Catharine Titi, The Parthenon Marbles and International Law, Springer, 2023, 311 p.
Catharine Titi, Catharine Titi (dir.), Public Actors in International Investment Law (Open Access), 1e éd., Springer International Publishing, 2021, Special Issue
Traditional studies on actors in international investment law have tended to concentrate on arbitrators, claimant investors and respondent states. Yet this focus on the "principal" players in investment dispute settlement has allowed a number of other seminal actors to be neglected. This book seeks to redress this imbalance by turning the spotlight on the latter. From the investor's home state to domestic courts, from sub-national governments to international organisations, and from political risk insurance agencies to legal defence teams in national ministries, the book critically reviews these overlooked public actors in international investment law.
Catharine Titi, The Function of Equity in International Law, Oxford University Press, 2021, 205 p.
Drawing on a large and varied body of judicial and arbitral case law, this book provides a comprehensive, original, and up-to-date account of the role of equity in international law
Catharine Titi, Preface, 2021
Catharine Titi (dir.), Public Actors in International Investment Law, Springer, 2021, The European yearbook of international economic law ( Special issue ), 199 p.
Traditional studies on actors in international investment law have tended to concentrate on arbitrators, claimant investors and respondent states. Yet this focus on the "principal" players in investment dispute settlement has allowed a number of other seminal actors to be neglected. This book seeks to redress this imbalance by turning the spotlight on the latter. From the investor's home state to domestic courts, from sub-national governments to international organisations, and from political risk insurance agencies to legal defence teams in national ministries, the book critically reviews these overlooked public actors in international investment law.
Catharine Titi, Editorial, 2020
Catharine Titi, Catharine Titi, Katia Fach Gómez, Katia Fach Gómez, Anastasios Gourgourinis, Anastasios Gourgourinis (dir.), International Investment Law and Competition Law, 1e éd., Springer International Publishing, 2020, European yearbook of international economic law ( Special Issue ), 286 p.
This EYIEL special issue examines the interaction between international investment law and competition law. Although issues related to both international investment law and competition law arise regularly in international legal practice and are examined together, scholarly analysis largely treats them as parallel universes. As a result their actual and potential overlap has yet to be sufficiently explored. In this light, International Investment Law and Competition Law discusses a variety of topics at the intersection of investment and competition, including the interaction between competition-related provisions and investment protection standards in free trade agreements; investors' anti-competitive behaviour and illegal investments; state aid schemes and foreign investors' legitimate expectations; EU member States' compliance with investment awards as (illegal) state aid under EU law; State-owned enterprises and competitive neutrality; and interactions between public procurement, investment and competition law.
Catharine Titi, Alain Pirotte (dir.), L'impact des traités d'investissement sur les flux d'investissements directs étrangers: une nouvelle approche par la prise en compte des règles de droit des traités, Mission de recherche Droit & Justice, 2020, 110 p.
Catharine Titi (dir.), Droits de l'homme et droit international économique (ed), Bruylant, 2019, Droit international économique, 370 p.
La 4e de couverture indique :"Ces dernières années ont vu un renforcement de l'interaction entre droits de l'homme et droit international économique. En témoignent la prise en compte des droits de l'homme dans les différends en matière d'investissement international ; l'intérêt que porte l'Expert indépendant pour la promotion d'un ordre international démocratique et équitable des Nations Unies à la protection des droits de l'homme dans le contentieux économique ; la sensibilisation de la société civile à la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises ; le nouveau type des traités de libre-échange qui visent un meilleur équilibre entre droits économiques et droits de l'homme. Si ces exemples illustrent un tel renforcement, cette interaction suscite également des controverses, et donne lieu à de multiples critiques visant le droit international économique, considérant qu'il ne prend pas encore suffisamment en compte les droits de l'homme. L'ouvrage examine ce constat et se penche sur les failles de l'ordre international économique ainsi que sur ses réformes. Il s'interroge sur la responsabilité des multinationales et des autres entreprises en matière de droits de l'homme ; il étudie la prise en compte des droits de l'homme dans les chaînes globales de valeur, mais aussi dans les conditionnalités du FMI ; il examine la présence des droits de l'homme dans l'arbitrage de l'investissement, et propose des solutions pour une coexistence future plus harmonieuse entre les deux domaines."
Catharine Titi, Editorial, 2019
Catharine Titi, Catharine Titi, Katia Fach Gómez, Katia Fach Gómez (dir.), Mediation in international commercial and investment disputes, Oxford University Press, 2019, 395 p.
Présentation de l'éditeur : "Until now, the resolution of international commercial and investment disputes has been dominated almost exclusively by international arbitration. But that is changing. Whilst they may be complementary mechanisms, international mediation and conciliation are now coming to the fore. Mediation rules that were in disuse gather momentum, and dispute settlement centres are introducing new mediation rules. The European Union is encouraging international mediation in both the commercial and investment spheres. The 2019 Singapore Mediation Convention of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) is aiming to ensure enforcement of international commercial settlement agreements resulting from mediation. The first investor-State disputes are mediated under the International Bar Association (IBA) rules. The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)'s conciliation mechanism is resorted to more often than in the past. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has recently administered its first mediation case based on a bilateral investment treaty, and a new training market on mediation is flourishing. Mediation in Commercial and Investment Disputes brings together a line-up of outstanding, highly-qualified experts from academia, mediation and arbitration institutions, and international legal practice, to address this highly topical, complex subject from a variety of angles."
Catharine Titi, Catharine Titi, Katia Fach Gómez, Katia Fach Gómez, Anastasios Gourgourinis, Anastasios Gourgourinis (dir.), International investment law and the law of armed conflict, 1e éd., Springer International Publishing, 2019, European yearbook of international economic law, 536 p.
La 4e de couverture indique : "Assessing the extent to which armed conflict impacts the obligations that states have towards foreign investors and their investments under international investment treaties requires considering a wide range of issues, many of which are systemic in nature. These include substantive and procedural topics, not only with regard to international investment law, but also concerning the law on the use of force, international humanitarian law and human rights law, the law of treaties, the law of state responsibility and the law of state succession.This volume provides an in-depth assessment of the overlap between international investment law and the law of armed conflict by charting the terrain of the multifaceted and complex relationship between these two fields of public international law, fostering debate and offering novel perspectives on the matter."
Catharine Titi (dir.), Droits de l'homme et droit international économique, Bruylant, 2019
Catharine Titi, Refining the expropriation clause, 2018
Catharine Titi, The right of the host state to regulate water services, 2017
Catharine Titi, Aikaterini Titi, The Right to Regulate in International Investment Law, Nomos, 2014, Studien zum internationalen Investitionsrecht, 376 p.
La 4e de couverture indique : "Since the inception of the international investment law system, investment promotion and protection have been the raison d'être of investment treaties and states have confined their policy space in order to attract foreign investment and protect their investors abroad. Languishing in relative obscurity until recently, the right to regulate has gradually come to the spotlight as a key component of negotiations on new generation investment agreements around the globe. States and regional organisations, including, notably, the European Union and the United States, have started to examine ways in which to safeguard their regulatory power and guide - and delimit - the interpretive power of arbitral tribunals, by reserving their right to pursue specific public policy objectives. The monograph explores the status quo of the right to regulate, in order to offer an appraisal and a reference tool for treatymakers, thus contributing to a better understanding of the concept and the broader discourse on how to enhance the investment law system's legitimacy."
Catharine Titi, « What Is an Award? »: Concept, Content, Drafting, Effects, Katia Fach Gómez and Catharine Titi (eds) The Award in International Investment Arbitration, Oxford University Press 2024, Oxford University Press, 2024, pp. 3-18
Catharine Titi, « La création d’une Cour multilatérale pour les investissements », in Raphaël Maurel (dir.), Nouveaux regards sur le droit européen des investissements (Collection des travaux du CREDIMI), LexisNexis, 2023, pp. 243-251
Catharine Titi, « La création d’une Cour multilatérale pour les investissements », Raphaël Maurel (ed.), Nouveaux regards sur le droit européen des investissements (Collection des travaux du CREDIMI), LexisNexis (forthcoming)., 2022
Catharine Titi, « The European Union’s External Investment Agreements », Julien Chaisse and Christoph Herrmann (eds) The International Law of Economic Integration, Oxford University Press (forthcoming)., 2022
Catharine Titi, « Opinion 1/17 and the Future of Investment Dispute Settlement: Implications for the Design of a Multilateral Investment Court, in Lisa Sachs, Lise Johnson and Jesse Coleman (eds) », Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2019, Oxford University Press, 2021
Catharine Titi, Ted Gleason, « The Right to Regulate the Environment and International Investment Agreements », Panos Delimatsis and Leonie Reins (eds), Trade and Environmental Law (Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law), Edward Elgar, 2021
Catharine Titi, « Recent Developments in ISDS: Jurisdiction and Admissibility – Procedure and Conduct, in Lisa Sachs, Lise Johnson and Jesse Coleman (eds) », Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2019, Oxford University Press, 2021
Catharine Titi, « Preface », Catharine Titi (ed) Public Actors in International Investment Law, European Yearbook of International Economic Law: Special Issue, Springer, 2021, 2021
Catharine Titi, « The identity conundrum: Legitimacy and doubt on the international bench », Identity and Diversity on the International Bench: Who is the Judge?, 2021
Catharine Titi, « The Indentity Conundrum: Legitimacy and Doubt on the International Bench, in Freya Baetens (ed.) », Identity and Diversity on the International Bench: Who Is the Judge?, Oxford University Press, 2020
Catharine Titi, Katia Fach Gómez, Anastasios Gourgourinis, « Editorial, in Katia Fach Gómez, Anastasios Gourgourinis and Catharine Titi (eds) », International Investment Law and Competition Law, European Yearbook of International Economic Law: Special Issue, Springer, 2020
Catharine Titi, « Introduction, in Catharine Titi (ed.) », Public Actors in International Investment Law, European Yearbook of International Economic Law: Special Issue, Springer, 2020
Catharine Titi, « Scope of international investment agreements and substantive protection standards », Research Handbook on Foreign Direct Investment, 2019
Catharine Titi, « Recent Developments in International Investment Law », European Yearbook of International Economic Law, 2019
Catharine Titi, « Embedded Liberalism and International Investment Agreements: The Future of the Right to Regulate, with Reflections on WTO Law », The Future of International Economic Integration: The embedded liberalism compromise revisited, 2018
Catharine Titi, « Economic Crises, Sovereign Debt Restructurings and the Shifting Landscape of International Investment Law », The Reform of International Economic Governance (edited by Antonio Segura), Ashgate, 2016, pp. 235-246
Catharine Titi, « Investment Treaty Arbitration Caught in The Public-Private Law Divide », Michigan Journal of International Law, University of Michigan, School of Law, 2024, n°3, pp. 441-486
The ongoing reform of investor-state dispute settlement (“ISDS”) underlines the pertinence of an old question that has received various and conflicting answers: Is investment arbitration a public or private method of dispute settlement? A key criticism leveled at investment treaty arbitration is that public interest disputes are decided by a system of private justice. This article critically reviews the dominant interpretations of investment treaty arbitration as public, private, or hybrid. It argues that the subjective nature of each interpretation means that none of them can be definitively adopted. Rather, the real arguments in favor of or against arbitration lie beyond the traditional debate. The article shows that investment arbitration displays important commonalities with international court systems, with its presumed unique features—including party autonomy—appearing a little less unique on closer inspection. Ultimately, a system is what states make it, irrespective of whether its particular features are described as public or private.
Catharine Titi, « La révision des règlements du CIRDI », Annuaire français de droit international, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Éditions du CNRS - CNRS Éditions , 2023, pp. 777-791
Catharine Titi, Peter Egger, Alain Pirotte, « International Investment Agreements and Foreign Direct Investment: A Survey », The World Economy, Wiley, 2023, n°6, pp. 1525-1564
Catharine Titi, Katia Fach Gómez, « Facilitating Access to Investor-State Dispute Settlement forSmall and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Tracing the PathForward », European Business Law Review, Kluwer Law International, 2023, n°7, p. 1039
Catharine Titi, « Cultural Heritage and International Law: An interview with Catharine Titi, De jure Journal vol 16 issue 2 (2023) », De Jure ( Athens), ELSA, 2023, n°2, p. 129
Catharine Titi, Peter Egger, Alain Pirotte, « International Investment Agreements and Foreign Direct Investment: An Overview », The World Economy, , 2022
Catharine Titi, « Control constitucional y derecho internacional de inversiones a través de cuatro sentencias constitucionales en Colombia, Ecuador, y la Unión Europea », Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Internacional, Special Issue (eds Gabriel Bottini and Alejandro Chehtman), , 2021
Catharine Titi, Gabriel Bottini, Julien Chaisse, Marko Jovanovic, Olga Puigdemont, « Excessive Costs and Recoverability of Cost Awards in Investment Arbitration, Journal of World Investment & Trade », The Journal of World Investment & Trade, Brill, 2020, n°23
Catharine Titi, Anna de Luca, Mark Feldman, Martins Paparinskis, « Responding to Incorrect Decision-Making in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Policy Options », Journal of World Investment and Trade, Brill, 2020
Catharine Titi, « The Nationality of the International Judge: Policy Options for the Multilateral Investment Court », Columbia FDI Perspectives, , 2020
Catharine Titi, « 国际法官的国籍: 多边投资法庭的政策选择(Translated by the journal from English) », Columbia FDI Perspectives, , 2020
Catharine Titi, « Nationality and Representation in the Composition of the International Bench: Lessons from the Practice of International Courts and Tribunals and Policy Options for the Multilateral Investment Court », CERSA Working Papers on Law and Political Science 1/2020, 15 January 2020,, , 2020
Catharine Titi, « Excessive Costs and Recoverability of Costs Awards in Investment Arbitration », Journal of World Investment and Trade, , 2020
Catharine Titi, « Investment Arbitration and the Controverted Right of the Arbitrator to Issue a Separate or Dissenting Opinion », The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, n°1, pp. 197-216
Catharine Titi, « Who's Afraid of Reform? Beware the Risk of Fragmentation », AJIL Unbound, , 2018
Catharine Titi, « Res Iudicata and Interlocutory Decisions under the ICSID Convention: Antinomies over the Power of Tribunals to Review », ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal, , 2018
Catharine Titi, « International Dispute Settlement in Cultural Heritage Law and in the Protection of Foreign Investment: Is Cross-Fertilization Possible? », Journal of International Dispute Settlement, , 2017, n°3, pp. 535-556
Catharine Titi, « Non-Adjudicatory State-State Mechanisms in Investment Dispute Prevention and Dispute Settlement: Joint Interpretations, Filters and Focal Points », Revista de Direito Internacional, , 2017
Catharine Titi, Marcelo Dias Varella, Nitish Monebhurrun, Hervé Ascensio, Nitish Monebhurrun (Editores Convidados / Invited Editors), « Edição Completa / Complete Issue », Revista de Direito Internacional, , 2017
Catharine Titi, « Most-favoured-nation treatment : survival clauses and reform of international investment law », Journal of International Arbitration, Kluwer Law International, 2016, n°5, pp. 425-440
Catharine Titi, Katia Fach Gómez, Katia Fach Gómez, « Special Issue: The Latin American Challenge to the Current System of Investor-State Dispute Settlement », The Journal of World Investment & Trade, Brill, 2016, n°4, pp. 511-514
Catharine Titi, Katia Fach Gómez, Katia Fach Gómez, « International Investment Law and ISDS: Mapping Contemporary Latin America », The Journal of World Investment & Trade, Brill, 2016, n°4, pp. 515-535
Catharine Titi, « The European Union's Proposal for an International Investment Court: Significance, Innovations and Challenges Ahead », Transnational Dispute Management, Maris Bv, 2016, pp. 1-36
Catharine Titi, « Investment Treaty Arbitration as Public International Law, written by Eric De Brabandere », The Journal of World Investment & Trade, , 2016
Catharine Titi, C. Titi, « International Investment Law and the European Union: Towards a New Generation of International Investment Agreements », European Journal of International Law, , 2015
Catharine Titi, C. Titi, « Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties. By CHESTER BROWN (ed) », British Yearbook of International Law, , 2014
Catharine Titi, « Full Protection and Security, Arbitrary or Discriminatory Treatment and the Invisible EU Model BIT », The Journal of World Investment & Trade, , 2014
Catharine Titi, « Investment arbitration in latin america the uncertain veracity of preconceived ideas », Arbitration International, , 2014
Catharine Titi, « The Arbitrator as a Lawmaker: Jurisgenerative Processes in Investment Arbitration », The Journal of World Investment & Trade, , 2013
Catharine Titi, « The European Union's Proposal for an International Investment Court: Significance, Innovations and Challenges Ahead », SSRN Journal,
Catharine Titi, The Amendments to the ICSID Rules and Regulations,La révision des règlements du CIRDI, 2023
Catharine Titi, The Right to Regulate, 2022
Catharine Titi, States Strike Back - Old and New Ways for Host States to Defend Against Investment Arbitrations, 2022
Catharine Titi, Comparative Costs and Financing of Permanent Dispute Settlement Mechanisms, 2022
Catharine Titi, Nationality and Representation in the Composition of the International Bench: Lessons from the Practice of International Courts and Tribunals and Policy Options for the Multilateral Investment Court, 2020
Catharine Titi, Procedural Multilateralism and Multilateral Investment Court: Discussion in Light of Increased Institutionalism in Transatlantic Relations, 2018
Catharine Titi, The Right to Regulate, 2018
Catharine Titi, Investment Treaty Arbitration as Public International Law, written by Eric De Brabandere, 2016, pp. 1047-1051
Catharine Titi, Recent Developments in International Investment Law, 2016
Catharine Titi, Marc Bungenberg, VIII. Precedents in International Investment Law, 2015
Catharine Titi, IX. International Investment Law and Good Governance, 2015
Catharine Titi, Institutional Developments in Investor–State Dispute Settlement and Arbitration Under the Auspices of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, 2015
Catharine Titi, Marc Bungenberg, 11 The Evolution of EU Investment Law and the Future of EU-China Investment Relations, 2014
Catharine Titi, Marc Bungenberg, Developments in International Investment Law, 2013
Catharine Titi, Marc Bungenberg, Developments in International Investment Law, 2012
Catharine Titi, The right of the host state to regulate water services
Catharine Titi, The Timing of Treaty Party Interpretations, EJIL: Talk! 18 August 2020, 2020