9:30 : Opening
Institutional greetings
Mariano Porcu, Director of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Cagliari
Introductory speech
Maria Eugenia Bartoloni
Session I - Measures taken by the EU against Russia : the role of EU values
Chair : Federico Casolari
10:00 : Ukraine's reconstruction and its legal challenges
Sara Poli
The fight against the manipulation of Information in the context of the war in Ukraine
Isabelle Bosse-Platière
Session II - The EU-Ukraine Relations to the EU : driven by (what) values ?
Chair : Sara Poli
11:30 : The Accession of Ukraine to the EU through the lens of values
Cécile Rapoport
Is the European Peace Facility really promoting the EU fundamental values ? A critical assessment in the light of the support for the defence of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine
Federico Casolari
The war in Ukraine as a laboratory of the judicialization of (international) politics : the contribution of the EU
Luca Pantaleo and Beatrice Sanna
13:00 : Lunch
Session III - The impact of the crisis on EU policies : What place for EU values ?
Chair : Daniele Amoroso
15:00 : The use of Article 122 TFEU as a legal basis for 'solidarity' in energy matters ?
Eleftheria Neframi
The EU's response to the war in Ukraine : towards a chain of solidarities in the military field ?
Anne Hamonic
Strengthening the Rule of Law : how the war in Ukraine reinforces the need to solve the Copenhagen dilemma ?
Gaelle Marti
17:00 : Concluding remarks
Viktoriia Lapa
Le colloque peut être suivi en ligne
Colloque organisé par l'IODE, Université de Rennes avec l’IUF et l’Université de Cagliari sous la direction scientifique de Luca Pantaleo, Isabelle Bosse-Platière et Cécile Rapoport