Parution : 07/2018
Editeur : Springer
ISBN : 978-3-3197-3361-6
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Customary Law Today

Sous la direction de Pierre Mousseron, Laurent Mayali


This book addresses current practices in customary law. It includes contributions by scholars from various legal systems (the USA, France, Israel, Canada etc.), who examine the current impacts of customary law on various aspects of private law, constitutional law, business law, international law and criminal law. In addition, the book expands the traditional concept of the rule of law, and argues that lawyers should not narrowly focus on statutory law, but should instead pay more attention to the impact of practices on “real legal life.” It states that the observation of practices calls for a stronger focus on usage, customs and traditions in our legal systems – the idea being not to replace statutory law, but to complement it with customary observations.



Part I, Philosophical Foundations

Maxime Grignon, Usage et légitimité, p. 3


Part II, General Customary Law

Aurélie Brès, Tradition in the French Legal System: Outward Signs and Usefulness, p. 15

Marie Bourdeau, La délimitation du champ de l’usage, p. 31

Crystelle Sanchez-Saëz, The Impact of Usages on Property Rights, p. 41

Philippe Grignon, Usages et contrat-type, p. 53


Part III, National Customary Law

Lise Chatain, L’usuel et le droit fiscal, p. 75

Pablo Echeverri, The Role of Custom in Rule 144A Capital Markets Transactions, p. 101

Eric Rakowski, Custom As Public Policy: Tying the Hands of the Dead, p. 143

Eric Sales, Les usages du pouvoir exécutif sous la Vème République, p. 159

Arlette Slomiansky, Political Considerations in the Recognition of Usages: The Israeli Experience, p. 195

Marie-Christine Sordino, Droit pénal et usages: entre flux et reflux, p. 217

Amanda L. Tyler, Customary Law and the Domain of Federal Common Law Today, p. 233


Part IV, International Customary Law

Gustavo Cerqueira, Les usages en droit privé européen, p. 257

Arthur Oulaï and Serge Kablan, Usages de l’internet et divulgation adaptative des clauses contractuelles : la force exécutoire de l’iconographie, p. 291

Pierre Mousseron, International Trade Usages: What’s So Special About Them?, p. 307

John Yoo and Ivana Stradner, Customary International Law, p. 315

343 pages.  114,99€