Parution : 03/2019
Editeur : Peeters
ISBN : 978-9-0429-3802-1
Site de l'éditeur

Ius commune graeco-romanum

Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Laurent Waelkens

Études coordonnées par Wouter Druwé, Wim Decock, Paolo Angelini, Matthias Castelein


As a tribute to their academic teacher and to further his interests, the students of Prof. Dr. Laurent Waelkens collected fifteen scholarly contributions on ius commune graeco-romanum, written by academics from eleven different countries, mainly but not exclusively from Eastern Europe. The book consists of three main parts. In the first part, four authors focus on the Graeco-Roman law in the Roman Empire itself. In the second part, five contributions concern the influence of Graeco-Roman law outside of the Byzantine Empire. The six contributions of the third and final part study the impact of the Western ius commune tradition on Eastern European countries. Thus, the volume highlights the continued importance of the study of Roman law for the understanding of our common pan-European legal heritage.



mgr. Roland Minnerath, Préface, p. 5

Wouter Druwé, Wim Decock, Paolo Angelini and Matthias Castelein, Introduction, p. 9


Part 1 : Ius graeco-romanum in the Roman Empire

Chris Rodriguez, L’application de la loi et la persistance de la coutume dans l’Égypte romaine au Haut-Empire : essai de synthèse autour des travaux de Joseph Mélèze-Modrzejewski, p. 17

Tiziana Faitini, Redemption between law and theology. The theological translation of the Roman redemptio in the Patristics, p. 37

Valerio Massimo Minale, Macro nel Nomos Stratiotikos: diritto militare e ‘ritorno al futuro’, p. 53

Vasileios-Alexandros Kollias, The influence of emperors on dispute settlements in ecclesiastical matters: the jurisdictional struggle over the Diocese of Amykleion and the relevant court battle (1340 AD), p. 69


Part 2: Influences of Byzantine Law outside of the Empire

Tomáš Gábriš, The Relationship of Ecloga and Zakon Sudnyj Ljudem Revisited: On Possibilities of Reconstruction of Archaic Law in Great Moravia, p. 91

Annick Peters-Custot, Les donations pieuses dans l’Italie méridionale normande : quid du don/contredon dans une terre influencée par l’héritage culturel et juridique byzantin?, p. 109

Tamara Matović, Bequeathing in medieval Serbian law, p. 129

Gábor Hamza, Fortleben der Tradition des römischen Rechts (ius Graeco-Romanum) in der Entwicklung des Privatrechts und in der Neukodifikation des Zivilrechts in Georgien (Sakartwelo), p. 139

Dmitry Poldnikov, Byzantine Roman law studies in Russia within the framework of political ideologies, p. 147


Part 3 : Roman law and Ius commune in Central and Eastern Europe

Dalibor Janiš, The Early Reception and Influence of Canon and Roman Law in the Medieval Czech Lands, p. 167

Maciej Mikuła, Professors of the Law Faculty of the University of Cracow and their legal writings (16th and early 17th centuries), p. 179

Hesi Siimets-Gross, Merike Ristikivi and Katrin Kello, Favor libertatis: the ancient regula iuris as an argument for freedom in the courts of the late 18th century in the provinces Estland and Livland of the Russian Empire, p. 209

Mirela Krešić, Praesumptio muciana and the Status of Croatian Women with Respect to the Law of Succession according to the Austrian General Civil Code, p. 225

Levente Völgyesi, Presentation of the effects of Roman and canon law in Hungary through the institutions of Hungarian civil procedure until the creation of the regulation on civil jurisdiction in 1868, p. 241

Paulina Święcicka, Amicus Paulus sed magis amicus est Windscheid. About Stanisław Wróblewski’s modus docendi of Roman Law, p. 259

Iuris Scripta Historica (KVAB) , Vol. 30 , 328 pages.  79 €