EFFORTS Project - Enforcement of claims in civil and commercial matters within the EU


EFFORTS Project - Enforcement of claims in civil and commercial matters within the EU



This Seminar is organised in the framework of the EFFORTS research project ("Towards more EFfective enFORcemenT of claimS in civil and commercial matters within the EU”). Funded by the Civil Justice Programme of the European Commission, this project (JUST-JCOO-AG-2019-881802) tackles the Brussels Ibis Regulation and the regulations on the European Enforcement Order, the European Small Claims Procedure, the European Payment Order, and the European Account Preservation Order. The project investigates in particular the implementation of these regulations in the national procedural law of Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, and Luxembourg. The project is carried out by a European consortium (the MPI Luxembourg and the Universities of Milan (coord.), the University of Heidelberg, the Free University of Brussels, the University of Zagreb, and the University of Vilnius), and is coordinated by Prof. Francesca Villata, from the University of Milan.

The upcoming National Exchange Seminar will address the implementation and the application of the above-mentioned regulations in Luxembourg and France and will bring together people from academia, the judiciary, practitioners, and policy-makers. Please note that, due to the current state of the pandemic, the Seminar will take place online via Zoom.




9.30 : Welcome and Introduction
Prof. Burkhard Hess, Director, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law


Part I - An Overview of the Current Implementation Status

9.35 : The EFFORTS Regulations in France and Luxembourg

Chaired by : Prof. Burkhard Hess, Director, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law

Presentation of the EFFORTS Project
Dr Veerle Van Den Eeckhout, Senior Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law
Mr. Marco Buzzoni, Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law

National Implementation Strategies
Ms. Tania Jewczuk, Head of the Department of Judicial Cooperation, European and Private International Law, French Ministry of Justice, France



Part II - Specific Issues Arising Under the Efforts Regulations

10.15 : The Brussels I bis and the EEO Regulations

Chaired by : Prof. Rudy Laher, Full Professor, University of Limoges, France

Free Circulation of Default Judgments and Right to a Fair Trial : Comparison Between Art. 45 Brussels I bis and Art. 19 EEO
Mr. Giovanni Chiapponi, Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law

Roundtable with :
Ms. Iva Peni-Trouillas, Legal advisor at the French National Chamber of Bailiffs and the European Bailiff’s Foundation, France
Mr. Patrick Gielen, Judicial Officer, Advisor to the President UIHJ, Belgium


11.00 : Short Break

11.05 : The EPO and ESCP Regulations

Chaired by : Prof. Séverine Menetrey, Full Professor, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Roundtable with :
Mr. Max Mailliet, Lawyer, Law Firm Max Mailliet, Luxembourg
Ms. Julie Jasson, Senior Lawyer, European Consumer Centre Luxembourg, Luxembourg


11.45 : The EAPO Regulation

Chaired by : Dr Cristina M. Mariottini, Senior Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law

The Application of the EAPO Regulation in Luxembourg : A View Through the Lens of the Courts’ and Practitioners’ Experience
Mr. Carlos Santaló Goris, Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law

Roundtable with :
Mr. Grégory Minne, Lawyer, Arendt & Medernach, Luxembourg
Ms. Clara Mara-Marhuenda, Lawyer, Arendt & Medernach, Luxembourg
Mr. Carlos Calvo, President, National Chamber of judicial officers in Luxembourg



12.30 : Lunch Break


Part III - Overarching Questions Regarding the Targeted Regulations


13.00 : Cross-Cutting Issues Relevant to Cross-Border Enforcement of Claims Within the EU

Chaired by : Dr Vincent Richard, Lawyer, Wurth Kinsch Olinger

Roundtable with :
Prof. Corinne Bléry, Full Professor, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes, France
Prof. Gilles Cuniberti, Full Professor, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Dr Aurélien Raccah, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law – Catholic University of Lille/Lawyer at ELEA AVOCAT – Paris, France


13.55 : Conclusions
Dr Veerle Van Den Eeckhout, Senior Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)

14.00 : End of the Seminar



Registration is mandatory in order to attend this event. If you wish to register, please send an email including your full name, title and affiliation to at the latest on Sunday, 19 September 2021.

Please note that the event will be recorded. By joining the Seminar, you consent to the recording. Chatham House Rule applies

France and Luxembourg EFFORTS National Exchange Seminar organised by Max Planck Institute, Luxembourg