State Transformation in Latin America and the Arab World : Mapping Gaps and Bridges


State Transformation in Latin America and the Arab World : Mapping Gaps and Bridges

Colloque en anglais, à l'exception de la dernière table ronde de l'après-midi, qui se tiendra en français




9h30 : Presentation and Guidelines
Mme Julia Motte-Baumvol, Associate Professor at Université Paris Descartes
M. Fouad Nohra, Associate Professor at Université Paris Descartes


Morning session


Democratic elections and the role of media

Room A

Moderator : Mme Raquel Machado, Professor at Universidade Federal do Ceará


10h00 : The impact of new technologies in Latin America’s political arena
Mme Paula Suarez, Professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires

Mass Media, disinformation, and democratic processes in the Arab Mashreq
M. Michel Raimbaud, Former French Ambassador, Honorary Director of the French Office for Refugees and Stateless

Electoral processes, electoral reforms and political forces in Lebanon
M. Ahmed Malli, Professor at the Lebanese University, Director of Research Center in law and political science


Peace Agreements and Transitional Justice

Room B

Moderator : Mme Julie Saada, Professor at Institut d’Études Politiques - Paris


10h00 : End of Conflict and Peacebuilding in El Salvador : The Importance of National Integration
M. Francisco Galindo, Ambassador of El Salvador in Colombia

Rebuilding Iraqi university as part of peace building in Iraq
M. Gabriel Galice, President of Geneva International Peace Research Institute

Negociating peace and justice in Libya
M. Yusef Sawani, Director of Studies of Center for Arab Unity Studies


12h00 : Break


Afternoon session


Acknowledging Contestatory Movements

Room A

Moderator : M. Fouad Nohra, Associate Professor at Université Paris Descartes


13h30 : The Bolivarian movement form revolution to government
M. Hector Constant Rosales, Ambassador of Venezuela at UNESCO

Arab nationalists and South American revolutionnary versus United States’ foreign policy
M. Fouad Nohra, Associate Professor at Université Paris Descartes

The legal status of national liberation movements in the Arab world
M. Khaled El Chouli, Barrister

15h30 : End


Integrating sustainable development goals in public policies and international relations

Room B ( This roundtable encompasses four different and nevertheless complementary topics)

Moderator : M. Eric Canal-Forgues, Director of Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi Law Faculty


14h00 : Conflicts and migration in the Andean area in Latin America
Mme Nubia Ruiz, Associate Professor at Colombia State University

Protection of biodiversity in South America : the case of Brazil
Mme Tarin Mont’Alverne, Professor at The Federal University of Ceará

Free Trade Agreements and BIT
Mme Julia Motte-Baumvol, Associate Professor at Université Paris Descartes

The crisis of development policies in the Arab world
M. Fouad Nohra, Associate Professor at Université Paris Descartes

17h00 : End


Why and How Constitutions are revised

Room A (in French)

Moderator : M. Dominique Maillard Desgrées du Loû, Professor at Université Paris Descartes


16h00 : Constitutional reforms in Latin America
M. Carlos Carrasco, Ambassador of Bolivia, Delegate of the Latin Union at UNESCO

Constitutionalism in South America
M. Carlos-Miguel Herrera, Professor at Université de Cergy-Pontoise

The Algerian Hirak and its constitutional implications
M. Reda Mezoui, Professor at Algiers 3 University, Director of the Laboratory for Public Policies, Director of the Doctoral School

18h00 : End



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Organisé par le Centre Maurice Hauriou (centre de droit public), Faculté de droit, d’économie et de gestion de l’Université Paris-Descartes sous la direction scientifique par Julia Motte-Baumvol et Fouad Nohra

Salle des Congrès et salle des Actes
Faculté de droit, d'économie et de gestion
10, avenue Pierre Larousse
92240 Malakoff