8:00 AM (NY), 1:00 PM (UK), 8:00 PM (CH), 8:00 PM (SG), 5:30 PM (IN)
14h00 (FR) : Opening remarks by organisers
Dr. Pascale Accaoui Lorfing and Dr. Yulia Levashova
Panel 1 - The State’s Response to Pandemic and Possible Defences
14h15 : Moderator : Prof. Attila Tanzi, University of Bologna, 3VB Chambers, London
Toward a Typology of Governments’ Responses’
Prof. Julien Chaisse, City University of Hong Kong
The Necessity Defence and International Investment Law
Research Associate Prof. Catharine Titi CNRS-CERSA, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas
Tools of International Investment Agreements and Investment Contract : National Security Interest and Force Majeure
Dr. Pascale Accaoui Lorfing CREDIMI
Questions-Answers session
Panel 2 - Investor’s Protection at the Time of Pandemic and Aftermath
15h15 : Moderator : Prof. Clotilde Jourdain-Fortier, Credimi, University of Burgundy)
The Protection Equilibrium in ISDS : Strategic Considerations and Realistic Expectations in Times of Crisis and Beyond
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Cairo University Zulfi car & Partners Law Firm
The Urgency of not Revising Investment Treaties
Maître de conférences HDR Sébastien Manciaux, Credimi - University ofBurgundy
COVID-19 Measures and the Legitimate Expectations of Investors
Dr. Yulia Levashova, Nyenrode UniversityUtrecht University
Questions-Answers session
Panel 3 - The Response to Pandemic from Different Parts of the World
16h15 : Moderator : Adjunct prof. Alvaro Galindo, Georgetown University Law Center
The Reform of the International Investment Policy Regime in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic : A Perspective of Developing Economies
Investment Policy Adviser Hamed El-Kady, UNCTAD
Africa’s Concerns regarding ISDS in the context of COVID-related Measures : Insights from the African Union
Prof. Makane Moïse Mbengue, University of Geneva
India’s Policy Responses to Pandemic and its Impact on Foreign Investors
Prof. Arpita MukherjeeIndian Council for Research onInternational Economic Relations
Questions-Answers session
17h15 : Concluding remarks
Attila M. Tanzi, University of Bologna
It is free of charge, but don’t forget to register by sending an e-mail to:
Webinar organisé pour le CREDIMI par les docteurs Pascale Accaoui Lorfing et Yulia Levashova