Audrey Lebret, Diya Uberoi, Timo Minssen, Gratien Dalpe, Emma Kondrup, « The Key Features of a Genetic Nondiscrimination Policy- A Delphi Consensus Statement », JAMA Network Open, , 2024
"AbstractImportance Governments worldwide have become increasingly cognizant of the spread of genetic discrimination (negative treatment or harm on the basis of actual or presumed genetic characteristics). Despite efforts by a number of governments to establish regulations addressing this phenomenon, public concern about genetic discrimination persists.Objective To identify key elements of an optimal genetic nondiscrimination policy and inform policymakers as they seek to allay genetic nondiscrimination and related public anxieties.Evidence ReviewSixty multidisciplinary experts from 20 jurisdictions worldwide were consulted to understand their views on effective genetic nondiscrimination policies. Following standard requirements of the Delphi method, 3 rounds of surveys over the course of 1.5 years were conducted. Round 1 focused on assessing participants’ understanding of the intricacies of existing genetic nondiscrimination policies, while rounds 2 and 3 invited participants to reflect on specific means of implementing a more effective regime. A total of 60 respondents participated in the first round, 53 participated in round 2, and 43 participated in round 3.Findings While responses varied across disciplines, there was consensus that binding regulations that reach across various sectors are most useful in preventing genetic discrimination. Overall, experts agreed that human rights–based approaches are well suited to preventing genetic discrimination. Experts also agreed that explicit prohibition of genetic discrimination within nondiscrimination policies can highlight the importance of genetic nondiscrimination as a fundamental right and ensure robust protection at a national level. While most participants believed the international harmonization of genetic nondiscrimination laws would facilitate data sharing worldwide, they also recognized that regulations must reflect the sociocultural differences that exist among regions.Conclusions and Relevance As the reach of genetic discrimination continues to evolve alongside developments in genomics, strategic policy responses that are harmonious at the international and state levels will be critical to address this phenomenon. In seeking to establish comprehensive frameworks, policymakers will need to be mindful of regional and local circumstances that influence the need for and efficacy of unique genetic nondiscrimination approaches across diverse contexts.
Audrey Lebret, « Allocating Organs through Algorithms and Equitable Access to Transplantation », Journal of Law and the Biosciences, , 2023
The objective of the article is to shed light on the potential threats to equitable access to organs allocated through algorithms, whether these are the consequence of political choices made upstream of digitization or of the algorithmic design, or are produced by self-learning algorithms.
Audrey Lebret, « Entre attachement aux principes du don du vivant et pragmatisme du législateur », Journal international de bioéthique et d'éthique des sciences, , 2023
The new French bioethical legislation does not introduce any major changes in the area of organ transplantation. It does, however, facilitate the implementation of cross-over donation programs by increasing the number of living donor/recipient pairs eligible to participate in the program. By setting the number of pairs at six, the law is likely to allow this promising transplant program to take off. In order to mitigate the risk of a donor withdrawing and to facilitate the matching, the legislator has chosen to integrate a deceased donor organ to initiate the cross-donation program. This pragmatic choice reflects the hybrid regime of cross-over donation, since the legislator, while reaffirming the attachment to the principles of living donation, borrows from the logic of post-mortem donation.
Audrey Lebret, « Sharing Kidneys Through Algorithms: Ethical and Legal Aspects of Developing Cross-Donation Programs in Europe », Medicine and Law, , 2022
Audrey Lebret, « L’incorporation d’un accès minimum à l’eau potable dans le contenu du droit à la vie privée ? - Note sous CEDH (2e section), 10 mars 2020, nos. 24816/14 and 25140/14, Hudorovič et autres c. Slovénie- ; Application du droit à la vie privée et familiale dans le contexte des nouvelles technologies : Confirmation de l’applicabilité de la vie familiale en dehors de tout lien biologique - Note sous CEDH (5e section), 12 novembre 2020, n° 19511/16, Honner c France- et L’identification d’obligations positives f », Journal du Droit International, , 2021
Audrey Lebret, Timo Minssen, « Digital Health, Artificial Intelligence and Accessibility to Health Care in Denmark », European Human Rights Law Review, , 2021
Although artificial intelligence contributes to the improvement of health care systems, it also raises issues of accessibility without discrimination to health services, which is an essential element of the human right to health. Several international and European treaties, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, protect the right to health. As a contracting state of this Covenant, Denmark is bound by its content. Danish’s highly digitalized public sector, including health care, must therefore be assessed regarding the right to health, especially accessibility to everyone. We argue that digitalization is generally compatible with information accessibility in the Danish context. However, the country will need to be attentive to the situation of its vulnerable populations in order to avoid the propagation of bias and discrimination by artificial intelligence-driven health care. A transparent and safeguarded use of real-world data and data disaggregation may contribute to mitigate those risks.
Audrey Lebret, Yann Joly, Katherine Huerne, Mykhailo Arych, Yvonne Bombard, « The Genetic Discrimination Observatory: Confronting Novel Issues in Genetic Discrimination », Trends in Genetics, , 2021
Genetic discrimination can be defined as the differential, negative, treatment or unfair profiling of an individual based on presumed or actual genetic characteristics or on omics data. In the face of rapidly developing omics and data-driven technologies, coordinated actions need to be undertaken by stakeholders to document and address adverse consequences of technical advances and the genetic revolution. This article aims to inform the community about an international organization developed to address genetic discrimination, the Genetic Discrimination Observatory (GDO), and developments that have occurred since its international launch in late 2020. These developments indicate that genetic discrimination can take many forms and happen in multiple contexts in today’s rapidly evolving scientific and social environment. The need for an international organisation such as the GDO to inform the community and respond to these developments becomes crucial in this context.
Audrey Lebret, Janne Rothmar Herrmann, « Reproductive technologies and the evolution of European socio-legal conceptions of family », , 2021
Audrey Lebret, « Gestation pour autrui. – Reconnaissance du lien de filiation. – Avis consultatif. – Article 8 (interprétation). CEDH. – gr. ch. – 10 avr. 2019. – n° P16-2018-001. – », Journal du Droit International, , 2020
Audrey Lebret, « COVID-19 pandemic and derogation to human rights », Journal of Law and the Biosciences, , 2020
Audrey Lebret, Janne Rothmar Herrmann, « Reframing Reproductive Rights on a Transnational Scene », European Human Rights Law Review, , 2020
Despite its strong affirmation on the international scene, reproductive liberty has not been very successful in realising reproductive rights under European human rights law. The aim of this article is to examine two possible argumentative avenues for reframing reproductive rights, the market and the health frameworks. The authors argue that those approaches to reproductive issues enrich reproductive rights and should be better considered by the European Court of Human Rights in order to frame a European concept of reproductive rights.
Audrey Lebret, « The European Court of Human Rights and the framing of Reproductive Rights », Droits Fondamentaux, , 2020
This article researches the basis of the concept of reproductive rights in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). After a systematic and transversal presentation the ECtHR’s jurisprudence on reproductive issues, the article argues that the ECtHR does not capture the specificity of reproductive rights, especially the gender perspective and the importance of reproductive health. Faced with arguments of prioritization of certain rights, the ECtHR repeatedly applies the European Convention on Human Rights to domestic rights as if they were neutral and often avoids addressing claims related to discrimination. Besides, while reproductive health is at the core of reproductive rights, the ECtHR’s case law shows self-restraint unless there is a very serious threat on the women’s health. This contrasts with international standards on the right to health. Without considering those essentialist and realistic characteristics of reproductive issues, the ECtHR fails to develop a European concept of reproductive rights. The last parts of the article present the political constraints that plague on the ECtHR, which may explain the minimalist jurisprudence in this area. However, those constraints do not justify all the inconsistencies in the ECtHR’s use of the European consensus and the margin of appreciation doctrine in the field of reproductive rights.
Audrey Lebret, Louise C. Druedahl, Timo Minssen, « ELSI Implications of Prioritizing Biological Therapies in the Times of COVID-19 », Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, , 2020
There is no doubt that COVID-19 will have a substantial impact on access to biologics and biosimilar uptake, as well as on the related ethical, legal, and social dimensions of prioritization decisions. This holds especially true for Denmark and European markets, where governments are expected to cover most of the pharmaceutical needs of their citizens and where the crisis has been leading to an important reduction of available resources. In this paper we make four key comments relating to (1) broader ethico-legal dimensions of prioritizations in Europe, (2) human rights law and (3) regulatory aspects of access, diversification, vulnerability and systemic trust, and (4) additional challenges posed by COVID-19.
Audrey Lebret, « The extension of living organ donations: from a convergence of interests to ethical concerns », World Association for Medical Law Journal, , 2019
Audrey Lebret, « Négligence médicale et responsabilité de l’Etat en matière de droit à la vie. – Obligations positives de l’Etat- volet procédural- Article 2 (violation). Note sous CEDH. – Grande Chambre. – 19 décembre 2017. - n°56080/13. - Lopes de Sousa Fernandes c/ Portugal », Journal du Droit International, , 2018
Audrey Lebret, « L'épilogue attendu de l'affaire Charlie Gard: la confirmation de l'absence de droit à traitement expérimental au titre de l'article 2 de la Convention », Journal d'actualité des droits européens, , 2017
Audrey Lebret, « Note sous CEDH. G.C.- 23 mars 2016- n°47152/06- Blokhin c/ Russie », Journal du Droit International, , 2017
Audrey Lebret, « The inexistence of a fundamental right to dispose of our body parts: for a perfectionist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution », Droits Fondamentaux, , 2017
Audrey Lebret, « Le maintien d’un proche dans l’ignorance des prélèvements effectués sur le corps du défunt est un traitement dégradant », Journal d'actualité des droits européens, , 2015
Audrey Lebret, « Note sous CEDH. - 2e sect. - 8 avr. 2014. - n° 17120/09. - Dhahbi c/ Italie. - JurisData n° 2014-011096 », Journal du Droit International, , 2015
Audrey Lebret, « L’imprécision des droits des proches du défunt dans la loi relative aux prélèvements d’organes viole leur droit au respect de la vie privée et familiale », Journal d'actualité des droits européens, , 2014
Audrey Lebret, « Les modalités d’accès à des traitements expérimentaux à titre compassionnel : zone de self restraint de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme ? », Journal d'actualité des droits européens, , 2014
Audrey Lebret, « Le règlement du 16 avril 2014 concernant l'utilisation des ressources génétiques et le partage des avantages liés à celle-ci : premier outil européen de lutte contre la biopiraterie », Journal d'actualité des droits européens, , 2014
Audrey Lebret, « Le oui français au mariage homosexuel et le principe d’égalité : de la souveraineté du législateur quant à l’opportunité de la réforme au contrôle renforcé du juge quant à ses effets (obs/s. Cons. const. (fr.), 17 mai 2013, no 2013-669 DC, 17 mai 2013) », Revue Trimestrielle des Droits de l'Homme, , 2014
Audrey Lebret, Humberto Cantu, « El derecho humano al agua », El Lado Humano, , 2011