
Closing the gap : addressing health inequalities in Europe (101)
Brigit Toebes, Department of Transboundary Legal Studies (RUG)
One-stream or Two-Stream ? Legal and Policy Considerations for Maintaining a Separate Medical Cannabis Regulatory Framework in Canada (4)
Chelsea Cox, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University
Redefining care in patient -physician relationship (56)
Daria Bieńkowska, Pomeranian University of Słupsk (APS)
Civil liability in health care : Modern trends in Russia
Pospelova Svetlana Kamenskaya, Natalia A, Pavlova Yulai V. Sechenov first Moscow State medical University (Sechenov University) Russia
Tarifs :
Inscription :
7th EAHL Conference under the auspices of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr Thorbjorn Jagland