
Parution : 07/2023
Editeur : Historia et Ius
ISBN : 978-8-8946-3769-4
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Soggettività contestate e diritto internazionale in età moderna

Sous la direction de Giuseppina De Giudici, Dante Fedele, Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina


The relations between the General Estates of the Netherlands and the French monarchy allow to study the practices surrounding contested subjectivity in the area of diplomacy and international relations. From the 1570s to the 1600s, agents of the General Estates, rebels against the King of Spain, were regularly received at the French court, where they came to ask for help in their struggle. Henri III then Henri IV received them with complex, malleable and ambivalent symbolic systems, constantly reformulated according to the international situation.

The French monarchy aimed at recognizing a certain Dutch political subjectivity while seeking to minimize the scandal caused by such receptions, because of the criticisms levelled by Spanish and papal diplomats, who regularly accused the French king of being too indulgent towards rebels. This situation reveals the symbolic, doctrinal and legal nuances of an early modern international life in which non-state actors sometimes played a crucial role.



Introduzione. Le diverse facce della soggettività nella storia del diritto internazionale dell’età moderna. Tra diritto e prassi, di Giuseppina De Giudici, Dante Fedele, Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina

Giovanni Minnucci, Da esule a civis anglus. Alberico Gentili e la difficilecondizione dello straniero: tra vicende personali e riflessioni dottrinali

Alberto Clerici, Sovereign rebels. Alberico Gentili and the Dutch Revolt

Fabrice Micallef, Un scandale diplomatique ? La réception des agents néerlandais à la cour de France (fin XVIe-début XVIIe siècles)

Walter Rech, Targeting the Sovereign: Assassination as a War Tacticin the Republic of Venice

Aldo Andrea Cassi, La soggettività negata. Lo statuto (ontologico e) giuridico degli indios nel Descubrimiento

Stefano Cattelan, Challenging empires: pirates, privateers and the Europeanisation of ocean spaces (c. 1500-1650)

Frederik Dhondt, Rebels, Exiles and Pirates in Context. Flexible Labels in the Aftermath of the Peace of Utrecht (1713-1720)

Alberto Carrera, Tra dovere di obbedienza e diritto di resistenza. La figura del ribelle nel pensiero giuridico di Vattel

Antonio Trampus, Soggettività contestata e cultura dell’esilio

Collana di Studi di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno , Vol. 9 , 212 pages.