Le droit international et européen face aux défis de l’État de droit


Le droit international et européen face aux défis de l’État de droit



09:00 : Registration

10:00 : Opening of the Conference - General introduction
Iulia Motoc, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights


10:30 : Panel 1 : Challenges and safeguarding of the independence of justice

Chair : Branko Lubarda, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

Le rôle de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne pour la préservation de l’État de Droit
Dean Spielmann, Judge at the General Court of Justice of the European Union

UN Actions and Programs in Safeguarding the Independence of Judges
Stanislav Sevchuk, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
Ida Caracciolo, Professor of International Law at the Univ. of Naples

The impartiality of judges in the jurisprudence of the ECHR : the case Baka v. Hungary
María Elósegui, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

Le rôle de la Cour constitutionnelle dans la sauvegarde de l’efficacité de la justice pénale. L’expérience roumaine
Ioan Florin Streteanu, Dean of the Faculty of Law Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Independence of judiciary within the political dimension
Armen Harutyunyan, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights


11:45 : Coffee break


12:15 : Panel 2 : Freedom of expression and media pluralism

Chair : Işil Karakaş, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

Importance of respect of freedom of expression and media pluralism in a country in transition
Ivana Jelić, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

Unmasking "Illiberal democracy" : authoritarian populism and media control
Silviu Rogobete, Professor at the West Univ. of Timisoara

Protection de l’indépendance journalistique et du pluralisme des médias dans la jurisprudence des cours régionales
Alina Miron, Professor of International Law at the Univ. of Angers



13:00 : Lunch break


14:30 : Panel 3 : Defending the Rule of Law in emergency regimes

Chair : Krzysztof Wojtyczek, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

Defending the rule of law in emergency regimes : an inter-american perspective
Christina Binder, Chair for International and Human Rights Law at the Bundeswehr Univ. of Munich, Vice-president of ESIL

Fair trial for political activists
Dmitry Dedov, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

EU sanctions and the rule of law
Luis Miguel Hinojsa Martínez, Chair of International and European Law at the Univ. of Granada, President of ESIL

Défense de l'Etat de droit dans les régimes d'exception : l'exemple récent de la France sous l'état d'urgence
Peggy Ducoulombier, Professor of public law at the Univ. of Strasbourg


15:30 : Coffee break


16:00 : Panel 4 : What normative and institutional remedies against the weakening of the rule of law ?

Chair : Péter Paczolay, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

Subsidiarity in the age of Strasbourg
Ledi Bianku, Judge at the, European Court of Human Rights

The Rule of Law and the ECHR Principle of Subsidiarity
Robert Spano, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

L’évolution des discours sur la démocratie en droit international
Jean d'Aspremont, Professor of International Law at the Univ. of Manchester

Always a missed opportunity ? An EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights
Radu Carp, Political Science and Law Professor at the Univ. of Houston

The rule of law and property
Vladimíra Pejchalová-Grünwaldová, Professor at the Univ. of West Bohemia


17:30 : General conclusions
Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, Judge and Vice-President of the European Court of Human Rights

18:00 : Close



Inscription obligatoire, avant le 4 décembre, par courriel à : Florian Moitrot :

Séminaire organisé par Iulia Motoc, Juge à la Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme et Alina Miron, Professeure à l'Université d'Angers

Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme
Allée des Droits de l'Homme
67000 Strasbourg