
Parution : 01/2021
Editeur : Edinburgh UP
ISBN : 978-1-4744-8168-7
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Hans Kelsen's Political Realism

Robert Schuett

Présentation de l'éditeur

What does it mean to be a foreign-policy realist? Why is it important to get Hans Kelsen right? How can open society ideals be reconciled with the tragedies of world politics? It is widely acknowledged that the rules-based international order is under assault by visions of illiberal democracy at home and powerful autocracies abroad. The Schmittians old and new are making a comeback, and neorealists in particular continue to pit realism against liberalism: where there is only power or nothing, all else is scorned as naïve, including Kelsen. The book challenges the neorealist myth of power politics and conventional views of the Austrian-American jurist in international relations theory. Revisiting Kelsen’s life and thought through the prism of classical realism, the supposed Kantian idealist is presented as a calm yet bold, progressive political realist who has continued analytical and normative relevance in the study of politics and world order. The case is made that a synthesis of political realism and progressive policies is possible. No matter what the Schmittians say or do, what is in a liberal democracy’s so-called national interest is not a function of causality, necessity, or any other natural laws of impersonal forces or anarchical structures. Rather, what is willed, or not willed, on any given day in politics and international relations is the product of political imputation, moral choice, and individual and collective human agency.



Chapter 1 Kelsen’s Enemies
Chapter 2 Kelsen’s Milieu
Chapter 3 Kelsen’s Freudian Moment
Chapter 4 Kelsen’s Foreign-Policy Realism
Chapter 5 Kelsen’s Style of Political Thinking

304 pages.  93,06 €