What are the legal, social and political mechanisms that structure branch wage negotiations and enable them to function successfully ? This question is all the more necessary given the current situation in wage bargaining. At French national level, some proposals, such as the creation of a High Council on Remuneration (Haut Conseil des rémunérations), have been made by the State to boost the wage dynamic. At European level, directive n°2022/2041 of October 19, 2022 also calls on Member States to encourage “constructive, meaningful and informed negotiations on wages between the social partners”.
This workshop will use an international and interdisciplinary approach to identifying the different drivers of sectoral collective bargaining on wage-setting and the role of the various models, standards and organizations that structure and help them to function “well”. Bringing together experts from different scientific fields, it will focus in particular on the French, German and Scandinavian experiences of sectoral wage bargaining.
The workshop is in English. Time will be set aside for discussion with the audience.
« This work of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute MAKErS, as part of the ITI 2021-2028 program of the University of Strasbourg, CNRS and INSERM, was supported by IdEx Unistra (ANR-10-IDEX-0002), and by SFRI-STRAT’US project (ANR-20-SFRI-0012). »
9h00 : Opening speech
Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Political Sciences and Management
Fabienne Tournadre, Director of the Labour Institute
Thomas Mohnike, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures
Mélanie Schmitt, Director of UMR 7354 DRES
9h20 : Introduction. Promote “constructive, meaningful and informed negotiations” while “fully respecting the role of the social partners” : the EU ambition
Andreas Inghammar, Associate professor at Department of Business Law, Lund University
Part I - Sectoral wage bargaining without statutory minimum wage in the Scandinavian countries
9h40 : Norway
Anette P. Hemmingby, Associate Professor, Norwegian Business School
Andrea Iossa, Senior Lecturer in labour law, Kristianstad University
Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni, Associate Professor of Labour Law at the Department of Law, University of Southern Denmark
Paul Jonker-Hoffrén, Senior Research Fellow, Tampere University
Lunch break
(Faculty of law)
Part II. Sectoral wage bargaining with statutory minimum wage : Germany and France
13h30 : Germany
Marcus Kahmann, Researcher at IRES (Institute for social and economic research)
Judith Brockmann, Professor for Economic Law, Social Law and Labour Law, Kassel University
Catherine Vincent, Researcher at IRES (Institute for social and economic research)
Benjamin Dabosville, senior Lecturer, University of Strasbourg
16h00 : End of Seminar
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Séminaire organisé par l'équipe de droit social de l'UMR DRES, Europe en mutation, Université de Strasbourg et le CNRS sous la responsabilité scientifique de Benjamin Dabosville