The Colloquium is jointly organized by the CERSA, research centre of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and of the University Paris II Panthéon-Assas - France ; the University of Zaragoza - Spain and its Faculty of Law ; the Athens Public International Law Center - Athens PIL of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Faculty of Law - Greece.
These academic and research institutions joined forces in 2016 and established the Investment Law Initiative, an international collaboration aimed at strengthening research and systemic analysis of international investment law.
The Colloquium is convened by Dr Katia Fach Gómez, University of Zaragoza, Faculty of Law, Dr Anastasios Gourgourinis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Law ; Athens PIL, and Dr Catharine Titi, CNRS-CERSA, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
8:15 : Registration
8:45 : Conference Opening
Catharine Titi, French National Centre for Scientific Research, CNRS-CERSA, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas - co-organiser
Katia Fach Gómez, University of Zaragoza - co-organiser
Anastasios Gourgourinis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - co-organiser
9:00 : Opening Keynote
(Title TBC)
Marc Bungenberg, Saarland University
10:00 : Panel 1 - Arbitral Institutions and Appointing Authorities
Chair (TBC)
Some Thoughts on the Independence of Party-Appointed Experts
Sébastien Manciaux, University of Burgundy
The Role of Witnesses in Assessing Violations of Non-Commercial Rights in Investor-State Arbitration
Gabriele Ruscalla, ICC International Court of Arbitration
Appointing Authorities (Topic TBC)
David Gaukrodger, OECD
Tribunal Secretaries in SCC Rules and Practice
Patricia Shaughnessy, Ex- SCC Vice Chair
10:00 : Panel 2 - Counsel
Chair (TBC)
The Role of Counsel for the State Party in Investment Arbitration
Constantinos Salonidis, Foley Hoag
Counsel and the Reforms of the ISDS Regime
Jonathan Kabre Rimdolmsom & Andreas R. Ziegler, Universityof Lausanne
Many Wish to Play but a Few Can Play Well
Anna Mantakou, Anna P. Mantakou Law Office
The Role of Counsel in the Progressive Developmentof International Law
Charles T. Kotuby, Jones Day
Should States Appoint Agents in International Arbitration ?
Jeremy Sharpe, Shearman & Sterling
11:30 : Coffee Break
12:00 : Panel 3 - Third-Party Funding/Funders
Chair : José Alberro, Cornerstone Research
(Title TBC)
Jeffery Commission, Burford Capital
Third-Party Funding and Access to Justice in International Investment Arbitration
José Ángel Rueda García, Cuatrecasas
A Quantum Expert's Perpective on Third-Party Funding
Richard (Rory) Walck, Global Financial Analytics LLC
12:00 : Panel 4 - The Investor’s Home State
Chair : Anastasios Gourgourinis, National and Kapodistrian, University of Athens
Beyond Protection : The Role of the Home State in Modern, Investment Treaties
Tarcisio Gazzini, University of East Anglia
Bringing Back the State into Investor-State Disputes : Recent Developments
Rodrigo Polanco, World Trade Institute
Not a Third Party : Home State Participation as a Matter of Right in Investment Treaty Arbitration
Rebecca E. Khan, De La Salle University
Caught in the Crossfire : Safeguarding Sovereign Interests of a ‘Predecessor’ Home State in the Aftermath of Unlawful State Succession
Vishakha Choudhary, Saarland University
The Investor’s Home State : Nationality Issues in International Investment Arbitration
Carlo de Stefano, Roma Tre University
13:30 : Lunch Break
15:00 : Panel 5 - Scrutiny by Public Institutions
Chair (TBC)
The Role of the EU’s and Member States’ Institutions in Screening, Foreign Investment
Emanuel Castellarin, University of Strasbourg
Media Wars : Transparency and Aggravation in International Investment Arbitration
Aliki-Athina Papanastasiou, University of Cambridge
(Title TBC)
Sebastiàn Green Martínez, Uría Mendéndez
15:00 : Panel 6 - National Courts
Chair : Photini Pazartzis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (TBC)
National Courts as Actors in Investment Arbitration : A Paradox
Aniruddha Rajput, International Law Commission
The Role of Constitutional Courts in the Reform of International Investment Law : A Comparative Analysis between Europeand Latin America
Gustavo Prieto, University of Turin
The Role of Domestic Courts in International Investment Law : Canadian Courts in Focus
Ksenia Polonskaya, Centre for International Governance Innovation
A Middle Path of ISDS Reform : Strengthening the Role of National Courts in the Enforcement of Investment Arbitral Awards
Katerina Florou, Sciences Po ; DG Energy European Commission
16:30 : Coffee Break
17:00 : Panel 7 - International Courts and Other Tribunals
Chair (TBC)
The Achmea Effect : Judicial Dialogue (or Discord) between the CJEU and Investment Tribunals
Panos Merkouris, University of Gröningen
The Coherence Conundrum in Investor-State Arbitration : What Role for External Case-Law ?
Fulvio Maria Palombino, University of Napoli Federico II
International Non-Investment Courts and Tribunals as Actors in International Investment Law ?
Ioannis Prezas, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Third Party Rights : The 'Monetary Gold Standard' and its Application in International Investment Arbitration
Álvaro Galindo, Dechert
Title TBC
Fernando Dias Simoes, Chinese university Hong Kong
17:00 : Panel 8 - The European Union
Chair : Catharine Titi, French National Centre for Scientific Research, CNRS-CERSA, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas
EU Changing Perspective on FDI : Achmea and CETA Opinion
Luis Hinojosa, University of Granada
EU as a Driver in the Judicialization Process of International Investment Dispute : the ISDS Reform and the EU’s Judicial System
Rosario Ojinaga Ruiz & Maria Lina Leiva, Universidad de Cantabria
The European Union as an Emerging Actor in International Investment Law : Speaking Globally, Thinking Regionally ?
Csongor István Nagy, University of Szeged
The Impact of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the Field of International Investment Law : An EU Law Perspective
Ewa Zelazna, University of Leicester
A New Approach to Intra-EU ISDS
Rafael Gil Nievas, Independent attorney and arbitrator
18:30 : Gala dinner
(Cercle National des Armées)
Friday, 27 September 2019
9:00 : Panel 9 - International Organisations (Excluding the EU)
Chair (TBC)
Norm-Making in International Investment Arbitration and the Role of UNCITRAL
Anna Joubin-Bret, UNCITRAL
UNCITRAL and the Governance of International Investments
Bruno Sousa, Sciences Po.
The International Bar Association’s Quiet Influence on the Development of International Investment Law
David Collins, City, University of London
UNCTAD's Perspective on Investment Facilitation for Development
Hamed El Kady, UNCTAD
9:00 : Panel 10 - National Governments and Treaty Negotiators
Chair : Makane Moïse Mbengue, University of Geneva
The Role of Sub-Regional Systems in Shaping International Investment Law-Making : The Case of the Visegrád Group
Federica Cristani, Comenius University
New Actors in Investment Arbitration : The Legitimate Government
Krystle M. Baptista, Armesto & Asociados
The Challenge of Governing with Investment Treaties : Bringing the Civil Service Onside
Jansen Calamita, National University of Singapore
Voices that Shape Investment Treaties : Inside, Outside and Between States
Sarah Spottiswood & Chrysoula Mavromati, UK Department for International Trade
The Role of the Host State in Preventing Disputes : The Experience of Peru
Carlos José Valderrama, Sidley Austin
10:30 : Coffee Break
11:00 : Panel 11 - Academics
Chair : Stephan Schill, University of Amsterdam
Academic Independence and Expert Opinions in ISDS
Loukas Mistelis, Queen Mary University of London
Empirically Mapping Arbitration Scholarship : A Scientometric Analysi
Thomas Schultz, CIDS, Geneva
Niccolò Ridi, University of Liverpool
The Teachings of the Most Highly Qualified Publicists of the Various Nations' in Investment Arbitration
Franck Latty, University Paris Nanterre
11:00 : Panel 12 - Public Participation
Chair (TBC)
(Title TBC)
Jörg Philipp Terhechte, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Towards a Republicanization of International Investment Law ? Conceptualizing the Legitimatory Value of Public Participation in the Negotiation and Enforcement of International Investment Agreements
Karsten Nowrot & Emily Sipiorski, University of Hamburg
Trends and ISDS Backlash related to Non-Disputing Treaty Party Submissions
Kendra Magraw, Graduate Institute, Geneva - IHEID
Amicus Curiae in International Investment Arbitrations : An Instrument to Help Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities to Tackle Biopiracy
Jinyup Kim, University of Glasgow
Intervention of Non-Disputing Parties : Pros, Cons and Legitimacy Concerns
José Manuel García Represa, Dechert
12:30 : Lunch Break
14:00 : Panel 13 - Quantum Experts
Chair (TBC)
Perspective of an Expert on Frequently Asked Questions
Matthias Cazier-Darmois, FTI Consulting
Taxonomy of Investor-State Arbitration Cases Involving Party-Appointed Quantum Experts : An Empirical Study of ICSID Awards
Luis Bergolla Álvarez, Stanford Law School
From Hired Gun to Fouth Arbitrator : Identifying the Role of Experts in International Investment Arbitration
Julian Scheu, university of Colgne
(Topic TBC)
Marie Stoyanov, Allen & Overy
14:00 : Panel 14 - Mediators
Chair : Katia Fach Gómez, University of Zaragoza
Between Utopia and Realism : Mediation and the Settlement of Investment Disputes
Catharine Titi, French National Centre for Scientific Research, CNRS-CERSA, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas
Concurrent Co-Mediation : Toward a More Collaborative Centre of Gravity in Investor-State Dispute Resolution
Jack Coe, Peperdine School of Law
Mediation in International Energy Disputes
Peter Cameron, University of Dundee
Mediation of Sovereign Debt Disputes
Calliope Sudborough, IÉSEG
Transparency and Confidentiality in International Investment Mediation (Title TBC)
Phoebe Winch, Office of International Law, Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra
Mediating with States under the ICC Medaition Rules
Alina Leoveanu, ICC
15:30 : Coffee Break
16:00 : Panel 15 - Hidden/Invisible Actors
Chair (TBC)
Other Actors in Investment Arbitration (topic : Community Value)
Raymundo Tullio Treves, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
The Rise of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) : A Return to State-to-State International Investment Protection ?
Günes Ünüvar, University of Copenhagen, and Erman Özgür, Özgür & Ünüvar Legal Consultancy
Shadow Claimants : Beneficial Ownership in International Investment Law
Anastasios Gourgourinis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Foreign Investments in Services and the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism
Marina Trunk-Fedorova, St. Petersburg State University
Establishing a Dialogue among Arbitrators, Academics and Other Actors in International Investment law
Paolo Vargiu, University of Leicester
17:30 : Closing Keynote
(Topic TBC)
Diego Fernandez Arroyo, Sciences Po.
18:30 : Concluding Remarks by the Organisers
Catharine Titi, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)-CERSA, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas
Katia Fach Gómez, University of Zaragoza
Anastasios Gourgourinis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Contact : Colloquium email :
The Colloquium has been approved as part of Continuing Legal Education by the Paris Bar School (EFB) (14 hours). Accreditation requires submission of the Certificate of Attendance to your Bar Association and is at the exclusive discretion of the Bar.
Organised by Paris II Panthéon-Assas, CERSA, CNRS