Droit administratif transnational et migrations
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Atelier / Workshops

Droit administratif transnational et migrations



Monday - 23th October 2023


14h00 : Introduction

TAL : presentation of the project and the current state of achievements
Pr. Jean-Bernard Auby, Sce Po Paris
Emilie Chevalier, Univ. de Limoges
Yseult Marique, Univ. d’Essex
Mariolina Elantonio, Univ. Maastricht

Historical and political overlook on interstate and international mechanisms


Session 1 - Instruments and scopes of transnational cooperation


Bilateral agreements in international spaces :

14h30 : Mutual agreement on border control : the example of border control cooperation between UK and France
François-Vivien Guiot, Univ. de Pau et des pays de l’Adour

Readmission agreements and arrangements with third states
Pr. Alicia Chicharro, Univ. Navarre UPNA

Migration control in practice : before and within the borders of the state, focus on the transnational aspects
Federica Infantino, EUI - Migration Policy Center

Discussing by Pr. Olivier Dubos, Univ. de Bordeaux

16h00 : Coffee Break


Transnational cooperation in integrative spaces :

16h30 : North American cooperations dealing with international protection and illegal immigration
Pr. Mathilde Laporte, Univ. de Pau et des pays de l’Adour

Collective but asymmetrical responsibilities between Schengen States
Clémentine Mazille, Univ. de Pau et des pays de l’Adour

Integration of migrants in the EU territorial/spatial context: the case of inner (isolated) areas
Pr. Hilde Caroli Casavola, Univ. of Molise

Difficulties and prospects for inter-state cooperation : an overview of CEDESA provisions from a TAL perspective
Pr. Vincent Tchen, Univ. de Rouen

Discussing by Pr. Jean-Bernard AUBY, Sciences Po Paris

18h30 : End the first session

20h00 : Diner at the Café de la Grande plage - Biarritz


Tuesday - 24 th October 2023


Session 2 - Transnational situations and cooperation


Transnational situations and tools

9h00 : Databases and information systems (SIS, EURODAC...) : from implementation to judicial application
Pr. Deirde Curtin, European University Institute

Judicial review of transnational acts and situations
Emilie Chevalier, Univ. de Limoges

Judicial cooperation about transnational acts : General observations on the effectiveness and implementation of the mutual recognition principle
Pr. Thibaut Fleury Graff, Univ. Paris Panthéon Assas, Ass. CNDA

Discussing by Mariolina Elantonio, Univ. Maastricht

10h30 : Coffee break


Transnational actors and cooperation

11h00 : The European Corps of Border and Coast Guards and Frontex as transnational cooperation driver
Sarah Tas, European University Institute

The European Migration Network and the transnational cooperation between EU Member States and EMN Observer Countries
Ruth Beeckmans, Member of the EMN Belgium

The cooperation between the national point contacts in customs administrations, on migration matters
Maylis Prodhon, French customs

Role and achievements of a bi-national organism in migration matters : the example of the police and customs cooperation centre on the FR/ESP border
Marie-Françoise Sinquin, CCPD d’Hendaye

The transnational cooperation through the national point contacts in the embassies : the example in Spain
Sébastien Mugica, Director of CCPD, ex french custom representant in Madrid

Discussing by Pr. Philippe de Bruycker, Univ. Bruxelles, Odysseus Network


12h30 : Lunch at Brasserie Basa - Bayonne


14h00 : Cultural activity

16h00 : Steering Committee

18h00 : Presentation of the new edition of the Eu administrative law Treaty



Lien TEAMS à venir, sur demande à partir du 1er octobre : maitena.poelmans@univ-pau.fr

Pour toute question ou difficulté, n’hésitez pas à contacter :
- Clémentine Mazille : clementine.mazille@univ-pau.fr
- François-Vivien Guiot : francois-vivien.guiot@univ-pau.fr

Workshop organisé par le CDRE, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, dans le cadre de la Semaine européenne des migrations du réseau EDAP (Europe Droit & Action Publique) sous la direction scientifique de Géraldine Bachoue-Pedrouzo, François-Vivien Guiot et Clémentine Mazille.

Campus de la Nive
8, Allée des Platanes
64100 Bayonne

Café de la Grande Plage
VII Casino Barrière De Biar
1 Avenue Edouard VII
64200 Biarritz

Brasserie Basa
74 Rue d'Espagne
64100 Bayonne