Climate Change Cases before National and International Courts


Climate Change Cases before National and International Courts



9.00 : Registration

9.15 : Welcome
Christina Voigt, Mads Andenas, Freya Baetens, Emanuel Castellarin, Johann Ruben Leiss


9.30 : The legal basis for climate challenges : human rights and administrative law in un, european and domestic law

Chair : Freya Baetens

Legal Bases of Climate Change Claims : Successes, Failures and Expectations
Christina Voigt

The Possible Fruitful Combination of International, European, and National law : the Grande-Synthe Case
Fabien Raynaud

The role of the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment in climate change litigation
Annalisa Savaresi

Individuals as Third Parties to Constitutional Rights : The 2020 Norwegian Supreme Court Climate Case
Johan Wibye

11.00 : Coffee break


11.15 : Procedural principles and hurdles

Chair : Duncan Fairgrieve

Procedural Hurdles in Climate Change Cases Before the ECtHR
Ludovica Chiussi

Proof as Hurdles to the Access to the ECtHR on Environmental Issues
Elisabeth Lambert

The Admissibility of the Case of Duarte Agostinho v Portugal and 32 other States
Gerry Liston


12.15 : The temporal dimension : imminence and intertemporality

Chair : Marie-Anne Frison-Roche

Intergenerational Equity and the Temporal Dimension of Fundamental Rights
Andreas L. Paulus

The Representation of Future Generations and the ‘Minimum Principle’
Laura Burgers



12.45 : Lunch break


14.00 : The international dimension : cross-border effects and the obligation of international cooperation

Chair : Yann Kerbrat

Climate Change Litigation 2.0 : Future Direction from Past Cases
Maša Kovič Dine

The Global Circulation of Climate Change Litigation Models
Ivano Alogna

‘Open statehood’ and Climate Change : Lessons from the Climate Judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court
Johann Ruben Leiss

The ICJ Costa Rica/Nicaragua Cases : Environmental Law Obligations and the Duty of Compensation
Mamadou Hébié

15.15 : Coffee break


15.30 : The international dimension : climate change before international judicial bodies

Chair : Thomas Perroud

Climate Change before the Committee on the Rights of the Child
Hélène Tigroudja

Climate Change before the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Ludovic Hennebel

The Role of Litigation in Closing the Climate Accountability Gap : From Domestic Courts to the International Court of Justice
Margaretha Wewerinke


16.45 : The precautionary principle and environmental impact assessments in human rights and administrative law

Chair : Giacinto della Cananea

The Precautionary Principle in Climate Litigation
Joana Setzer

Evidentiary Standards
Marius Nordby

17.30 : Concluding discussion

18.00 : End



The seminar will be held in English and French / Le séminaire se déroulera en français et en anglais

Inscription obligatoire avant le 25 novembre 2021 (closes)

Organised by the University of Oslo – Faculty of Law and PluriCourts, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – IREDIES, University of Strasbourg - CEIE, Høgskolen i Innlandet (Lillehammer), IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, and Centre Universitair

Salle 1
Centre Panthéon
12 Place du Panthéon
75005 Paris

Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne
Université de Strasbourg
Institut de Recherche en Droit International et Européen de la Sorbonne
Centre d'Études Internationales et Européennes