Assessing the suitability of tenderers for public procurement contracts : new challenges and evolving use of exclusion and qualification grounds

Atelier / Workshops

Assessing the suitability of tenderers for public procurement contracts : new challenges and evolving use of exclusion and qualification grounds

L’appréciation de l’aptitude des candidats aux contrats de la commande publique : nouveaux usages et enjeux contemporains des motifs d’exclusion et des exigences de qualification

Programm - Programme


14h00 : Welcome for participants – Accueils des participants

14h30 : Welcome note – Mots d’accueil
Francesco Torrisi, Directeur de la Maison de l’Ile de France à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris


Exclusions grounds and risks management – Motifs d’exclusion et gestion des risques

Chair : Pierre Bourdon, Full Professor of public law, University of Cergy-Pontoise

14h40 : How to manage risk at the level of exclusion grounds ? An overview of the OECD report "Managing risk in public procurement of goods, services and infrastructure (June 2023)
Paulo Magina, OECD, Deputy Head Division on Public Procurement

Data sources for public procurement risk identification
Christopher Yukins, Lynn David Research Professor in Government Procurement Law, George Washington University Law School

Exclusion grounds issues and digitalization in the EU
Gabriella Racca, Full Professor of public Law, University of Torino

15h50 Break - Pause


Trust and societal functions of exclusions grounds – Confiance et justifications sociétales dans l’usage des motifs d’exclusion

Chair : Annamaria La Chimia, Professor of Law & Development and Director Public Procurement Research Group, School of Law, University of Nottingham

16h05 : Use of exclusion grounds for controlling the chain of subcontractors in relation to social and environmental concerns. Perspectives from Directive 2014/24 and the new directives on CSRD & corporate sustainability due diligence
Steven Van Garsse, Professor of public Law, Hasselt University, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law

Grounds for exclusion and sustainable public procurement: current grounds from Directive 2014/24 and the proposed grounds related to proposals on criminal law and environmental violations, green claims and deforestation (remotely)
Willem Janssen, Professor of Public Procurement Law, Utrecht University / Groningen University

Grounds of exclusion outisde EU directives : does EU primary law offer a leeway ?
Andrea Sundstrand, Law Professor, Stockholm University

17h15 : Break - Pause


International dimension of exclusion grounds and unfair practices from third countries – La dimension internationale des motifs d’exclusion et la prise en compte des pratiques déloyales dans les Etats tiers

Chair : Sarah Schoenmaekers, Professor of European Law, Maastricht University

17h30 : Exclusion grounds in the light of the new International Procurement Instrument (Regulation (EU) 2022/1031 on the access of third-country economic operators)
Laurence Folliot Lalliot, Full Professor of Public Law, University Paris Ouest Nanterre

Exclusion grounds trough the glance of the new foreign subsidies regulation (Regulation (EU) 2022/2560 on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market)
Stéphane de La Rosa, Full Professor of Public Law, Jean Monnet Chair, University Paris Est Créteil

18h20 : Concluding remarks
Jean Bernard Auby, Emeritus Law Professor, Sciences-Po Paris

18h40 : Closure - Clôture



Registrations / Inscriptions : Free registration

Pre-registration by mail to : and ( for organisational purposes)

Workshop organisé par le MIL, Université Paris Est Créteil

Maison de l’Ile de France
Cité internationale universitaire de Paris
17 Boulevard Jourdan
75014 Paris