On global constitutionalism and its limits

Journée d'étude

On global constitutionalism and its limits



Convenors : Gaetan Cbouennois, research professor, CNRS, DCS, Nantes University and Cristina Parau, University of Oxford


9.00 : Imaginary Constitutions
Martin Loughlin, Professor, London School of Economics

9.25 : Discussion

9.55 : The possibilities of legal interpretation in a global constitutional discourse
Graziella Romeo, Associate Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law Bocconi University

10.20 : Discussion

10.50 : Coffee and tea break

11.00 : Transnational Constitutional Law and the Republican split
Alexander Somek, Professor, University of Vienna

11.25 : Discussion

11.55 : Hegemonic Constituent Power in a Global Context
Alan Greene, Reader, Birmingham Law School

12.20 : Discussion


12.50 : Lunch break


2.00 : Liberal constitutionalism and the ideological foundations of actually existing liberal democracies
Zoran Oklopcic, Carleton University

2.25 : Discussion

3.00 : The state of emergency laws and the total constitution ?
Anna-Bettina Kaiser, Professor, Humbold University Berlin and Senior Jean Monnet Fellow, New York University

3.25 : Discussion

4.00 : Coffee and tea break

4.15 : The philosophical origins of the government of judges
Nicolas Huten, Assistant Professor, Nantes University

4.40 : Discussion

5.10 : How Lawyers Attack Constitutionalism : The U.S. Case
Scott Cummins, Professor, UCLA and Fulbright-Schuman Distinguished Chair at the European University Institute

5.35 : Discussion

6.05 : On the ways the private sector (transnational elite networks and liberal private foundations) have influenced the adoption of the global constitutional model in Europe
Gaëtan Cliquennois, Research Professor, CNRS, DCS
Cristina Parau, postdoc, University of Oxford
Brice Champetier and Simon Chaptel, PhD students, Nantes University

6.35 : Discussion

7.00 : Cocktail

7.30 : Closure



Free access

Journée d'études organisée par Droit et changement social, Nantes Université / CNRS

Château du Tertre
Salle 104
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre
44300 Nantes

Nantes Université
Faculté de Droit et Sciences Politiques
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Droit et Changement Social