TTIP and Beyond....


TTIP and Beyond....

Negotiating and implementing the EU's Free Trade Agreements in an uncertain environment



Thursday June 15™


14h30 : Introductive report
Isabelle Bosse-Platière and Cécile Rapoport, Professors, University of Rennes 1


I - The Uncertain Negotiating and Concluding Process of TTIP and Other FTAs


Exclusive, Shared or Mixed Competences ?

Chair : Lucia Serena Rossi, Professor, University of Bologna

14h50 : La compétence de l'UE pour conclure les accords commerciaux après l'avis 2/15
Christine Kaddous, Professor, University of Geneva

15h10 : The negotiation of EU's FTAs after opinion 2/ 15 of the ECJ
Fernando Castillo de la Torre, European Commission

15h30 : The choice for mixity : an unrestricted political choice ?
Dr. Merijn Chamon, University of Ghent

15h50 : Debate



A risk for EU's integrity ?

Chair : Andrea Biondi, Professor, King's College London

16h30 : Autonomy claim and external action objectives
Eleftheria Neframi, Professor
Mauro Gatti, Research fellow, University of Luxembourg

16h50 : The loyalty principle in the conclusion, interpretation and implementation of new generation's EUFI'As
Frederico Casolari, Associate Professor, University of Bologna

17h10 : Empowering the UK to negotiate a deep trade agreement
Nanette Neuwahl, Professor, Université de Montréal

17h30 : Debate

18h00 : End


Friday June 16™


Democracy and Transparency as a Challenge ?

Chair : Marc Maresceau, Professor, University of Ghent

9h00 : The role of national parliaments in the negociation and ratification process of EU's FTAs
Carlo Tovo, Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Bologna

9h20 : Le positionnement du Parlement européen sur le projet de TTIP
Josiane Auvret-Finck, Professor, University of Nice

9h40 : Stakeholder consultation in impact assessments : Towards a transatlantic synthesis ?
Jean-Baptiste Velut, Senior Lecturer, University of Sorbonne Nouvelle

10h00 : The role of european citizens' initiative in the negotiation and implementation of FI'As
Louis-Marie Chauvel, Ph.D. Researcher, University of Rennes 1

10h20 : Debate



II. The Uncertain Functioning of TTIP and Other FTAs


The Post-Signature Period : New Legal Imbroglios Coming Up

Chair : Christine Kaddous, Professor, University of Geneva

11h00 : The provisional application of CETA : International and EU law issues
Luca Pantaleo, Lecturer in EU Law, The Hague University of Applied Science

11h20 : Provisional application in stormy times
Jan Wouters, Professor, KU Leuven

11h40 : The consequences of non-ratification of mixed trade agreements
Dr. Guillaume van der Loo, Centre for European Studies

12h00 : Debate


Lunch Break


Institutional Aspects of EU's FTAs : Asset or Limit ?

Chair : Nanette Neuwahl, Professor, Université de Montréal

The TTIP joint committee's powers and their implications for EU institutional law
Emanuel Castellarin, Professor, University of Strasbourg

14h20 : Joint organs in EU FTAs as a threat to democracy and possible solutions
Wolfgang Weiss, Professor, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer




Towards an effective implementation : balancing opposite interests ?

Chair : Alan Hervé, Professor, University of Western Brittany

15h30 : L'externalisation du contrôle juridictionnel des accords commerciaux de l'UE : une victoire a la pyrrhus pour l'effectivité du droit international ?
Jean-Félix Delile, Senior Lecturer, University of Lorraine

15h50 : Settlement of disputes in new EU FI'As : « democratizing » international adjudication ?
Arnaud de Nanteuil, Professor, University of Paris Est Créteil

16h10 : An international court system for a transformative Europe ?
Giorgia Sangiuolo, Ph.D. Researcher, Lawyer, King's College London

16h30 : Debate

17h00 : End

Organisé dans le cadre du projet Jean Monnet Networks intitulé "LAwTTIP - Legal Ambiguities withstanding TTIP", sous la responsabilité scientifique d'Isabelle Bosse-Platière et de Cécile Rapoport, Professeurs à l'Université de Rennes 1, membres de l'IODE

Amphithéâtre IV
Faculté de droit et de science politique
Université de Rennes
19,rue Jean Macé
35000 Rennes