International Law and Interfaith Relations in the “ius commune” Tradition


International Law and Interfaith Relations in the “ius commune” Tradition

42e Cour de l'Ecole international du Ius commune



The intertwining of law and religion in the medieval and early modern world means that religion represented a core issue in political interactions between (members of) communities of different faith.

Since the late 11th century, the intensification of contacts between Christian and non-Christian peoples caused by the Crusades, pilgrimages and trade made the regulation of these interactions urgent. This course aims to explore the ways in which the definition and regulation of interfaith relations contributed to the formation of premodern and modern international law. Three major issues appear to be worth of investigation : the status of religious minorities, the legitimacy of alliances and trade with the “infidels”, and the entitlement of the latter to the exercise of dominium and iurisdictio in their lands. For our purposes, “international law” is to be understood in a broad sense, i.e. not merely as interstate law (which only came into being in the mid-18th century) but as the multi-normative framework that governed the relations between a wide variety of actors in a plural and multi-layered political order. Both the Euro-Mediterranean area and the territories affected by European colonial expansion will be considered for investigation.

Directors of the School : M. Bellomo - K. Pennington - O. Condorelli - W. Decock




3-7 décembre 2023


Directors of the Course :
O. Condorelli, Università di Catania
W. Decock, UC Louvain
D. Fedele, CNRS-Université de Lille


Colonisation, evangelisation and the legal treatment of indigenous Americans : the thought of Diego de Avedaño (1594-1698)
Luisa Brunori, École Normale Supérieure-Université Paris Nanterre, FR

Il patto con gli infedeli : un “impium foedus” ?
Orazio Condorelli, Università di Catania, IT

La francisation des Amérindiens au 17e siècle. Enjeux politiques, économiques, religieux et juridiques
Serge Dauchy, CNRS-Lille, FR

The Ius Commune to the Rescue of the Qing Dynasty : Evidence from Macau’s Jesuit Community (1680s)
Wim Decock, UC Louvain, BE

Gli infedeli nel trattato “De’ doveri de’ principi neutrali” (1782) di Ferdinando Galiani
Giuseppina De Giudici, Università di Cagliari, IT

Paulus Vladimiri e la guerra agli infedeli
Dante Fedele, CNRS-Lille, FR

Il diritto delle nazioni nei viaggi in Oriente di Giovanni di Pian di Carpine, Guglielmo di Rubruk e Marco Polo
Andrea Padovani, Università di Bologna, IT

The Ius gentium and the idea of national independence
Mathias Schmoeckel, Universität Bonn, DE

Le recours au ius commune dans le commerce franco-ottoman à l’Epoque moderne
Victor Simon, Université de Lille, FR

The Discreet Chasm of Religious Incompatibility. Petrus Gudelinus’s Treatise on the Law of Peace (1620)
Alain Wijffels, KU Leuven, BE

Fedeli, infedeli e “zelus fidei” nella tradizione giuridica: da

Francesco d'Assisi a Dante
Christian Zendri, Università di Trento, IT


Presentation of new researches on the “ius commune” 

Vladimir Hrabar (1865-1956) : un historien du droit et internationaliste européen ? L'histoire de la science du droit international entre l'Europe occidentale, l'Empire de Russie et l'URSS
Alexandra Garifullina, Université de Lille, FR

Etnie, religioni e pluralismo ordinamentale nella Sicilia normanna (secoli XI-XII)
Luigi Gennaro, Università di Catanzaro, IT

Trade and religion, the Levant Company in the muslim lands of the Great Turk
Gilles Hebben, Université de Lille, FR

La Concession Française de Shanghai : aspects juridiques et juridictionnels
Hélène Hu, Université de Lille, FR

I fondamenti della libertà religiosa nell’Impero Ottomano tra ius gentium, diritto islamico e capitolazioni
Andrea Miccichè, Università di Catania, IT

“An Brabantia sit Patria Iuris scripti ?” Il ruolo del jus commune nel diritto del Ducato di Brabante secondo Henricus Kinschotius (1541-1608)
Nicolas Ruys, UC Louvain, BE



Persons wishing to attend the School are requested to write to Professor Orazio Condorelli, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Università di Catania - e-mail : ocondorelli@lex.unict.it

International school of Ius Commune organised by Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, sponsored by The Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research – Sicilian Regional Government – University of Catania – CNRS

Ettore Majorana Foundation And Center For Scientific Culture
Via S.Cataldo, 12