
Parution : 11/2020
Editeur : Edward Elgar
ISBN : 978-1-7899-0650-9
Site de l'éditeur
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Handbook of Parliamentary Studies

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Legislatures

Sous la direction de Cyril Benoît, Olivier Rozenberg

Présentation de l'éditeur

This comprehensive Handbook takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of parliaments, offering novel insights into the key aspects of legislatures, legislative institutions and legislative politics. Connecting rich and diverse fields of inquiry, it illuminates how the study of parliaments has shaped a wider understanding surrounding politics and society over the past decades.

Through 26 thematic chapters, expert contributors analyse parliamentary institutions from various disciplinary perspectives (history, law, political science, political economy, sociology and anthropology). A wide range of approaches is covered, including the sociological study of members of parliaments, gender studies and the mathematical conceptualisation of legislatures. Exploring the history of parliament, the concepts and theories of parliamentarism, constitutional law, and the linkages between parliaments and the administrative state or with populism, this incisive Handbook provides a panoramic view of this institution. Chapters also map the main trends, patterns of developments and controversies related to parliaments, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of current research and identifying a range of promising avenues for further study.

Drawing together international and comparative approaches, the Handbook of Parliamentary Studies will be a critical resource for academics and students of parliamentary politics, political science, political economy, public law and political history. It also provides a vital foundation for researchers of legislative and political institutions.

Contributors: C. Achin, I. Bar-Siman-Tov, C. Benoît, J. Brichzin, A. Cirone, H. Crès, E. Crewe, M. Deville, P. Dumont, C. Fasone, B.N. Field, C. Garcia Perez de Leon, D. Gardey, A. Goujon, M. Hébert, D. Krichewsky, A. Le Divellec, C. Lord, N. Lupo, M. Milet , D. Mineur, V. Palanza, K. Palonen, L. Ringel, O. Rozenberg, D. Saint-Martin, J. Schank, P.Seaward, G. Sin, E. Thiers, G. Tusseau, T. Yoshida, S. Wuhs



Chapter 1: Introduction to the Handbook of Parliamentary Studies
Cyril Benoît, Olivier Rozenberg

Chapter 2: On the concepts of parliament, parliamentarianism and parliamentary democracy
Olivier Rozenberg


Chapter 3: The History of Parliament
Paul Seaward

Chapter 4: The Pre-History of Parliament
Michel Hébert

Chapter 5: Aspects of Conceptual History of Parliamentary Politics
Kari Palonen

Chapter 6: Theories of parliamentarism, philosophies of democracy
Didier Mineur


Chapter 7: Parliament in constitutional law
Armel Le Divellec

Chapter 8: Parliaments in comparative legal and political analyses
Cristina Fasone

Chapter 9: Beyond Neglect and Disrespect: Legislatures in Legal Scholarship
Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov

Chapter 10: Sources and Origins of Parliamentary Law
Nicola Lupo & Eric Thiers

Chapter 11: Parliaments and Fundamental Rights 
Guillaume Tusseau


Chapter 12: Political Science approaches to legislatures
Cyril Benoît, Olivier Rozenberg

Chapter 13: Parliaments and Democratic Transitions
Alexandra Goujon

Chapter 14: The Comparative Institutional Analysis of Parliamentary Ethics
Denis Saint-Martin

Chapter 15: Legislatures and the Administrative State: Political control, Bureaucratic Politics and Public Accountability
Cyril Benoît

Chapter 16: Parliaments & Regionalism
Bonnie N. Field, Steven T. Wuhs

Chapter 17. Parliaments in an age of populism
Toru Yoshida


Chapter 18: The Economic Approach to Assembly Decisions
Hervé Crès

Chapter 19: Formal approaches to the study of parliaments
Cesar Garcia Perez de Leon, Patrick Dumont

Chapter 20: Historical Political Economy of Parliaments
Alexandra Cirone

Chapter 21: Legislatures and Executive Vetoes
Valeria Palanza, Gisela Sin


Chapter 22: Anthropology of Parliaments 
Emma Crewe

Chapter 23: Sociology of Parliaments: New Trajectories
Jenni Brichzin, Damien Krichewsky, Leopold Ringel, Jan Schank

Chapter 24: Feminist Studies and Parliaments
Catherine Achin, Delphine Gardey

Chapter 25: Parliament in the policymaking process : toward a sociology of law-making 
Marc Milet

Chapter 26: Parliaments as places of Discourse
Christopher Lord, Marion Deville

512 pages.  £180.00