States' Human Rights obligations in context of climate change
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States' Human Rights obligations in context of climate change

French-Japanese Seminar



10:00 am : Introductory remarks
Tadasu Watari, Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University, Sapporo
Jean-François Struillou, CNRS Research Professor, DCS UMR CNRS 6297, Nantes Faculty of Law and Political Science


Barriers to the recognition of additional obligations

10:20 am : Perspectives from Japan
Hitoshi Ushijima, Professor of Public Law, Chuo Law School, Tokyo


Perspectives from the Council of Europe
Tanja E.J. Kleinsorge, Head of Department on the Reykjavík process and the Environment, Directorate General on Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Council of Europe



12:30 am : Lunch


Attempts to define States’ additional obligations

2:00 pm : Perspectives from the recent ECHR case-law
Peggy Ducoulombier, Professor of Public Law, Strasbourg Faculty of Law, Political Science and Management


Perspectives in international public law
Sabrina Robert, Professor of Public Law, Nantes Faculty of Law and Political Science


Perspectives from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Valérie Bore-Eveno, Senior Lecturer, Nantes Faculty of Law and Political Science


5:00 pm : Concluding remarks
Elisabeth Lambert, CNRS Research Professor, DCS UMR 6297, Nantes Faculty of Law and Political Science

5:15 pm : Closure



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Séminaire organisé par le DCS, Nantes Université

Faculté de droit
Amphi B
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre
44300 Nantes