Anne Wagner

Maître de conférences HDR
Langues et littératures anglaises et anglo-saxonnes.
Département de Droit
Centre de Recherche Droits et Perspectives du Droit
Equipe René Demogue

Anne Wagner is Associate Professor of Legal Semiotics and Associate Research Professor at Centre de Recherche Droits & Perspectives du Droit (EA n°4487), équipe René Demogue, Lille University. She is the Editor-in-Chief of "International Journal for the Semiotics of Law" (Springer), Series Editor of "Law, Language and Communication" (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group), Series Editor of "Law and Visual Jurisprudence" (Springer), Series Editor of "Gender, Justice and Legal Feminism" (Springer),  and President of "International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law"

Spécialités :
Criminologie ; Discours ; Frontières ; Identités ; Multiculturalisme ; Pluralisme normatif ; Science juridique.

Responsabilités administratives et scientifiques :

  • Droit, Jurisprudence visuelle, Sémiotique juridique et scientifique


Anne Wagner et Aleksandra Matulewska (dir.), Research handbook on jurilinguistics, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, Research handbooks in legal theory, 507 p.

Anne Wagner et Sarah Marusek (dir.), Research handbook on legal semiotics, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, Research handbooks in legal theory, 489 p.

Anne Wagner et Ning Ye (dir.), Signs, symbols, and meanings in law, de Gruyter Mouton, 2017, 508 p.

Anne Wagner et Le Cheng, Exploring courtroom discourse : the language of power and control, Routledge, 2016, Law, language and communication, 267 p.

Anne Wagner et Jean-Claude Gémar (dir.), Decision-making in translation, interpretation, and speech act : legal semiotic culture-mediation techniques, Mouton de Gruyter, 2014, 322 p.

Anne Wagner et Richard K. Sherwin (dir.), Law, culture and visual studies, Springer, 2014, 1042 p.

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Anne Wagner, King Kui Sin et Le Cheng (dir.), The Ashgate handbook of legal translation, Ashgate, 2014, Law, language and communication, 325 p.

Anne Wagner et Jan M. Broekman (dir.), Prospects of legal semiotics, Springer, 2012, 244 p.

Anne Wagner et Le Cheng, Exploring courtroom discourse : the language of power and control, Ashgate, 2011, Law, language and communication, 267 p.

Anne Wagner et Vijay Kumar Bhatia (dir.), Diversity and tolerance in socio-legal contexts : explorations in the semiotics of law, Ashgate, 2009, 250 p.

Anne Wagner et Sophie Cacciaguidi-Fahy (dir.), Obscurity and clarity in the law : prospects and challenges, Ashgate, 2008, 262 p.

Anne Wagner et William Pencak (dir.), Images in law, Ashgate, 2006, 318 p.

Anne Wagner et Sophie Cacciaguidi-Fahy (dir.), Legal language and the search for clarity : Practice and tools, Peter Lang, 2006, Linguistic insights, 493 p.

Anne Wagner, Tracey Summerfield et Farid Samir Benavides Vanegas (dir.), Contemporary issues of the semiotics of law : cultural and symbolic analyses of law in a global context, Hart, 2005, Oñati international series in law and society, 275 p.

Anne Wagner, La langue de la Common law, l'Harmattan, 2002, 353 p.


Anne Wagner, « Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era – A Critical Challenge », International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue internationale de sémiotique juridique, N° 5, 2023, pp. 1915-1923

Anne Wagner, « Voluntary assisted dying and euthanasia’s perpetual pendulum in Australia », International Journal of Legal Discourse, N° 2, 2023, pp. 225-234

Anne Wagner et Sarah Marusek, « From Life to Law: Towards an Evolving Conception of Ecocide », in Fleerackers, Frank (dir.), The rearguard of subjectivity : on legal semiotics : festschrift in honour of Jan M. Broekman, Springer International Publishing, 2023, pp. 193-202

Anne Wagner, Sarah Marusek et Aleksandra Matulewska, « Perpetual pendulum in law », in Wagner, Anne, Matulewska, Aleksandra (dir.), Research Handbook on Jurilinguistics, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, pp. 373-388

Anne Wagner, Wei Yu et Sarah Marusek, « Preface - Foundations of the International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law (IRSL) », in Wagner, Anne, Marusek, Sarah (dir.), Research Handbook on Legal Semiotics, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, p. NC

Anne Wagner, Aleksandra Matulewska et Sarah Marusek, « Masked Covid life: a socio-semiotic investigation », Semiotica, N° 247, 2022, pp. 55-85

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Anne Wagner et Sarah Marusek, « Triadic Dimensionalities: Knowledge, Movement, and Cultural Discourse—in the Wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic », International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue internationale de sémiotique juridique, N° 3, 2022, pp. 823-830

Anne Wagner et Aleksandra Matulewska, « The Multiplicity of Third Space of Communication in Law », International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue internationale de sémiotique juridique, N° 5, 2021, pp. 1225-1243

Anne Wagner et Wei Yu, « Machiavellian Apparatus of Cyberbullying: Its Triggers Igniting Fury With Legal Impacts », International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue internationale de sémiotique juridique, N° 4, 2021, pp. 945-963

Anne Wagner, Sarah Marusek et Aleksandra Matulewska, « Stranger Danger: Social Distancing, the Bubble, and the War on Space in Times of Covid-19 », International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue internationale de sémiotique juridique, N° 3, 2021, pp. 1145-1165

Anne Wagner et Yiran Zheng, « Eduardo C. B. Bittar (2020): Semiotics, law & art: between theory of justice and theory of law », International Journal of Legal Discourse, N° 2, 2021, pp. 381-390

Anne Wagner et Aleksandra Matulewska, « Preface: Law and Legal Linguistics in a Constant State of Transition », Comparative Legilinguistics International Journal for Legal Communication, N° 1, 2021, pp. 7-16

Anne Wagner et Sarah Marusek, « A Trichotomy of Meaning: To Know, To Think, To Dream in Colors and Flags », in wagner, Anne, Marusek, Sarah (dir.), Flags, Color, and the Legal Narrative Public Memory, Identity, and Critique, Springer, 2021, pp. 24-38

Anne Wagner et Aleksandra Matulewska, « Third Space of Legal Translation: Between Protean Meanings, Legal Cultures and Communication Stratification », International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue internationale de sémiotique juridique, N° 5, 2020, pp. 1245-1260

Anne Wagner, Le Cheng, Xitao Hu et Aleksandra Matulewska, « Exploring cyberbullying: a socio-semiotic perspective », International Journal of Legal Discourse, N° 2, 2020, pp. 359-378

Anne Wagner, « Visual Rhetoric as “A Space-in-Between”: Semiotic Account of French Official Presidential Photographs », in Huygebaert, Stefan, Condello, Angela, Marusek, Sarah, Antaki, Mark (dir.), Sensing the Nation's Law, Springer, 2018, pp. 153-172

Anne Wagner, « La sémiotique juridique verbale et nonverbale comme stratégie de communication du droit: Signs, symbols, and meanings in law », Semiotica, N° 216, 2017, pp. 1 - 18

Anne Wagner, « Completeness versus Incompleteness: Binary Codification of the Pop Song “Que Marianne était jolie” », Law and Literature, N° 1, 2017, pp. 53 - 80

Anne Wagner, « Structuralist Semiotics of Law », in Sellers, Mortimer, Kirste, Stephan (dir.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Springer Netherlands, 2017, pp. 1-5

Anne Wagner, « Multiple historical and social layers of interpretation of marital rape in England », Semiotica, N° 209, 2016, p. NC

Anne Wagner, « Law and Cartoons: La Sémiotique de Production et de Diffusion en Droit comme Stratégie de Communication », International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue internationale de sémiotique juridique, N° 4, 2015, pp. 715 - 717

Anne Wagner et Jean-Claude Gémar, « Les enjeux de la jurilinguistique et de la juritraductologie », International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue internationale de sémiotique juridique, N° 1, 2015, pp. 1 - 8

Anne Wagner et Jean-Claude Gémar, « Communication and culture mediation techniques in jurilinguistics », Semiotica, N° 201, 2014, pp. 1 - 15

Anne Wagner, « Frontières avancées dans les transferts de connaissances juridiques : aspects théoriques et pratiques », in Chassagnard Pinet, Sandrine, Lemay, Pierre, Regulski, Céline, Simonneau, Dorothée (dir.), Droit, arts, sciences humaines et sociales : (dé)passer les frontières disciplinaires, LGDJ, 2014, p. 205

Anne Wagner, « French Urban Space Management: A Visual Semiotic Approach Behind Power and Control », International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue internationale de sémiotique juridique, N° 2, 2011, pp. 227 - 241


Anne Wagner, Law and the Visual: Representations, Technologies, Critique, Law & History, Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society, pp. 168-170

Anne Wagner, Gouleau Aurélia, Benedicte Bakan, Virginie Bertoux, Stéphane Cordeau, Jérôme Enjalbert, Arnaud Gauffreteau, Julie Gombert, David Gouache, Nicolas Henry, Anne Laperche, Valérie Leclère, Fabrice Lheureux, Frédéric Moquet, Delphine Tailliez-Lefebvre, Patrice This et Christian Huyghe, Saisine du Comité Scientifique CTPS - Durabilité - mai 2023, p. NC

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