From critical theory to cosmopolitanism : a tribute to David Held (1951-2019)

Conférence et cycle

From critical theory to cosmopolitanism : a tribute to David Held (1951-2019)



David Held est décédé le 2 mars 2019. Il était l’un des théoriciens britanniques des relations internationales les plus influents de sa génération, connu pour ces travaux sur la théorie de la démocratie, la globalisation et le cosmopolitisme.
La conférence réunira des membres de la famille de David Held, des juristes internationalistes, des philosophes et des théoriciens des relations internationales.

David Held died on 2 March 2019. He was one of the most influential British international relations theorist in his generation, known for his work on the theory of democracy, globalisation and cosmopolitanism.
In the context of Pr. Olivier de Frouville’s Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) program of research (« Autour d’une théorie démocratique du droit international ») the Paris Human Rights Center is organizing a conference to pay tribute to his life and work, from critical theory to contemporary cosmopolitanism.
The conference will gather members of David Held’s family, international lawyers, philosophers and international relations theorists.




Morning session


9:30 : Words from the Held family

A conversation with David Held
Olivier de Frouville, Paris II Panthéon-Assas University

David Held : an overview of his work
Pietro Maffettone, University of Napoli Federico II


Political theory as an attempt to change the world : the contribution of David Held
Daniele Archibugi, Italian National Research Council/University of London

Globalization and social democracy : european politics at the crossroads
Cécile Housset, University of Paris Descartes



12:30 : Lunch break


Afternoon session


14:30 : The scales of the new political imaginary : David Held and a history of the political philosophy
Ninon Grangé, University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis

Cosmopolitan democracy and migration
Angela Taraborrelli, University of Cagliari

Cosmopolitan realism and climate change
Richard Beardsworth, University of Leeds


Cosmopolitanism in the face of gridlock in global governance
Garrett Wallace Brown, University of Leeds

International non governmental organizations as agents of cosmopolitan democracy
Marie Guimezanes, University of Paris Nanterre

David Held, world statist ?
Luke Ulas, University of Sheffield


18:00 : End



Inscription obligatoire :
Le port du masque est obligatoire ainsi que le respect des gestes barrières

Journée d'hommage organisée par le CRDH/Paris Human Rights Center, l’Institut Universitaire de France et l'Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas.

Centre Panthéon
Salle des conseils - Esc. M - 2nd étage
12 place du Panthéon
75005 Paris