La recherche juridique empirique est définie comme la collecte systématique et l’analyse de données portant sur des phénomènes juridiques. Ces données sont un ensemble d’informations juridiques ou portant sur le droit et, plus largement, sur son fonctionnement dans la société. Celles-ci font l’objet d’une collecte systématique, voire exhaustive, avant d’être analysées pour répondre à une question de recherche et produire des connaissances sur le droit et sur son fonctionnement réel.
Alors que le recherche juridique Nord-Américaine a connu un tournant empirique au milieu des années 2000 et que s’y est structuré un véritable champ de recherche, le développement de ces approches en Europe est beaucoup plus dispersé et inégal selon les pays et les disciplines juridiques. Plusieurs indices révèlent cependant les balbutiements de la structuration de ce champ à l’échelle européenne.
L’objectif de ce colloque est de produire un état des connaissances sur le développement de la recherche juridique empirique à l’échelle européenne. Il s’agit d’abord de retracer les premiers éléments du développement de ces méthodes, de souligner ses principales tendances et d’en élucider les possibles fondements théoriques. Le colloque permettra ensuite de cartographier le recours aux méthodes empiriques dans les différentes disciplines juridiques à travers l’Europe avant d’approfondir cette analyse dans le domaine du droit de l’environnement.
Friday, June 9
2:00 PM : Welcoming remarks
Hugues Kenfack, President of Toulouse Capitole University
Matthieu Poumarède, Dean of the Law School, Toulouse Capitole University
Didier Krajeski, Director of the Institut des études juridiques de l'urbanisme, de la construction et de l'environnement (IEJUC)
Opening session
2:30 PM : Introduction : Towards an empirical turn in European legal scholarship ?
Julien Bétaille, Associate Professor of Public Law at Toulouse Capitole University, Member of the Institut universitaire de France
Keynote : The growth of Empirical Legal Research in Europe
Catrien Bijleveld, Professor of Research Methods at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Acting President of the European Society for Empirical Legal Studies
First Session - Trends across european empirical legal research
Chairperson : Zoé Jacquemin, Professor of Private Law at Toulouse Capitole University
3:30 PM : A recent history of the Empirical Legal Research development across Europe
Arthur Dyevre, Professor of Empirical Jurisprudence at KU Leuven University
Pioneering : the development strategy of Empirical Legal Research in the Netherlands
Peter Mascini, Professor of Empirical Legal Research at Erasmus University of Rotterdam
4:30 PM : Break
Getting into Empirical Legal Research : systematic case law analysis
Lianne Wijntjens, Assistant Professor of Private Law at Tilburg University
Comparing law through empirical methods
Mathias Siems, Professor of Private Law at the European University institute, Florence
Discussant : Wanda Mastor, Professor of Public Law at Toulouse Capitole University
6:15 PM : Keynote - Theoretical foundations of Empirical Legal Research
Jakob v. H. Holtermann, Associate Professor of Legal Philosophy at the University of Copenhagen
7:00 PM : End
Saturday, June 10
Second Session - Empirical legal research across legal disciplines in Europe
Chairperson : Julien Laurent, Professor of Private Law at Toulouse Capitole University
9 AM : Empirical constitutional law scholarship across Europe
Konstantin Chatziathanasiou, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Münster
Empirical administrative law scholarship across Europe
Gabriel Doménech-Pascual, Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Valencia, President of the Spanish Association of Law and Economics
Empirical private law scholarship across Europe
Gijs van Dijck, Professor of Private Law at Maastricht University
10:30 AM : Coffee break
Empirical property law scholarship across Europe
Lisa Whitehouse, Professor of Property Law at Southampton University
Empirical European law scholarship across Europe
Jan Zglinski, Assistant Professor of EU Law at the LSE School of Law, London
Empirical international criminal law scholarship across Europe
Barbora Hola, Associate Professor of International Criminal Law at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Discussant : Jean-Gabriel Sorbara, Professor of Public Law at Toulouse Capitole University
12:45 AM : Lunch break
Third Session - Empirical legal research across european environmental scholarship
Chairperson : Julien Bétaille, Associate Professor of Public Law at Toulouse Capitole University, Member of the Institut universitaire de France
2 PM : An American perspective on empirical environmental scholarship
Robert L. Glicksman, J. B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Environmental Law at the George Washington University Law School, Washington
Empirical environmental law scholarship across Europe
Michael G. Faure, Professor of Environmental Law at Maastricht University and Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Lessons learned from an implementation study about the water directive
Moritz Reese, Dr. iur., Deputy Head of the Department for Environmental & Planning Law, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig
Effective nature laws, an empirical legal research ERC project
Edwin Alblas, Assistant Professor of Environmental Law at the Law Group of Wageningen University & Research
Towards a legal conservation science ?
Guillaume Chapron, Associate Professor of Ecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
& Julien Bétaille, Associate Professor of Public Law at Toulouse Capitole University, Member of the Institut universitaire de France Discussant Gavin Marfaing, Phd candidate at Toulouse Capitole University
Concluding remarks
5 PM : A French perspective on European Empirical Legal Research
Régis Ponsard, Professor of Public Law at the University of Reims, Researcher at the Paris School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
An American perspective on European Empirical Legal Research
Daniel Chen, Senior Researcher at the Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse Capitole University
5.30 PM : Closure
Registration :
Registration fees : 100 euros (free for students, Phd candidates & Touliuse Capitole University staff)
Colloque international organisé dans le cadre du Projet de recherche "Approche empirique du droit de l'environnement", sous la direction scientifique de Julien Bétaille et Matthieu Gaye-Palettes.