
Parution : 10/2017
Editeur : De Gruyter
ISBN : 978-3-1105-5695-7
Site de l'éditeur

Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsgeschichte

Materialien, Methodik, Fragestellungen

Michael Stolleis

Présentation de l'éditeur

The textbook provides a basic introduction to constitutional and administrative history through sources, the research literature, and specific methodological questions. This kind of overview has gained in importance over time as issues previously dealt with at the level of the nation state must now be addressed comparatively at the European level. The textbook also provides a global assessment. 


Teil 1: Einführung

Teil 2: Quellen, Editionen, Hilfsmittel

Teil 3: Probleme und Perspektiven der Forschung

Teil 4: Bibliographie und Verzeichnisse

Methodica , Vol. 4 , 134 pages.  200€