8:30 am : Registration and welcome coffee
Uniformity and exceptionalism in the application of the New York Convention
9:00 am : Introduction
Caroline Kleiner, Université Paris Cité
9.15am : Moderator : Fabienne Schaller, Paris Court of Appeal
What has the New York Convention become ? What did it achieve ?
Franco Ferrari, New York University
The interpretation of the New York Convention
August Reinisch, Vienna University
The scope of application of the New York Convention : are all awards enforceable under the New York Convention ?
Benjamin Siino, Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes
Coffee break
vs. Exceptionalism
10.45am : Moderator : Giuditta Cordero-Moos, Oslo University
The use by French Courts of article VII of the New York Convention : the presumption of a more favorable law ?
Christophe Seraglini, University Paris Saclay, Freshfields
Has article V 2b) of the New York Convention become an international Standard ?
Francesca Ragno, Bologna University
Enforcement of annulled awards under the New York Convention
Sophie Gremaud, Clyde & Co
First Round table - Should the New York Conventionbe (more) used by French Courts ?
Moderated by Giuditta Cordero-Moos
12.30 : Light lunch
Divergence among States practice : issues of jurisdiction and procedure
2.00 pm : Moderator : Charles Nairac, White & Case
Post award interest and enforcement of arbitral awards
Caroline Kleiner, Université Paris Cité
Time limit periodfor the enforcement of arbitral awards
Olivera Boskovic, Université Paris Cité
Deference to decisions by other courts upholding an award
Friedrich Rosenfeld, Hanefeld
Coffee Break
Enforcement of arbitral awards against States : is the New York Convention fit for the purpose ?
4.00 pm : Moderator : Diego P. Fernández Arroyo, Sciences Po Law School
States’ reservations about the commercial nature of the dispute : an obstacle to uniformity ?
Shaparak Saleh, Three Crowns
How to enforce an arbitral award when the debtor State is at war or under sanction ?
Jacques-Alexandre Genet, Archipel
Second round table - What can be done at the pre-award stage for the post-award stage ?
Moderator : Juan Pablo Argentato, ICC Court of arbitration
5.30 pm : Cocktail
6.00 pm End
Inscription :
Colloque organisé par le CEDAG, Faculté de droit, Université Paris Cité, Sciences Po, et New York University