Parution : 08/2016
Editeur : Bruylant
ISBN : 978-2-8027-5358-2
Site de l'éditeur
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Good local governance

Application of European standards for local public services in France and Croatia

Sous la direction de Stéphane De La Rosa, Didier Lhomme, Anamarija Musa

Coll. Rencontres européennes, 484 pages


Présentation de l'éditeur

During last decades the process of European integration has led to the formulation and development of various standards and principles of good local governance and good local services provision. They have emerged in the EU treaties and accompanying documents (e.g. Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union), acquis in the specific sectors, policy documents of the European Commission and other EU institutions, as well as in the acts and documents of the Council of Europe (e.g. European Charter of Self-Government). Given the political and administrative structure of the respective member state, the principles, standards and provisions have been implemented in the national legislation in various ways, filtered by the tradition of local government, the developments in the specific sectors and local governance arrangements which facilitate or impede their application.

The papers contained in this edited volume have been developed in the framework of the Cogito Hubert Curien bilateral project between two universities in France (University of Valenciennes) and Croatia (University of Zagreb), focusing on the specific services and horizontal issues application in the two countries. France and Croatia differ in many ways (size, state structure and the position of local government, and the longevity of membership to the EU). The difference between them serves a methodological tool which helps assessing the different paths and trajectories of the implementation of the European standards and provisions.

The aim of the book is to offer the description and analysis of the European standards for local governance with the focus on specific services provision (transport, water management, waste management, energy policy, environmental policy, communal services) and horizontal issues (public procurement, intermunicipal cooperation, financial management, political principles of transparency, openness and ethics) as well to structure and define general standards applicable to local government in general and to local public services in particular.

Stéphane de La Rosa est Professeur de droit public à l’Université de Valenciennes, Chaire Jean Monnet.

Didier Lhomme est Maître de conferences en droit public à l’Université de Valenciennes (Senior Lecturer).

Anamarija Musa est Assistant Professor at the Law Faculty of Zagreb.

This book contains contributions from Bosiljka Britvić Vetma, Romelien Colavitti, Nevia Čičin Šain, Thomas Destailleur, Dana Dobrić, Vedran Đulabić, Petra Đurman, Alexandre Fauquette, Teo Giljević, Bertrand Hédin, Didier Lhomme, Mirko Klarić, Stéphane de La Rosa, Boris Ljubanović, Gordana Marčetić, Anamarija Musa, Guillaume Protière, Hanan Qazbir, Hicham Rassafi-Guibal, Tereza Rogić Lugarić, Mihovil Škarica and Tijana Vukojičić Tomić.



Introduction : Good local Governance and European Standards for Local Public Services
Good Local Governance in Europe: Influences and Standards

Part I. Horizontal issues: principles and standards for the effective provision of local public services
Part II.
European principles for the provision of networked, communal and other local services and of certain policies
Part III.
Local provision of education, health and cultural services in the framework of european standards
Part IV.
Aligning local governance practices with european good governance principles and standards