AI-Based crime investigation : A game changer to privacy ?
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AI-Based crime investigation : A game changer to privacy ?



This conference seeks to gather perspectives from stakeholders involved in AI-based crime investigation and study them through the prism of data protection. Crime investigation practitioners, researchers in IT, Data protection and AI law and criminal law, are brought together.




March 6th 2025

(Saarland University)


Part I – AI-based crime investigations and privacy : a general perspective


10h00 : Arrival of the speakers and participants - Welcoming coffee

10h15 : Start of the day

10h30 : Welcoming words
Prof. Dominik Brodowski, Vice-president for international a/airs at Saarland University

Introductory words
Yamina Bouadi and Maria Gahn, co-organisers of the conference

10h40 : Keynote and discussions
Christoph Sorge, Professor at Saarland University



Panel 1 – Regulation challenges of AI consequences on privacy

Chair : Christoph Sorge, Professor at Saarland University

11h15 : AI used in Law enforcement : what consequences on human rights, more specifically data protection ?
Kamel El Hilali, AI and the Rule of Law, UNESCO

11h35 : AI against crime : a challenge of regulation ?
General Patrick Perrot, Coordinator for Artificial Intelligence - AI Advisor to the Comcyber of the French Home Ministry



12h30 : Lunch break


Panel 2 – AI in criminal proceedings : opportunity or risk ?

Chair : Janine Blocher, Doctoral researcher at Konstanz University

14h00 : AI-based forensics in the AI-act : a mismatch for fair trial rights ?
Johan van Banning, Doctoral researcher at Amsterdam University

14h20 : No Shame in Front of the Robot : a comparative human-AI impact assessment
Charlotte Quaisser, Doctoral researcher at Luxembourg University



Panel 3 – Shortening the rights of the accused through the use of AI

Chair : Juliette Lelieur, Professor at the University of Strasbourg

15h00 : Reconstruction of a crime scene with virtual reality : challenges of data protection
Maria Gahn, Doctoral researcher at Saarland University

15h20 : The use of AI-based translator in criminal proceedings’ evidence nature and its impact on data protection
Philipp Lehnertz, Doctoral researcher at Saarland University


16h15 : Coffee break


Panel 4 – Detecting sexual offences via AI

Chair : Yamina Bouadi, Doctoral researcher at Saarland and Strasbourg Universities

16h30 : Chat control and data protection
Christoph Zoller, Doctoral researcher at Saarland University

16h50 : The use of CSAM for criminal prosecution
Martin Reiter, German Public Prosecutor O/ice Saarbrücken


17h30 : End of the conference


March 7th 2025

(University of Saarland)


9h15 : Start of the day

9h30 : Keynote and discussions
Dominik Brodowski, Professor at Saarland University.

10h30 : Break and walk to the DFKI (German Research Center for AI)

11h00 : Visit of the DFKI


Panel 5 – Use of and research on AI – a look beyond the horizon


Introduction to the work of the DFKI

Presentation of 3 current DFKI projects :
- Jan Alexanderson – “MePheSTO”
- Dimitra Tsovaltzi – “MITHOS”
- Maurice Rekrut – “Silent Speech”


Panel 6 – Use of and research on AI – a look beyond the horizon

11h50 : Anomaly detection in the financial sector
Peter Fettke, Professor of Business Informatics at Saarland University, DFKI

12h10 : (online) AI-based money laundering investigations vs. Privacy
Théo Antunes, Doctoral researcher at Luxembourg and Strasbourg Universities



12h30 : Lunch Break


Panel 7 – Recognition via video

Chair : Dominik Brodoswki, Professor at the University of Saarland

14h00 : Privacy issues on automated license plate recognition : a comparative study (France, US, Canada)
Amélie Turci, Doctoral researcher at Ottawa and Rennes Universities

14h20 : IT point of view on image recognition
(To be confirmed)


15h30 : Concluding remarks

16h00 : End of Part I of the conference



May 15th 2025

(University of Strasbourg - Room Alex Weill)


Part II - AI-Based digital forensics and investigations of cybercrime


10h00 : Arrival of the participants - Welcoming coffee

10h15 : Opening words
Prof. Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu, Dean of the Law Faculty of Strasbourg
Prof. Mélanie Schmitt, Directrice of UMR DRES 7354

10h30 : Introductory words
Yamina Bouadi and Maria Gahn, co-organisers of the conference

10h40 : Keynote speech : How is implemented the concept of “privacy by design” in Machine Learning ?
Ihsen Alouani, Associate Professor at Belfast University’s School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Panel 1 - Who runs the online world ? Data Miners and Web Crawlers !

Chair : Juliette Lelieur, Professor at the University of Strasbourg

11h10 : The ‘algorithmic identity’ in the spotlight of law enforcement authorities. Analysing expectations regarding the secrecy of online communication
Janine Blocher, Doctoral researcher at Konstanz University

11h30 : Leveraging AI-powered Web Crawlers for Criminal Investigations : Revolutionizing Law Enforcement, Questioning Data Protection
Andreas Kanakakis, Doctoral researcher at the Luxembourg and Brussels Universities



12h15 : Lunch break


Panel 2 - Criminal investigations based on public spaces surveillance : biometric data included

Chair : Dominik Brodowski, Professor at the University of Saarbrücken

14h00 : The political and legal implications of Algorithmic video surveillance for police work
Félix Tréguer, Associate Researcher at CNRS Center for Internet & Society, Member of La Quadrature du Net

14h20 : The implementation of privacy in Machine Learning through federated learning, holomorphic encryption
Thomas Lampert, Professor in Computer Science and AI at Strasbourg University


Coffee break


Panel 3 - Criminal investigations based on public spaces surveillance : biometric data excluded

Chair : (to be confirmed)

15h20 : Application of European law to the French algorithmic video protection experiment – Its apprehension in national public law
Raphael Déchaux, Public law lecturer at Lorraine University - Metz

15h40 : Application of European law to the French algorithmic video protection experiment – Its apprehension in national criminal proceedings
Yamina Bouadi, Doctoral researcher at Saarland and Strasbourg Universities


16h30 : Closing remarks for the day


May 16th 2025

(University of Strasbourg - Amphithéâtre du Collège Doctoral Européen)


9h00 : Arrival of participants

Welcoming coffee (Indoor garden of Collège Doctoral Européen 1st floor)

9h30 : Start of the conference

Welcoming words by Maria and Yamina


Panel 4 - AI-based online digital evidence gathering : obligations for law enforcement authorities, platforms and legal entities

Chair : Maria Gahn, Doctoral researcher at the University of Saarland

9h40 : On the Legal Limits and Criminal Procedural Implications of Applying Artificial Intelligence in Corporate Internal Investigations
Túlio Felippe Xavier Januário, Doctoral researcher at Coimbra University.

10h00 : Detecting human trafficking for sexual exploitation online : AI-related obligations for law enforcement authorities and platforms
Salomé Lannier, Post-doctoral researcher at Luxembourg University

10h20 : Digital Evidence Gathering : The Role of Legal Entities in Spanish Criminal Proceedings
Marina Oliveira Teixeira dos Santos, Post-doctoral researcher at Salamanca University



Panel 5 - AI-based transborder crime investigation

Chair : (to be confirmed)

11h00 : (online) AI-based border control from an IT point of view
Mohamed Genedy, Co-Founder and CTO of Trustec Valley

11h20 : The use of AI in transborder investigations : the ambivalence of EU law
Chloé Fauchon, Criminal law lecturer at Bayonne University



12h00 : Lunch buffet
(Indoor garden of Collège Doctoral Européen 1st floor)


Panel 6 – “World café”

French and German Master students’ exchange time with participants

13h30 : Concept : Students (from Saarland and Strasbourg Universities) present their questions for their master research project (Seminararbeit) or in general for their personal and academic interest to small groups of speakers to receive pieces of advice, and inputs in methodology as well as in law/ technology/ comparative law.

14h30 : Concluding remarks

End of the event




March 6th and 7th - Saarbrücken

Remote registration : https://evento.renater.fr/survey/ai-based-crime-investigation-a-game-changer-to-privacy-nowgyy50

In-person registration : https://evento.renater.fr/survey/ai-based-crime-investigation-a-game-changer-to-privacy-a07xmtzx

May 15th and 16th - Strasbourg

Remote registration : https://evento.renater.fr/survey/ai-based-crime-investigation-a-game-changer-to-privacy-fj45j1ia

In-person registration : https://evento.renater.fr/survey/ai-based-crime-investigation-a-game-changer-to-privacy-fnqbwmzr

Colloque organisé par l'Université de Saarland et l'Université de Strasbourg sous la direction scientifique de Yamina Bouadi, LL.M., Doctoral researcher at Saarland and Strasbourg Universities; Maria Gahn, LL.M. Doctoral researcher at Saarland University; Dominik Brodowski, LL.M. (UPenn), Pr. at Saarland University et Juliette Lelieur, Pr. at Strasbourg University

Faculté de droit
Room Alex Weill - 5th floor
1 place d'Athènes
67000 Strasbourg

Saarland University
Building B4 1, room 0.27
Universität Campus
66123 Saarbrücken

Collège Doctoral Européen
46 Boulevard de la Victoire
67000 Strasbourg