Hobbes in Dialogue(s)


Hobbes in Dialogue(s)



Thursday, 28th November


9:45 : Opening remarks
by the organizers and the editors of the volume


Session 1

10:15 : Dialogo di Galileo Galilei sopra i due Massimi Sistemi del Mondo Tolemaico e Copernicano
Cornel Zwierlein, Berlin

11:15 : Jean Bodin, Colloquium Heptaplomeres
Catherine Power, York University, Canada

Chair : Johan Olsthoorn (University of Amsterdam


12:15 : Lunch break


Session 2

13:15 : Guicciardini’s Dialogo del reggimento di Firenze
Stefano Saracino, Universität Jena

14:15 : Baconian and Hobbesian Dialogues
Sam Zeitlin, University College London

Chair : Monica Brito Vieira, University of York, UK

15:15 : Break


Book Launch Interlude

15:40 : Presentation of Hobbes on Justice
Johan Olsthoorn


Session 3

16:00 : Hobbes’s Dialogue on the Common Law
Peter Schröder, University College London

17:00 : Thucydides and the Melian Dialogue
Kinch Hoekstra, University of California at Berkeley

Chairs : Mónica Brito Vieira, University of York, UK
Alan Cromartie, University of Reading

18:00 : End


Friday, 29th November


Session 4

9:45 : De Symbolo Niceno (Latin Leviathan 1st of three dialogues in appendix)
Jerónimo Rilla, EHESS-CESPRA

10:45 : De Haeresi (Latin Leviathan 2nd of three dialogues in appendix)
Éric Marquer, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne

12:00 : De quibusdam objectionibus contra Leviathan (Latin Leviathan 3rd of three dialogues in appendix)
Jon Parkin, University of Oxford

Chair : Laurens van Apeldoorn, Leiden University


13:00 : Lunch break


Session 5

14:00 : The questions concerning liberty, necessity, and chance
Noah Dauber, Colgate University

15:00 : Behemoth
Jeffrey Collins, University of Florida

Chair : Johan Olsthoorn, University of Amsterdam


Session 6

16:30 : Hobbes against Wallis and Boyle : Examinatio et Emendatio Mathematicae Hodiernae (1660) and Dialogus physicus, sive De natura aëris (1661)
Raffaella Santi, Università di Urbino Carlo Bo

17:30 : Walter Raleigh (1552-1618), The Prerogative of Parliaments in England: Proved in a Dialogue
Jason Peacey, University College London

Chair : Alan Cromartie, University of Reading

18:30 : End


Saturday, 30th November


Session 7

9:45 : Eachard, Mr Hobbs’s State of Nature Considered in a Dialouge Between Philantus and Timothy and Eachard, Some Opinions of Mr Hobbs considered in a Second Dialogue
Luc Foisneau, CNRS-CESPRA

10:45 : Tenison, The Creed of Mr. Hobbes examined in a feigned Conference between him and a Student in Divinity
Alexandra Chadwick, University of Jyväskylä

12:00 : The dialogical structure of Hobbes’s political philosophy
Eva Odzuck, Universität Regensburg

Chair : Luka Ribarević, University of Zagreb

13:00 : Concluding remarks
by the organizers and editors of the volume


13:15 : Lunch break


14:15 : General meeting of the European Hobbes Society

15:15 : End



For general queries and registration, please contact Jerónimo Rilla : jeronimo.rilla@ehess.fr

Please note that participation will be limited due to venue capacity

Fifth Biennial Conference of the European Hobbes Society organised by the Centre des savoirs sur le politique. Recherches et analyses (CESPRA), EHESS

Maison Suger
16 Rue Suger
75006 Paris