On September 25th at 14h00 (CET) and 8 ED, a webinar will be held by the team research of University of Paris Est-Créteil, in order to keep-on and strengthen the on-going project on “Principles of Public Contracts in Europe”. The webinar will be held on the Big blue bottom platform from 14h to 15h in French and in English from 15h to the end (most part of the webinar) :
As indicated, this online event will focus on national studies which had not been presented last December in Paris – with original and accurate presentations dealing with the recognition and functions of principles in Croatia (Dr. Marko Turudic), Denmark (Rasmus Horskjær Nielsen), Italy (Matteo Pignatti) and Luxembourg (Dr. Hicham Rassafi). The discussion on national studies will be moderated by Pr. Patricia Valcárcel Fernández.
Special attention will be paid for cross studies presentations (1st and 3rd part) in the coming collective book, with key topics such as the implementation of non-discrimination principle (Dr. Martin Morales), methodological issues for qualifying the contracts (Dr. Mathias Amilhat), principle of best value (Pr. Pierre Bourdon) and the on-going consolidation of principles for sustainable procurement (Pr. Lydia Lebon) and CSR requirements (Carole Cavero). The Covid-19 crisis sheds new light on these issues – especially in the way to modify the interpretation of core principles.
The on-line debate will be moderated by Jean-Bernard Auby and Gabriella Racca and concluding remarks by Laurence Folliot Lalliot.
14h00 : Presentation of the project « Principles of public contracts in Europe » - state of progress and new issues with the Covid-19 crisis
Stéphane de La Rosa and Patricia Valcárcel
14h15 : Theoretical framework of principles : relevancy and usefulness in the context of Covid-19 crisis / Pertinence et intérêt de l’étude des principes dans le contexte de la crise du Covid-19
Moderator : J-B. Auby
La qualification de contrats publics à l'épreuve des qualifications nationales
Mathias Amilhat, Senior Lecturer – Université de Toulouse
La diversité de mise en œuvre des principes d'égalité et de non discrimination
Martin Morales, Senior Lecturer – Université Paris Est Créteil
Relevancy and meaning of the principle of best value
Pierre Bourdon, Full Profesor of Public Law – Université de Cergy Pontoise
On line discussion – chat
15h15 : Cluster of national studies (following of the presentations of the reports submitted last December 2019)
Moderator : Patricia Valcárcel, Univ Vigo
Principles in Luxembourg
Hicham Rassafi Guibal, Phd in Public Law, Lawyer at Thewes & Reuter, Researcher at Saarlande University, founding member of ‘Revue luxembourgeoise de droit public’
Principles in Denmark
Rasmus Horskjaer Nieslen, Phd student at University of Copenhaguen, in collaboration with Carina Risvig Hamer
Principles in Croatia
Marko Turudic, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Administrative Law, University of Zagreb
Principles in Italy
Matteo Pignatti, doctoral student – University of Torino
On line discussion – chat
16h15 : Towards the recognition of principles for greening and more sustainable public procurements ?
Moderator : Gabriella Racca, Full professor of Administrative Law, University of Torino
Are principles of circular economy relevant for public contracts ?
Lydia Lebon, Senior Lecturer – University of Bordeaux
The relevancy of CSR's principles for the award and execution of public contracts ?
Carole Cravero, PhD doctoral student – University of Turin and Nanterre
On line discussion – chat
17h15 : Concluding remarks
Laurence Folliot-Lalliot
17h30 : Presentation of the final steps of the project
Stéphane de La Rosa
18h00 : End
Webinaire organisé par le laboratoire Marchés, Institutions, Libertés (MIL) de la Faculté de Droit UPEC.