Journée d'étude organisée sous la direction scientifique de Mathilde Lopez Derouault, Aurélia Friès Flaubert et Xavier Dupré de Boulois ...
Colloque organisé par l'Institut de recherche Carré de Malberg, la Faculté de droit, de sciences politiques et de gestion, Université de Strasbourg, sous la direction scientifique...
Colloque organisé par le Centre d’Etudes du Saulchoir sous la direction scientifique de Pierre Januard et Marie Claire Phélippeau...
Séminaire mensuel organisé par l'UMR DICE, Aix Marseille Université...
Conférence organisée par l'IRDP, Nantes Université, dans le cadre du cycle de conférences "La réforme du droit des contrats civils et commerciaux vue d'ailleurs" sous la direction...
Table ronde organisée par l'Institut Louis Favoreu, UMR DICE, Aix Marseille Université / CNRS...
Colloque organisé par l'IRENEE, Université de Lorraine en partenariat avec les Archives Henri Poincaré et la DILCRAH Délégation interministérielle à la lutte contre le racisme,...
Vous recherchez une formation en droit ou en science politique ?univ-droit présente les diplômes et formations dispensés dans les facultés de droit et les IPAG.
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Retrouvez ci-dessous les parutions de ces 3 dernières années, présentées sur univ-droit.Consultez la liste complète des parutions en cliquant sur ce lien.
Peter Bußjäger, Mathias Eller, Julia Oberdanner
This compilation analyzes how federal and quasi-federal systems are created and if there are common patterns or certain conditions...
Brill08 / 2024
Redefining Its Independence
Alexandre Tavadian
This book explores the independence of international civil servants across various intergovernmental institutions.
Sandrine Maljean-Dubois
The global nature and seriousness of the threats to biodiversity have created a pressing need for international law.
Brill06 / 2024
A Normative Account of the Acts that Constitute International Crimes
Ciara Laverty
This book explores the normative dimensions of the acts that constitute international crimes.
Brill05 / 2024
Founding Myths, Charters and Constitutions through History
Xavier Gil
This volume examines “constitutional moments” in history, those occasions or episodes when significant steps were taken in the...
Brill03 / 2024
Julie Rocheton
Unveiling the history of nineteenth-century civil codes in the USA, this book examines their origin stories, circulation, and usage...
Natural Rights, Legal Methods and System Principles
Daiga Rezevska
The book comprises contemporary legal theory pertaining to Democratic States based on the Rule of Law from the perspective of general principles of law.
Martín Laclau
In this work, one of Latin America’s most renowned legal philosophers conducts a comprehensive survey of the ancient Greek understanding of the law.
Brill01 / 2024
The Case of Climate Change and Pandemics
Sarah Cassella
Global risks present formidable challenges to international law. Although they have long been identified in many other scientific disciplines,...
Brill12 / 2023
States on a Spectrum of Democratisation
Ramute Remezaite
What does compliance with judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) look like in states on the spectrum of democratisation?
Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina, Gabriella Silvestrini
This volume sheds new light on modern theories of natural law through the lens of the fragmented political contexts of Italy in the...
Brill11 / 2023
Andrea Bonomi, Matthias Lehmann, Shaheeza Lalani
Despite being conceived as an alternative to state and law, the technology and its use cases raise many legal questions, most notably,...
Hector L. MacQueen
This book explores the rise of a Scottish common law from the twelfth century on despite the absence until around 1500 of a secular legal profession.
Brill10 / 2023
John D. Ford
Privateering was legal whereas piracy was illegal. That much everyone knows. But what exactly was privateering? Answering this question...
Brill04 / 2023
Samantha Besson
Since the concept of due diligence first appeared in arbitral decisions at the end of the nineteenth century, its success in international...
Brill02 / 2023
Zamira Xhaferri
This book examines the law and practice of the delegation of rulemaking powers to the European Commission. It combines legal doctrine...
Brill01 / 2023
Enseigner le droit à Orléans (c.1230-c.1320)
Marie Bassano
This book focuses on the teaching methods and doctrine produced at the Orléans law school between 1230 and 1320. This crucial period...
Brill12 / 2022
Noëlle-Laetitia Perret, Stéphane Péquignot
This volume fills this important gap, while promoting a global historical perspective of different “mirrors for princes” traditions...
Rethinking the Legitimacy of Public International Law
Evelyne Lagrange, Daniel Erasmus Khan, Stefan Oeter, Christian Walter
This volume looks at the changing role of state sovereignty and explores more democratic modes of legitimation in order to supplement...
Brill11 / 2022
Thibaut Fleury Graff, Hannah L. Buxbaum
L’extraterritorialité est un concept qui, touchant à la répartition des pouvoirs entre Etats, soulève des questions juridiques...
Brill10 / 2022
On Justice and Right
Susan Longfield Karr
This book explores how the fathers of humanist jurisprudence contributed to the emergence of ius gentium as the common law not simply...
Brill09 / 2022
Koenraad Verboven, Paul Erdkamp
This book offers critical analyses of the dynamic relation between legal regulations, institutions and economic performance in the Roman world.
Brill08 / 2022
Cases, Statutes, Concepts and Beyond
Zhaoyang Zhang
How did people solve their disputes over debt, compensation, inheritance and other civil matters in early China? Did they go to court?...
Brill07 / 2022
Zur politischen Idee der Germanistik 1806-1848
Christian Lück
Die Studien verstehen sich als Beitrag zur Gründungsgeschichte der Germanistik als historischer Wissenschaft des Deutschen.
Genealogy and Overview
Guillaume Grégoire, Xavier Miny
Des physiocrates aux néolibéraux, de la République de Weimar à l’intégration européenne, des constitutions nationales à la...
Brill06 / 2022
Shinya Murase, Suzanne Zhou
This volume provides a comprehensive examination of epidemics and international law from the perspective of general international law....
Brill12 / 2021
The Global Rise of a New Paradigm
Jean-Louis Halpérin, Baudouin Dupret
This volume formulates the hypothesis of a truly global revolution that reflected a Great Divide between ancient and new legal regimes....
Histories of an Idea
Mark Somos, Anne Peters
Combining intellectual history with current concerns, this volume brings together fourteen essays on the past, present and possible...
Une analyse critique de discours
Edoardo Stoppioni
L'objectif principal de ce travail est de porter un regard nouveau sur le contentieux international économique, en utilisant des méthodes...
Serge Dauchy, Dave De ruysscher, Albrecht Cordes, Stefania Gialdroni, Heikki Pihlajamäki
Legal historians have analysed the characteristics of merchant guilds and nationes (i.e., associations of foreign merchants), as well...
Brill11 / 2021
Howell A. Lloyd
The present edition is the first to evaluate Hotman’s text in the context of the history of Roman law from the time of the sixth-century...
Brill10 / 2021
From the French Revolution to the Paris Convention of 1883
Louise J. Duncan
The author presents a detailed examination of the underlying theoretical bases advanced for the protection of patents in various key...
Brill09 / 2021