L'ASEAN et les droits de l'homme
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L'ASEAN et les droits de l'homme

ASEAN and human rights : prospects and progress



Thursday 2 November


8:50 am : Welcome Speeches
Prof. Stéphane Braconnier, President of the Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas
Prof. Olivier de Frouville, Head of the Paris Human Rights Center, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas

9:00 am : Introductory Speech
Dr. Aude Brejon, Associate Researcher, Paris Human Rights Center, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, member of the LSE Southeast Asia Researcher Network


1st Session - A “vision” of human rights between universalism and regionalism


The normative vision on ASEAN's actions regarding human rights

Chair : Prof. William Schabas, Middlesex University London

9:20 am : The Genesis of the Vision : The Historical and Legal Foundations of the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights by ASEAN
Dr. Heru Susetyo, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia

9:40 am : The Evolution of the Vision : The Dialectic between ASEAN and the Universal Standards of Human Rights
Prof. Emmanuel Decaux, Emeritus Professor of Public Law, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, President of the René Cassin Foundation - International Institute of Human Rights

10:00 am : The Affirmation of the Vision : ASEAN’s Normative Practice
Prof. Hélène Tigroudja, Professor of Public Law, Université Aix-Marseille, member of the UN Human Rights Committee

10:20 am : Discussion

Coffee Break


The institutional vision on ASEAN's actions regarding human rights

Chair : Prof. Valère Ndior, Professor of Public Law, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, member of the Institut universitaire de France

10:50 am : A Cooperative Vision ? The Dialogue of ASEAN Bodies on the Protection of Human Rights
H.E. Keo Remy, former Chairperson of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights, Chairperson of the Cambodian Human Rights Committee
Myriam Dahhan, Ph. D. Student, Paris Human Rights Center, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas

11:20 am : A Participatory Vision ? The Participation of Civil Society in the Promotion and the Protection of Human Rights
Priya Pillay, Head Secretariat of Asia Justice Coalition
Sarah Jamal, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Paris Human Rights Center, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas

11:50 am : A Vision to be Developed ? Institutional Links between National commissions and ASEAN
Dr. Atnike Sigiro, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (Komnas HAM), Senior Lecturer at the Graduate School of Diplomacy - Universitas Paramadina

12:20 am : Discussion


12:40 am : Lunch Break


2nd Session - An “identity” under construction in human rights matters


The construction of ASEAN's external identity

Chair : H. E. Elisabeth Laurin, former diplomat and Director of the Southeast Asia of the Asia-Pacific Division of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2:30 pm : ASEAN’s Interactions regarding Human Rights with a Regional Organization : The Example of the European Union
Katerina Lopo, political officer, Delegation of the European Union to ASEAN

2:50 pm : ASEAN's Interactions on Human Rights with an International Organization : The Example of the United Nations
Angkhana Neelapaijit, Member of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, founding member of the Justice for Peace Foundation

3:10 pm : Discussion

Coffee Break


The construction of ASEAN's internal identity

Chair : Dr. Aude Brejon, Associate Researcher, Paris Human Rights Center, Université Paris Panthéon-Assas, member of the LSE Southeast Asia Researcher Network

3:40 pm : ASEAN's Inner Community-Based Organization and Human Rights : Opportunities and Pitfalls
Yuyun Wahyuningrum, Chairwoman of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights

4:00 pm : Respect, Promotion and Enforcement of Human Rights through the Lens of Economic Cooperation
Lyna Maaziz, Associate Researcher, Centre Thucydide, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, University of Galatasaray

4:20 pm : Discussion

4:40 pm : End of the firth day


Friday 3 November


3rd Session - Towards a human rights “community” ?


Preserving community : ASEAN's response to challenges to shared values

Chair : Prof. Marina Eudes, CEDIN, Université Paris Nanterre, member of the French National Consultative Commisions on Human Rights

9:00 am : The Reaction to the Violation of the International Public Order : The Burmese Case
Laurent Trigeaud, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of Centre Thucydide, University Paris-Panthéon-Assas
H.E. Christian Lechervy, Former French Ambassador in Myanmar, Guest Professor at the Catholic University of Lyon

9:30 am : The Reaction to the Violation of Minority Rights : The Indonesian Case
Fernand de Varennes, UN Special Rapporteur on Minorities
Cécile Goubault--Larrecq, Ph. D. student, Paris Human Rights Center, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, Teaching Assistant at the Université de Montpellier

10:00 am : The Reaction to the Restoration of the Rule of Law : The Cambodian and Timorese Cases
Prof. Jean-Pierre Massias, Université de Pau, Pays de l’Adour, President of French Institute for Transitional Justice
Prof. Hisham Mousar, Royal University of Law and Economics, Phnom Penh, Legal and Political Advisor at the Cambodian Ministry of Justice

10:30 am : Discusion

Coffee Break


Community building : ASEAN's promotion of human rights

Chair : Prof. Olivier de Frouville, Paris Human Rights Center, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas

11:00 am : Promoting the Protection of Vulnerable People : The Category-Based Approach
Sophie Grosbon, Associate Professor, CEDIN, Université Paris-Nanterre, associate Researcher at the CNRS, UMR DICE-CERIC (AMU)
Cecilia La Madrid Dy, Head of the ASEAN Confederation of Women's Organisations

11:30 am : Promoting Business and Human Rights : The Comprehensive Approach
Anaïs Schill, Legal Officer, French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights
Dr. Pichamon Yeophantong, Associate Professor, Deakin University, Australian War College

12:00 am : Promoting the Right to a Healthy Environment : The Integrative Approach
Nadia Seqat, Ph. D. student, Paris Human Rights Center, University Panthéon Assas
Roger Joseph Guzman, Deputy Director of Asian Research Institute for Environmental Law (ARIEL)

12:30 am : Discussion

12:40 am : Conclusive Speech - “High Level Panel to draft the Terms of Reference for ASEAN Human Rights Body”
Prof. Vitit Munthabhorn, Emeritus Professor, University of Chulalongkorn, Bangkok, UN Special Rapporteur, former member of the ASEAN Committee



On the application Zoom and the Youtube Channel of the Paris Human Rights Center

Mandatory Registration : https://tinyurl.com/AseanCRDH

18e colloque international organisé par le Centre de recherche sur les droits de l'homme et le droit humanitaire (CRDH Paris Human Rights Center), Paris Panthéon-Assas sous la direction de Juliette Bagary Latchimy, Marine Bollack, Lèna Degobert, Keyvan Piram et Catherine Spurgeon

Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas
Salle des Conseils - Esc. M - 2e étage
12 Place du Panthéon
75005 Paris