Traditions constitutionnelles nationales, traditions constitutionnelles communes

Journée d'étude

Traditions constitutionnelles nationales, traditions constitutionnelles communes

Nouveaux enjeux de l'état de droit en Europe ?



In a time where challenges to the rule of law in the European Union are multi-plying, the notion of Common Constitutional Traditions needs to be considered in the light of the necessary consolidation of the European construction based on a strong constitutional identity. The discussion will be moderated by Guy Scoffoni, Professor at Sciences Po Aix, ILF/GERJC and member of the Common Constitutional Traditions Group/European law Institute. It will focus in particular on:

  • The method of identification of Common Constitutional TraditionsIs a bottom up approach, starting from National Constitutional Traditions better adapted to Article 6.3 TEU and more legitimate?
  • What constitutional principles, freedoms and rights are deeply rooted as democratic tradition of the European legal family?
  • Emergence of new Common Constitutional Traditions? (Principle of solidarity, Pluralism, Judicial independence, Dignity, Privacy, Environmental rights...)
  • Common Constitutional Traditions and Judicial Dialogue. Does the notion of Common Constitutional Traditions allow the Courts to adapt their caselaw in light of new convergences between the national systems?
  • Common Constitutional Traditions and European Identity




14:00 : Roundtable Discussion And Participants

Presentation of the Common Constitutional Traditions Group Research/European Law Institute
Piotr Bogdanowicz, Professor, Warzaw
Piet Eeckhout, Professor, London
Iain Cameron, Professor
Lund- Jorg Fedtke, Professor, Passau
Sabino Cassese, Professor, Rome
Bianca Gardella Tedeschi, Professor, Turin
Mario Comba, Professor, Turin
Jeffrey Jowell, Professor, London
Tomasz Dudek, ELI, Vienne
Paolo Passaglia, Professor, Pisa

Presentation of the RECONNECT H2020 Research Project
Petra Bard, Professor, Budapest, member of Reconnect Project
Laurent Pech, Professor, Middlesex, London, member of Reconnect Project
Jan Wouters, Professor, Leuven, coordinator of Reconnect Project

Discussants :
Giacinto della Cananea, Professor, Milan
Aurélie Duffy-Meunier, Professor, Metz, ILF/GERJC
Ludovic Hennebel, Professor, Aix-en-Provence, CERIC

General discussion with members of ILF/GERJC and CERIC Research Centers, Aix-Marseille University Coordination
by Audrey Bachert-Peretti, Doctor of Public Law, ILF/GERJC

17:00 : End

Journée d’études ILF/GERJC - European Law Institute

Faculté de droit et de science politique
Salle des Actes
3 Avenue Robert Schuman
13100 Aix-en-Provence