Environmental Protection and Human Rights

Atelier / Workshops

Environmental Protection and Human Rights



Over the past decade, various natural science studies have demonstrated the numerous negative consequences of environmental degradation caused by human activities. Environmental changes. particularly climate change, affect all aspects of human life and activity. Therefore the protection of the environment is of utmost importance. From o legal point of view, environment might be seen os o special value, an « object of protection » on the one hand. And on the other hand,a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment" might be grasped os a human right (as it was recognized by the UN Human Right Council in its resolution in 2021). In that sense the role of States and other stakeholders of international and national level is very important.

At the same time, the decisions issued by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on April 9, 2024, and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) on May 21, 2024, pose challenges to the State's ability to safeguard the environment and protect the rights of future generations in the face of competing interests. Several constitutional courts have already anticipated these international rulings by striking down climate-related laws deemed insufficient. Notable examples include the German Constitutional Court in March 2021 and the Korean Constitutional Court in August 2024.

The workshop will focus mainly on this double-side especially from the point of view of international and human rights law.




February 10th


9:00 : Opening remarks
Marie-Élisabeth Baudoin ; Pr. de droit public, CMH-UCA
Pavel Bureš, Palacký University, Czech Republic


Panel 1 - Environmental Protection — A Challenge to Rethink Human Rights

9:30 am : The Right to a Clean, Healthy, and Sustainable Environment: Transforming Human Rights or Reframing Environmental Protection ?
Francesco Follieri Full Professor of Administrative Law, LUM "Giuseppe Degennaro", Law Faculty (Italy)


9:50 am : The Right to Food and the Right to the Environment as a Category of Human Rights
Prof. Dr hab. Monika Anna Kral, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz (Poland)

10:10 am : The interdependence Principle from Ecology to Human Rights : Perspectives on Water Governance
Jacopo Pafforini, Fellow researcher at the University of Perugia (Italy), Department of Law and Professor at the Alitus Educactio Low School (Brasil)

10:30 am : Discussion

10:50 am : Coffee Break


Panel 2 - State Responses - A Constitutional Law Perspective

11:00 am : Human Rights Violation Arguments in Climate Change Litigation : A Comparative Study of the German Constitutional Court Order and the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Korea
Pike Krbmer-Hoppe, Professor of Public Low and Transregional Norm Development. University of Regensburg (Germony)

11:20 am : Evolving Standards of Proportionality Review in Response to Environmental Challenges
Laurianne Allezard, Researcher, Faculty of Low. Lund University (Sweden)

11:50 am : The Legal Foundations of Ecological Resilience: Embedding Environmental Rights in the Constitution of Romania
Anthony Murphy, Assistant professor PhD. Ovidius University of Constant° (Romano)

12:10 am : Discussion


12:30 am : Lunch


Panel 3 - Coordinating National and International Human Rights Protection Mechanisms

2:15 pm : Protecting the Environment with a Shield and Sword : The Need for Coordinated Interaction between Human Rights Law and International Criminol Law
Nicole Citeroni, Researcher, Faculty of Law, Lund University (Sweden)

2:35 pm : The Role of Human Rights in Shaping Ecological Constitutionalism
Prof. PhD Florica Brasoveanu & Associate Prof. PhD Madalina Bettina, Ovidius University of Constants (Romania)

2:55 pm : Discussion

3:15 pm : Environmental and Human Rights Clauses as a Means to Implement ESG Principle
Dr. Pavel Bureš, PolockY University (Czech Republic)

3:35 pm : The Protection of the Black Sea and the Danube Delta through Domestic and International Regulations
Prof. PhD Florica Brasoveanu & Associate Prof. PhD Wadalina Botina, Ovidius University of Constants (Romania)

3:55 pm : Discussion & Q&A

4:30 pm : End of firth day


February 11th


Insights from young researchers on environmental law and human rights


9:00 am : Human Rights and Climate Justice : Lessons from Czech Courts and the ECtHR
Denisa Hlusickova, PhD student, Palacky University (Czech republic)

9:30 am : Is the Right to a Safe Environment an Individual or Collective Right ?
Arthur Thevenet, PhD student, Clermont Auvergne & Palacky University (France)

10:00 am : Environmental Protection as a Constitutional Principle
Mariangela Barracchia, PhD student, LUM "Giuseppe Degennaro", Law Foculty (Italy)

10:30 am : Coffee Break

10:45 am : The Right to the Environment and the Right to Cultural Heritage os Complementary Rights
Lena Gryz, PhD student. University of Lodz (Poland)

11:15 am : Exploring the Evolving Landscape of Environmental Low : Participation. Rights, and Balancing Competing Interests
Antonio Niccolo Corchiyi, PhD student, LUM "Giuseppe Degennoro", Low Faculty (Holy)

11:45 am : The Russo-Ukrainian War and Energy Policies in Italy
Coda Cozzi, PhD student, LUM 'Giuseppe Degennoro". Law Faculty (Holy)

12:15 am : Workshop Conclusion & Final Discussion

12:45 am : Closure



Contact Pr Marie-Élisabeth Baudoin : M-Elisabeth.BAUDOIN@uca.fr

Workshop organisé par le CMH, Université Clermont Auvergne sous la direction scientifique des professeurs Marie-Élisabeth Baudoin Pr de droit public, CMH-UCA et Pavel Bureš, Palacký University, Czech Republic

Clermont-Ferrand - Faculté de droit
41 Bd François Mitterrand - CS20054
63002 Clermont-Ferrand CEDEX 1