Trump, l'an 3


Trump, l'an 3



9.00 : Breakfast


Panel 1 - International relations à la Trump


10.00 : Trump and the Gulf : Business as Usual ?
Rachid Chaker

Rachid Chaker is a teaching and research assistant in Political Science. He works on rivalries in the Gulf since the Iraq war (2003). He is a member of the Centre Thucydide -Université Panthéon-Assas


10.25 : Trump’s European Policy : Between Transactionalism and Ideology
Martin Quencez

Martin Quencez currently serves as the deputy director of GMF’s Paris office and a research fellow in the Security & Defense program. His work includes research on transatlantic security and defense cooperation, U.S. and French foreign policy. He regularly writes articles on those topics for the French and international press. He is the leader of different research projects on European defense cooperation and transatlantic defense innovation. He is also an associate researcher for the European Council on Foreign Relations, working in France for its European Powers program. He teaches transatlantic relations at the Euro-American campus of Sciences-Po. Prior to joining GMF, he worked for the Institute of Defense Studies and Analyses in New Delhi, where he focused on French and Indian strategic thinking. He studied international relations at the Uppsala University in Sweden and is a graduate of Sciences-Po Paris. He is currently working on a PhD in contemporary history at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University

10.50 : Questions and coffee break


Panel 2 -Elections and electoral sociology


11.15 : Donald J. Trump and African-American Voters: A Lasting Distrust ?
Simon Grivet

Simon Grivet is associate professor in American history and American studies at the Université de Lille, he has worked on the history of capital punishment in California and in the U.S. and now focuses on the history of the federal judiciary and the American South

11.40 : Georgia on My Mind : The Electoral Consequences of Demographic Undercurrents in the Suburban Sun Belt
Lauric Henneton

Lauric Henneton is associate professor at the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin. He is the author of a Histoire religieuse des Etats-Unis (Flammarion 2012) and La fin du rêve américain ? (Odile Jacob, 2017) and edited Fear and the Shaping of Early American Societies(Brill, 2016). His latest is an Atlas historique des Etats-Unis (Autrement) and he is very proud to be covering the 2020 election for Rolling Stone magazine

Followed by questions


12.30 : Lunch Break


Panel 3 - Politics and the Law


Part 1 : Constitutional issues


14.00 : The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned : Trump, the Courts, and the National Security State
Phil Hostak

Phil Hostak is an attorney specializing in civil rights, constitutional law, and labor law. Before becoming a sole practitioner, Mr. Hostak served as senior counsel for the National Education Association, a labor union representing some three million teachers and education support professionals. Prior to that, Mr. Hostak was an appellate attorney in the Appellate and Supreme Court Branch of the National Labor Relations Board and an attorney with Bredhoff & Kaiser, PLLC. After receiving a J.D. from Cornell University, Mr. Hostak also served as a law clerk for Hon. Dolores Sloviter of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and the Hon. Louis Pollak of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

14.25 : The Constitutional Questions Raised by the Impeachment of Donald Trump
Idris Fassassi

Idris Fassassi is a Professor of Law at the University of Amiens, specialized in constitutional law. He is also a judge on the French National Court of Asylum. He holds a Ph.D. in constitutional law from Aix-en-Provence Law School, a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Harvard Law School. He is also a qualified attorney admitted to the New York bar and he was a Fulbright scholar and visiting researcher at NYU law school

14.50 : Questions and tea


Part 2 : Politics and discourse


15.20 : Trumpism : between New Populism and New Radical Right
Yves Surel

Professor of Political Science, Co-Director of the CERSA/UMR 7106 at Paris 2. He has published extensively on European policies, comparative policies in general and public policies in particular (with Jacques  de Maillard, Les politiques publiques sous Sarkozy, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2012 ; co-direction with Bruno Palier, Quand les politiques changent, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2010 ; with Yves Mény, Politique comparée, Paris, Montchrestien, 2009 ; co-direction with Bruno Palier, L’Europe en action, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2007

15.45 : “Most Pro-Life President. Ever” : Access to Abortion and Social, Racial, Political and Geographical Challenges under Trump
Yvonne-Marie Rogez

Yvonne-Marie Rogez is Assistant Professor at Paris 2 Panthéon -Assas University. She teaches UK and US legal English, institutions and US constitutional law. She specializes in North American studies and her research focuses on the North American literature, iconography and visual representations of margins and marginalization, and the field of US law and society

16.10 : Deconstructing Donald Trump's Anti-immigrant Rhetoric : The Making of a Threatening Primitive Savage Other
Jérôme Viala-Gaudefroy

Doctoral candidate at Paris 3 in American Civilization. Jérôme Viala-Gaudefroy is currently a part-time lecturer at l’Institut d’Études Politiques (Sciences-Po, St Germain-en-Laye). He received his Ph.D. from Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris 3 university in November 2016. His work focuses on presidential discourse through transdisciplinary research, including critical discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics (particularly conceptual metaphors), communication, and political science. His article on “President Trump and the Virtue of Power” was published in the e-journal LISA. He is also a contributor to the independent, not -for-profit online publication, "The Conversation" and Slate. He has been the webmaster the AFEA (Association française d’études americaines) and an active member of the board since 2013

Followed by questions

17.00 : End of conference



Entrée libre

Organisé en collaboration avec Law & Humanities, CERSA, NYU Paris, l'Institut universitaire de France et l'association Assas Common Law Society par Yvonne-Marie Rogez et Jennifer Merchant, Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas

New York University Paris
57 boulevard Saint-Germain
75005 Paris