Keynote Speaker:
- Joseph Raz, Professor at Columbia University Law School and King’s College London
Thursday, June 20
9:00 Welcome & Registration
- 9:30 Keynote Address by Joseph Raz: Law Through a Normative Lense
10:30 Coffee Break
- Panel 1 – The Justification of Autonomy and Authority After Raz
Moderator: Alicia-Dorothy Mornington
- 11:00 Why Care About Autonomy?, Renaud-Philippe Garner, Paris I
- 11:45 Raz, Authority and Political Anarchism, Bruno Leipold, UCL
12:30 Lunch Break
- Panel 2 – Raz, Reasons and Rights
Moderator: Andrei Poama
- 14:00 Pre-Emptive Political Philosophy, Luke MacInnis, Columbia University
- 14:45 Is Raz’s Conception of Human Rights Razian?, Alain Zysset, University of Fribourg
- Panel 3 – Assessing the Limits of Political Association
Moderator: Benjamin Boudou
- 16:00 Between the Paternalism of Perfectionism and the Pessimism of Positivism: Tacit Consent and Political Obligation in a ‘Love It or Leave It’ Voluntary Association, Jennifer Page, Harvard University
- 16:45 Should Freedom of Association Imply a Right to Discriminate in Membership?, Luise Papcke, Columbia University
15:30 Coffee Break
20:00 DinnerDinner (for participants) will take place at Fuxia, an Italian restaurant near the Jardins du Luxembourg, 13 rue Médicis
Friday, June 21
- Panel 4 – Political Theory in Practice
Moderators: Aurélia Bardon, Élise Rouméas
- 10:30 The Rhetoric of Disillusionment, Astrid Sigglow, Universität München
- 11:15 Of Lemons and Lemonade: Assessing the Impact of Multiple Citizenship on Global Equality, Ana Tanasoca, University of Essex
12:00 Lunch Break
- Panel 5 – Liberalism, Between Neutrality and Recognition
Moderator: Tom Theuns
- 13:30 Is State Neutrality Possible Under Capitalism? A Critique of Liberal Neutrality on Matters of the Good Life, Sophia Chan, University of Hong Kong
- 14:15 Why Respect is Not Enough: When Difference Calls For Esteem, Francesco Chiesa, University of South Wales
15:00 Coffee Break
- Panel 6 – Non-Ideal Theory: The Contours of Wrongdoing and the Grounds for Coercion
Moderator: Denis Ramond
- 15:30 Penal Torture or Penal Abolition, Cléo Grimaldi, Georgia State University
- 16:10 What Could Ground a Right to Procreate?, Erik Magnusson, University of Oxford
- 16:50 A Home for Dignity: Wrongdoing and Expressive Actions, Amneris Chaparro, University of Essex
CEVIPOF, 98, rue de l’Université, Paris