
Parution : 04/2021
Editeur : Brill
ISBN : 978-9-0044-5418-7
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Negotiations of Gender and Property through Legal Regimes (14th-19th Century)

Stipulating, Litigating, Mediating

Sous la direction de Margareth Lanzinger, Janine Maegraith, Siglinde Clementi, Ellinor Forster, Christian Hagen

Présentation de l'éditeur

This volume explores familial wealth arrangements and gendered property from the fourteenth to the nineteenth centuries in Italian, German and Austrian territories (including Florence, Trento, Tyrol, and Vienna), Nordic countries, Western Pyrenees, and England. Family property as capital in the form of houses, land, movables, financial assets, and rights were of great importance in the past. Arrangements of such property were characterised by a high degree of negotiating competence but likewise they entailed competition between the parties involved and were highly conflict prone. Fifteen contributors from Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, and the UK address different marital property regimes in relation to the practices and legal regulations of inheritance patterns with consideration to inter-familial negotiation, conflict, and resolution.

Contributors are: Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga, Laura Casella, Isabelle Chabot, Siglinde Clementi, Simona Feci, Ellinor Forster, Andrea Griesebner, Christian Hagen, Margareth Lanzinger, Janine Maegraith, Silvia Mattivi, Beatrice Moring, Craig Muldrew, Regina Schäfer, and Georg Tschannett. 



Chapter 1 Families and Property: Stipulating, Litigating, Mediating
Authors: Margareth Lanzinger, Janine Maegraith, Siglinde Clementi, Ellinor Forster, and Christian Hagen

Part 1 Differentiated Patterns

Chapter 2 The Exclusion of Women from Inheritance Rights: An Unresolved Issue?
Author: Simona Feci

Chapter 3 Inheritance Disputes from Ingelheim Court Records on the Threshold of the Early Modern Period (Fourteenth to Fifteenth Centuries)
Author: Regina Schäfer

Chapter 4 Landed Property, Power, and Female Old Age Security in the Nordic Countries
Author: Beatrice Moring

Chapter 5 Negotiating Inheritance in the Western Pyrenees in the Nineteenth Century – Gender Differentiated Treatment and Destinies
Author: Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga

Part 2 Spaces of Transition

Chapter 6 After the Plague: Women, Marriage, and Property in Trento during the Second Half of the Fourteenth Century
Author: Silvia Mattivi

Chapter 7 Along Family Line and Next of Kin: Negotiating and Safeguarding Dowries and Inheritance in Late Medieval Tyrol
Author: Christian Hagen

Chapter 8 Gender Imbalance in the Use, Ownership, and Transmission of Property in Early Modern Southern Tyrolean Urban and Rural Contexts
Author: Janine Maegraith

Part 3 Social Spaces – Legal Cultures: Patricians and Nobles

Chapter 9 Family Justice and Public Justice in Dowry and Inheritance Conflicts between Florentine Families (Fourteenth to Fifteenth Centuries)
Author: Isabelle Chabot

Chapter 10 Border Patrimonies: The Transmission and Claiming of Property in Women’s Everyday Writings in Sixteenth to Eighteenth-Century Friuli
Author: Laura Casella

Chapter 11 A Dispute over Guardianship: The Trentino-Tyrolean Noble Trapp Family between 1641 and 1656
Author: Siglinde Clementi

Part 4 Urban and Rural Spaces: Ascribing and Defending Property, Bequests, and Occupation

Chapter 12 Little to Leave: Labourers’ Goods and the Probate Process in Early Modern England
Author: Craig Muldrew

Chapter 13 Property, Power, Gender: Conflicts and Agency of a “Merchantess” in the Archduchy of Austria below the Enns in the Eighteenth Century
Author: Andrea Griesebner

Chapter 14 After Divorce: Disputes about Property and the Division of Wealth in the Context of Divorce from Bed and Board (Vienna, 1783–1850)
Author: Georg Tschannett


Chapter 15 Wealth in Its Diverse Meanings and Contexts – Concluding Comment
Author: Margareth Lanzinger

Legal History Library , Vol. 48 , 445 pages.  130.00 €