9:00 : Registration
9:15 : Welcome Speech
Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu, Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Strasbourg
Gabriel Eckert, Director of the Institut de recherches Carré de Malberg
Christos Giannopoulos, Lecturer in Public Law
9:30 : An Introduction to the Feminist Judgments in International Law Project
Loveday Hodson, Associate Professor, University of Leicester
9:45 : Reflections on the Contribution of Feminist Methods to International Judging and Setting out Workshop Aims
Troy Lavers, Associate Professor, University of Leicester
Panel 1
Chair : Aude Bouveresse, Professor, University of Strasbourg
10:00 : Rewriting Opuz v Turkey
Judge Ioannis Ktistakis
Shazia Choudhry, Professor of Law and Hackney Fellow in Law, Wadham College, University of Oxford
10:45 : Coffee break
Panel 2
Chair : Peggy Ducoulombier, Professor, University of Strasbourg
11:10 : Rewriting A, B & C v Ireland
Judge Ivana Jelić
Ben Warwick, Reader in Human Rights Law, University of Birmingham
Rewriting Christine Goodwin v UK
Judge Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir
Loveday Hodson, Associate Professor in Law, University of Leicester
12:30 : Lunch
Panel 3
Chair : Judge Ana Maria Guerra Martins
14:20 : Rewriting Ruusunen v Finland
Judge Kateřina Šimáčková
Merris Amos, Professor of Human Rights Law, Queen Mary, University of London and Maribel
Canto-Lopez, Associate Professor, University of Leicester
Rewriting Leyla Sahin v Turkey
Judge Peeter Roosma
Jill Marshall, Professor of Law, Royal Holloway, University of London
15:40 : Coffee break
Roundtable Discussion - Reflections on feminist futures in the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
15:50 : Chair : Judge Lorraine Schembri Orland
Participants :
Judge Frederic Krenc
Judge Ioannis Ktistakis
Christos Giannopoulos
Loveday Hodson
Troy Lavers
17:00 : Closure
Contact :
Inscription obligatoire avant le 16 mai 2024 dans la limite des places disponibles :
Manifestation validée au titre de la formation continue des avocats
N° déclaration d’activité : 4267 04090 67
Colloque organisé par l'Institut de recherche Carré de Malberg, Faculté de droit, Université de Strasbourg et l'Université de Leicester sous la responsabilité scientifique de Christos Giannopoulos