5th October
(Campus Condorcet – Bâtiment de recherche Nord)
9.00 : Greetings and Congress beginning
(Room 0.010)
9.15 : Eduquer ou punir : l’enfermement des enfants à l’aune des droits fondamentaux
Chair : Chiara Magni, Roma Tre University/Tor Vergata University-Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Keynote speakers : Ophélie Marrel, Conseillère juridique, CNCDH
Céline Branaa[1]Roche, Responsable communication, CNCDH
10.45 : Break (Patio - Bâtiment de recherche Nord)
Panel 1 - Grounding Punishment
(Room 0.010)
Chair : Bertrand Guillarme (CNRS/Université Paris 8)
11.00 : The Moral Justification Problem of Criminal Punishment in a Liberal Democracy
Hsin-Wen Lee, University of Delaware
Debunking Retributive Justice
Przemysław Zawadzki, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
The joint course of judgement and punishment : a philosophical approach
Fernanda Miranda, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona
Panel 2 - Justice, Punishment and Forgiveness in the History of Philosophy
(Room 0.007)
Chair : Giulia Battistoni, University of Verona/Boston University
Forgiveness and Punishment in Hegel
Claudia Melica, University of Trento/Sapienza-University of Rome
Le rétributivisme pénal chez le jeune Hegel
Chiara Magni, Roma Tre University/Tor Vergata University-Université Paris 1 Panthéon[1]Sorbonne
The mortal fate of Man and Punishment as an existential challenge
Petros Satrazanis, University College Dublin
A Transformative Critique of Punishment. Envisioning a Different Conception of Justice based on a Critical Reading of Nietzsche
Franziska Dübgen, University of Münster
13.00 : Lunch break (RU Condorcet)
Panel 3 - Crime and Society
(Room 0.010)
Chair : Véronique Champeil-Desplats (Université Paris Nanterre/SFPJ)
14.30 : Droit pénal, droit moderne ? Un débat entre Durkheim et Foucault
Rodrigo Maruy van den Broek, Humboldt-Universität
Interrogating the philosophy of crime and punishment in the United States
Badrinath Rao, Kettering University
The Myth of Crime-Fighting Police
Eva Yguico, Harvard University
Panel 4 - Literature and Punishment
(Room 0.007)
Chair : Alix Stéphan, Université Paris 8
Punir le système carcéral : les armes littéraires de Sade et Mirabeau enfermés
Sophie Rothé, Université de Tours
It’s only fair…or not ? Punishment in European folktales
Elisabetta Orlandi, Independent scholar
La justice pénale dans les romans, du XIXème au XXIème siècle
Françoise Vanhamme, Université d’Ottawa
Punir les mineurs : droit et littérature dans « L’enfant criminel » de Jean Genet
Ophélie Colomb, Université de Bordeaux
16.30 : Break (Patio)
Panel 5 - The Challenges of Impunity
(Room 0.010)
Chair : Kristin Albrecht, University of Salzburg
16.45 : Punishment and criminalization of femi(ni)cide
Aleida Luján-Pinelo, University of Turku
Grounding punishment for environmental offences
Giulia Battistoni, University of Verona/Boston University
Humanitarian wars and impunity
Ana C. Gómez Sierra, Purdue University
Panel 6 – Fem ! – Defamation, Largely in a Legal Vacuum
(Room 0.007)
Chair : Sabrina Zucca-Soest, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität
Defamation – Defining and legally grasping it
Zita Küng, Lawyer, organizational developer
Questions of morality and ethics
Barbara Degen, Lawyer, Feminist Legal Institute, Haus der Frauen Geschichte in Bonn
Why organizations need to address defamation
Ulrike Reiche, Banking specialist & business analyst
The role of the media and strategies against loss of control
Claudia Gigler, FH Joanneum, journalist
18.45 : End
6th October
(Campus Condorcet)
9.15 : SAFI meeting !
(Room 0.033)
10.15 : Break (Faculty club)
Round table with institutions involved in the prison environment
(Room 0.033)
Chair : Magali Bessone, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
10.30 : Quels droits pour les personnes détenues ?
Prune Missoffe, Observatoire International des prisons – Section française
Evelyne Sire Marin, Ligue des droits de l’Homme
Samra Lambert, Syndicat de la magistrature
12.30 : Lunch break (RU Condorcet)
Panel 7 - Gender in Prisons
(Room 0.033)
Chair : Jenny Frinchaboy, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
14.00 : Transgender behind bars
Pauline Jacobs, Tilburg University
Femmes détenues en Belgique : une vulnérabilité accrue au sein d’une institution androcentrée
Olivia Nederlandt, UCLouvain Saint-Louis – Bruxelles
When the gender binary shapes punishment : how sex segregation impacts detained trans people and gender minorities
Aurore Vanliefde, KU Leuven
When Global Governance Intersects with Caste : Studying the Punishment of Girls in India’s Juvenile Justice System
Sujatha Subramanian, Ohio State University
Panel 8 - Caring and Punishing ?
(Room 0.030)
Chair : Claudia Gigler,FH Joanneum
The Carceral Subversiveness of Canine-Training Prison Programs in the United States
Emily Humbert, Coastal Carolina University
Patient Autonomy in Prison – Legally Enforced Medical Treatment Beyond Human Dignity ?
Céline Hoog, University of Bern
Mental Illness as a Life Sentence : The (Mis)treatment of Psychiatric Disorders in the Courtroom, and Beyond
Kathryn Petrozzo, University of Utah
16.00 : Break (Faculty club)
16.30 : Care and Punishment
(Room 0.033)
Chair : Ciara Luxton, Sciences Po
Keynote speaker : Helen Brown Coverdale, University College London
18.00 : End
7th October
(Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Panel 9 - Scientific Framework and Tools and the Juridical System
(Room Halbwachs)
Chair : Kristin Albrecht, University of Salzburg
10:00 : From punishment to nudge. How behavioral science can affect criminal policy
Mikołaj Iwański, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
The Influence of Worldviews on Criminal Policy – From Newtonian Mechanics to Preventive Detention
Vera Moser, University of Bern
The legitimation of ius puniendi via science. The case of expert witness
Alessia Farano, LUISS University
Pre-crime and punishment : the transformation of punishment through algorithmic risk assessment tools
Pia Levičnik, Université du Luxembourg
Panel 10 - Abolitionism
(Room Cavaillès)
Chair : Juliana Talg, LMU Munich
Is punishment necessary ? Abolitionism, restitution, and the inevitability of punishment
Francesco Testini, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
On another idea of Justice : the democracy of abolition, between Walter Benjamin and Angela Davis
Ludovica Picchi, Sapienza University of Rome
Prison Abolitionism and Utopia
Julian Sheldon, University of Toronto
12.00 : Lunch break (Bouillon Racine)
Panel 11 - Authoritarian Regimes and Punishment
(Room Halbwachs)
Chair : Sabrina Zucca-Zoest, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität
14.00 : Punishing Democrats : the misuse of criminal law penalties in competitive authoritarian states
Alice Dejean de la Bâtie, Tilburg University
Tom Theuns, Leiden University
China’s Punitive Regime Governing Homosexuality : A Critical Overview Starting from the Conviction and Punishment of Authors Penning, Publishing, and Selling Homosexual Fiction
Jue Jiang, University of London
Between memory and impunity : reenacting perpetration of mass killings in movies and theatre
Silvia Donzelli, Regensburg University
Panel 12 - Alternative Perspectives to Punishment
(Room Cavallès)
Chair : Nora Stirn, Sciences Po
Restoration, Three : Punishment, Nil
Emma Dore-Horgan, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Forgiveness as an essential by-product of reparative justice
Magali Bessone, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Le châtiment et le pardon : Analyse de leur relation à la lumière du cas basque
Idoia Quintana Domínguez, Université de Deusto
16.00 : Break
16.15 : Juger les crimes de masse : quel concept de responsabilité ?
(Room Halbwachs)
Chair : Alix Stéphan, Université Paris 8
Keynote speaker : Julie Saada, Sciences Po
17.30 : Conclusions
(Room Halbwachs)
La conférence se déroule en présence et à distance
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L’événement est gratuit et ouvert au public, mais, pour le dernier jour, nécessite une inscription préalable :
4ème conférence internationale organisée par la SAFI (Societas Feminarum Apertia in Iuris Theoria) sous la direction scientifique du Prof. Magali Bessone, Prof. Franck Fischbach et du Dr. Sabrina Zucca- Soest avec l'aide de PhD school of philosophy de l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne