08:45 : Greetings
Sharon Hannes, Dean, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law
Panel 1 - History of Legal Transplants
Chair : Natalie Davidson, TAU
9:00 : French Readings in Law Reviews : The American Readings of the French Legal Doctrine (1870-1945)
Prune Decoux, Bordeaux
Born in the USA ? American Influences on Israeli Adjudication during the First Years of Independence
Shani Schnitzer, TAU
Commentator : David Schorr, TAU
10:15 : Break
Panel II - History of Criminal Law
Chair : Shai Wozner, TAU
10:30 : The Search for Intent in Contemporary Criminal Law (XIXe - XXe Centuries)
Alexandre Frambéry-Iacobone, Bordeaux
Criminal Intent and Self-Submission to Justice : The Case of Jewish Law
Orit Malka, TAU
Commentator : Leora Bilsky, TAU
11:45 : Break
13:15 : Lunch break
Panel IV - History of Financial Law
Chair : Melech (Elimelech) Westreich, TAU
14:00 : Exchange Operations : Theory and Practice in Bordeaux during the early Modern Period (1673-1789)
Victor Le Breton-Blon, Bordeaux
Reigning Them In : Non-Governmental Currencies and Sovereignty in Early Modern England
Idit Ben Or, Hebrew University
Commentator : Roy Kreitner, TAU
15:15 : Break
Panel V - Literary Sources and Legal History
Chair : Yishai Blank, TAU
15:30 : Criticisms of the Criminal Justice System in Anarchist Utopian Novels
Claire Vachet, Bordeaux
Between Legal Consciousness and Moral Conscience in Children’s Education : Children Weeklies in the State of Israel’s First Decade
Talia Diskin, TAU
Commentator : Menachem Mautner, TAU
16:45 : Break
17:00 : Concluding Round-Table - The Past, Present and Future of Legal History in France
Chair : Ron Harris, TAU
With : Laetitia Guerlain, Bordeaux
Nader Hakim, Bordeaux
Xavier Prévost, Bordeaux
18:00 : End
Participation by invitation. For an invitation please send an email to :
Organizers : Nader Hakim, Bordeaux, Assaf Likhovski, TAU and David Schorr, TAU. Sponsored by : The Israel Science Foundation (Grant no. 586/18), The David Berg Foundation Institute for Law and History and Institut de Recherche Montesquieu.