15h00 : Welcome note
15h05 : The evolving interpretation of public procurement core principles / L’interprétation évolutive des principes fondamentaux de la commande publique
How does the interpretation of the core principles can take into account and consider new issues of public procurement – such as environmental social requirements, or the focus on circularity ? What can we learn from the diversity of principles which are recognized at the national level? The discussion will give the opportunity to discuss on the recent collective book « Principles of public contracts in Europe » (dir. S. de La Rosa and P. Valcárcel Fernández).
Chair : Laurent Richer, Emeritus Professor of public law, Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
Speakers :
Paulo Magina, Head of the Public Procurement Unit at the OECD
Annamaria La Chimia, Professor of Law and Development, Faculty of Social Sciences of Nottingham
Steven Vangarsse, Professor of public Law at the Hasselt University, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law
16h10 : Tools fostering innovation and sustainibility in public procurement law / Les instruments à l’appui de l’innovation et de la durabilité de la commande publique
Public procurement contracts have to take into account overriding requirements regarding sustainability and environmental considerations and must rely on new implementation's technics trough digital tools.
Chair : Pierre Bourdon, Full Professor of public law at the University of Cergy-Pontoise
Speakers :
Public procurement and digitalisation
Gabriella M. Racca, Full Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Torino
Michael Bowsher KC Barrister, Visiting Professor - King’s College London
Enforcing Tools for Sustainable Public Procurement. An appraisal of the Draft Council Conclusions on the Development of Sustainable Public Procurement (21.6.2022)
François Lichère, Full Professor of Public Law at the University of Lyon III, Director of the Chair on public contracts law
17h15 : Crisis forcing innovation and shifts in public procurement law / Les crises comme vecteur de changements et de ruptures en droit de la commande publique
The Covid-19 crisis and the sharp deterioration of the geopolitical context have changed the landscape of public procurement. New directions are taking shape, such as the research of flexibility in the execution phase to take into account prices volatility, a different design of the contract or the enactement of protectionist to preserve key sectors
Chair : Laurence Folliot-Lalliot, Full Professor of Public Law at the University Paris 10 Nanterre La Défense
Speakers :
A new impetus to the « imprevision » theory (unforeseen cirumstances) ? / Avis du Conseil d’Etat du 15 septembre 2022 relatif aux possibilités de modification du prix ou des tarifs des contrats de la commande publique (Opinion of Council of State on the possibilities of modifying the price or tariffs in public procurement contracts)
Bertrand du Marais, Conseiller d’Etat
Crisis preparedness aspects to consider in public contract
Andrea Sundstrand, Law Professor at the Stockholm University
New tools for a better level playing field. Changes brought by the new Instrument on International Procurement (IMPI) and by the EU regulation on foreign subsidies
Stéphane de La Rosa, Full Professor of Public Law at the University Paris Est Créteil, Jean Monnet Chair
18h20 : Concluding remarks
Jean Bernard Auby, Emeritus Law Professor, Sciences-Po Paris
Entrée libre
Organisé par l'UPEC, le MIL, la Chaire Jean Monnet, et l'IUS