
Parution : 12/2024
Editeur : De Gruyter
ISBN : 978-3-1110-5658-6
Site de l'éditeur
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The League of Nations Experience

Overlapping Readings

Sous la direction de Aurora Almada e Santos,  Yvette Santos

Présentation de l’éditeur

As an early experiment in the creation of multilateral institutions, the League of Nations was entrusted by its members to maintain peace but also to be a standard-maker and a manager of contemporary problems and challenges requiring a global response. Nevertheless, after a while it became clear that its performance in addressing major conflicts did not live up to the expectations of guarantying collective security. In the functional areas, although the organization created precedents, it also showed limitations. Due to its complexity, increasingly the League of Nations has been studied not only from an institutional perspective but also from a more multidimensional and comparative point of view that allows to consider the presence and role of the organization in various scales and spaces, besides its relationship with a diversity of actors and themes. The League of Nations Experience: Overlapping Readings offers a multitude of interpretations, evincing some of the promising avenues through which the League of Nations continues to inspire academic research.

Aurora Almada e Santos and Yvette Santos, iNOVA University Lisbon, Portugal.

314 pages.  129,00 €