Inauguration of the European platform for access to personal and family rights (EPAPFR)


Inauguration of the European platform for access to personal and family rights (EPAPFR)



The European platform for access to personal and family rights (EPAPFR) aims to help any person facing difficulties related to private international law issues on family matters in Europe (EU) by encouraging coordination and collaboration of legal, medical and social systems on Member States’ territory, whether they are associative or institutional entities.

This project is part of European Union Justice Programme, established for the period 2014-2020. The Justice Programme finances actions having a European added value, which contribute to the further development of a European judicial area.

The EPAPFR supports the implementation of European instruments for private international law of the family, particularly Directive 2008/52/EC of 21 May 2008 on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters, Brussels II bis Regulation of 27 November 2003 on matrimonial and parental responsibility matters, the Hague Convention of 19 October 1996 on parental responsibility and children protection measures, and Rome III Regulation of 20 December 2010 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation.

The project consists on putting in contact services for access to laws specialized in private international law, working closely with the end-users (persons concerned) in order to facilitate effective access to justice in the relevant field, to promote the training of professionals, to increase end-users’ awareness, to encourage exchange of experiences and knowledge between institutional actors coming from different Member States.

The project regroups several partners throughout Europe :
• The private international law research center of University Lyon 3 (EDIEC)
• The Belgian association for the right of foreigners (ADDE)
• The International Social Service-Bulgaria (ISS-Bulgaria)
• University of Liège
• The German institute for youth protection and family law in Germany (DIJUF)
• University of Verona (UNIVR)
• The International Legal information in private international law (FIJI), project coordinator

A representative of the European Commission is expected to speak at the inauguration of the EPAPFR, as well as a representant of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH).




12 Mars 2020


8h30 : Participant reception

9h00 : Opening of the conference by a representative of the European commission
(to confirm)

9h30 : EPAPFR presentation - Presentation of the project and challenges of private international law in the context of migration
Cécile Corso, Director of FIJI, Doctor of Law, Lecturer at the University of Lyon

10h15 : General issues on access to rights and implementation of UE regulations
Cyril Nourissat, Professor of law at the University Jean Moulin - Lyon 3, Director of the Research Centre on Private International Law (CREDIP)

10h45 : Break

11h00 : Divorce, legal stay and domestic violence in the EU
Carmen Ruiz-Sutil, Professor at the University of Granada

11h30 : Maintenance
Dieter Martiny, Professor emeritus of the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), affiliate at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Private Law, (Hamburg)

12h00 : Unaccompanied minors
Philippe Lortie, First Secretary to the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference of International Private Law (HCCH)


12h30 : Lunch break


14h00 : International mediation
Miglena Baldzhieva, lawyer, head of Intercountry Casework Division, International Social Service-Bulgaria (ISS-Bulgaria)
Sabina Titarenko, Network Development Officer, International Social Service General Secretariat


Parallel workshops


14h30 : Surrogacy
Chair : Mia Dambach, Director International Reference Centre - International Social Service
Maria Caterina Baruffi, Full Professor of International Law – University of Verona

Chair : Cinzia Peraro, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in EU Law – University of Verona

International protection
Chair : Caroline Apers, jurist, (Association pour le droit des étrangers (ADDE), Brussels)

Unaccompanied minors
Chair : Olivier Geissler, senior children’s rights/migration expert (International Social Service General Secretariat)

Sham marriages/partnerships
Chair : Thomas Evrard, Jurist (ADDE), Brussels

17h00 : Drink

18h00 : End


13 Mars 2020


9h00 : Introduction
Cécile Corso, Director of FIJI, Doctor of Law, Lecturer at the University of Lyon

9h15 : Property regimes and patrimonial consequences of registered partnerships
Andrea Bonomi, Professor at the University of Lausanne (Unil), Vice-Director of the Law School, Director of the Centre for Comparative Law, European and International (CDCEI)

9h45 : Successions
Patrick Wautelet, Professor of Law at the Faculty of Liège

10h15 : Break

10h30 : International child abduction
Thalia Kruger, Lecturer at the University of Antwerp

11h00 : Circulation of documents
Thomas Evrard, Jurist (ADDE), Brussels

11h30 : Circulation of civil status
Silvia Pfeiff, Doctorate in Legal Science, Lawyer, Lecturer at the Free University of Brussels

12h00 : Concluding remarks on tools
Ludovic Pailler, Professor of law at the University Jean Moulin - Lyon 3, Director of the Legal Clinic of the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Member of the International, European and Comparative Law Team, Member of the Research Centre on Private International Law (CREDIP)


12h30 : Lunch break


14h00 : Round-table with Central Authorities (UE and HCCH)

  • Belgium
    Abdellah Derraz et Maïlys Machiels, Central Authority for Civil Legal Assistance, (Justice, Directorate General of Legislation, Freedoms and Fundamental Rights)
  • Czech Republic
    Mgr. Marie Plášková, Legal Counsel, Legal Department, Office for International Legal Protection of Children
  • France
    Ms. Fanny Maes, Lawyer and legal officer at the Office of Union Law, Private International Law and Civil Assistance, Ministry of Justice
  • Italy
    Giuseppe Vinciguerra, Judge assigned to the Italian Central Authority, Ministry of Justice
  • Latvia
    Liva Upena, Lawyer, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Justice
  • Malta
    Dr. Lynn Faure, Professional Officer, Malta Central Authority - Child Protection Social Care Standards Au-thority

16h45 : Thanks and perspectives of the EPAPFR



Contact : EDIEC : veronique.gervasoni@univ-lyon3.fr

Inscription : http://www.fiji-ra.fr/reseau-et-plateforme-associative/epapfr/


Colloque inaugural de la Plateforme européenne pour l’accès aux droits personnels et familiaux en Europe, FIJI et EDIEC-CREDIP (dir. sc. C. Corso, C. Nourissat, L. Pailler) organisé par la Faculté de droit de Lyon 3.

Pavillon de la Soie
30 avenue de Bohen
Pôle Commercial Le Carré de Soie
69120 Vaulx-en-Velin