I. Kosovo Status with regard to International Law
Chairman : Prof. Alain Pellet, Professor Emeritus, CEDIN, Université Paris Nanterre ; President of the French Society for International Law (SFDI) ; Member of the Institut de droit international (IDI) ; Former President of the International Law Commission (ILC)
International recognition of Kosovo
14:00 : Keynote Speech
H.E. Mr Qëndrim Gashi, Ambassador of Kosovo in France
Kosovo and creation of States
International law point of view
Prof. Franck Latty, CEDIN Director, Université Paris Nanterre
Legal theory point of view
Dr Patricia Rrapi, CTAD, Université Paris Nanterre
Debates (15’)
Kosovo Constitution and international law
The role of international law in the constitutional making process of Kosovo
Prof. Giulio Bartolini, University Roma 3
Kosovo Constitution : a case towards monism
Prof. Besfort Rrecaj, Vice-dean, Faculty of law, University of Pristina
Kosovo and strategies of consolidation of statehood
Accommodating the predecessor state : specificity of Kosovo’s consolidation of its statehood
Prof. Dr.Enver Hasani, University of Pristina
The legal characteristics of the relationship between the Republic of Kosovo and the European Union in the integration process
Prof. Dr.Hajredin Kuçi, University of Pristina
Debates (15’)
15:45 : Coffee break
II. Implementation of International Law with regard to Kosovo
Chairman : Prof. Otmar Seul, Professor emeritus, Université Paris Nanterre/Potsdam ; Codirector of the European "Nanterre network" in Law and Politics ; Codirector of the Itinerant Franco-German Balkan-Summer University in Law and Politics
Responsibility to protect
16:15 : The NATO intervention in Kosovo and the Genesis of the R2P
Dr Nabil Hajjami, CEDIN, Université Paris Nanterre
Kosovo, Ethnic Cleansing and the Responsibility to Protect : The Rocky Road to Prevent Mass Murder
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Qerim Qerimi, University of Pristina
International criminal justice
ICTY jurisprudence regarding Kosovo
Dr Anne-Laure Chaumette, CEDIN, Université Paris Nanterre
The Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office : A questionable legal solution for transitional justice and dealing with the past
Ms Jelena Aparac, CEDIN, Université Paris Nanterre
Debates (15’)
Rule of law
Transformation of property : challenges on the protection of property rights –Kosovo towards Civil Code
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Haxhi Gashi, Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Pristina
Is Kosovo a vacuum as regard responsibility for violation of human rights ?
Prof. Anne Lagerwall, CDI, Université libre de Bruxelles
International law of minorities
The applicable standards in Kosovo related to the protection of the minority rights
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Rremzije Istrefi, University of Pristina
The protection of the cultural heritage of minorities in Kosovo
Dr Clémentine Bories, CEDIN, Université Paris Nanterre
18:00 : Debates (15’)
19:00 : Cocktail at the Embassy of Republic of Kosovo
(7, rue de Monceau, 75008 Paris)
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Renseignements : Centre de droit international de Nanterre (CEDIN) - 01 40 97 77 22 - -
Organisé par le Centre de droit international de Nanterre (CEDIN), en collaboration avec l’Université de Pristina (Kosovo) et l’Ambassade du Kosovo à Paris à l’occasion du 10e anniversaire de la déclaration d’indépendance du Kosovo