Renewing the Social Contract : The Challenge of Inclusivity and Democratic Government in Social Contract Theory


Renewing the Social Contract : The Challenge of Inclusivity and Democratic Government in Social Contract Theory

Renouveler le contrat social : Le défi de l'inclusion et du gouvernement démocratique dans la théorie du contrat social



Tuesday, December 17


CO3 Horizon Europe Consortium

Resilient Social Contracts for Democratic Societies


9h00 : Welcome & Coffee

9h30 : T2.1

Overview of Social Contract Theories
Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger, AUP

Sociological Social Contracts
Stephen Sawyer, AUP

Other proposals for T2.1

10h45 : Break

11h00 : T2.4

States, Empires, Post-colonialism and the Social Contract
Cristiano Gianolla University of Coimbra

Other proposals for T2.4


12h15 : Lunch


13h30 : T2.3

Polarization and the Social Contract
Emilia Palonen, Szilvia Horváth & Alexander Alekseev University of Helsinki
Pınar Uyan Semerci & Emre Erdoğan Bilgi University

14h45 : Break


15h00 : T2.2

Social Contract in the European Union
Claudia Wiesner Fulda University & Ana Matan University of Zagreb

16h15 : Discussion of WP2 // Links with WP3

17h30 : Break

19h00 : Dinner


Wednesday, December 18


Renewing the Social Contract

The Challenge of Inclusivity and Democratic Government in Social Contract theory


9h00 : Coffee

9h15 : Welcome remarks


Parallel Sessions 1 & 2


Session 1 - Social Contracts Revisited

Chair : Annabelle Lever SciencesPo

9h30 : Hegel’s Rabble and Nomadic Becomings
Zachary Swirski McMaster University

Crafting the Future : A New Social Contract for the Digital Age
Fabien Lechevalier Université Paris-Saclay

Consent to the Social Contract in the Wake of #metoo
Olivia Custer, AUP


Session 2 - Post-colonial Perspectives on the Social Contract

Chair : Delphine Dogot Université Catholique de Lille

9h30 : The Global Aspect in the Racial Critique of Social Contract Theory
Alnusf Marzouq, Kuwait University

The Articulation of Mythologies Through the Social Contract in Empires, Nation-States and Europ : Challenges to Democratisation in Modern Liberal Polities
Vanda Amaro Dias & Cristiano Gianolla, University of Coimbra

Counterstories and the Social Contract
Andrew Stewart, Chapman University

11h00 : Break


Parallel Sessions 3 & 4


Session 3 - Social Contract in Non-ideal Conditions

Chair : Emilia Palonen University of Helsinki

11h15 : The Concept of Social Contract in the Theories of European Integration
Daniel Smilov, Sofia University

Realist Utopia for a Compound Democratic Community of States
Ana Matan, University of Zagreb

Engaging with the Non-ideal Behind the Veil of Ignorance
Théophile Pénigaud, Yale University


Session 4 - Alternative Social Contracts

Chair : Zach Freig UC Berkeley

11h15 : James Wilson’s Revolutionary Critique of and Alternative to Contract Theory
David Peters, AUP

Freedom, Crises, and Liberal Social Contracts
Kevin Leportier, Université de Caen Normandie

The Social Contract versus Autonomy ? A Study on Arendt’s Critique of Rousseau’s Theory
Clémence Pellissier, Trinity College Dublin


12h45 : Lunch


Parallel Sessions 5 & 6


Session 5 - Les fondements du contrat social (in French)

Chair : Mona El Khoury, AUP

14h00 : Le Contrat social jaune : Rousseau et les Gilets jaunes
Clara Lucas Centre Émile Durkheim, ScPo Bordeaux

Du nouveau sous l’ancien ? Le statut de la "religion civile" dans le Contrat social
Simone Leotta, LIER-FYT/EHESS

Contrat social et norme fondamentale, Kelsen lecteur de Vaihinger
Maude Vidal, EHESS


Session 6 - Social Contract in Crisis

Chair : Stephen Sawyer AUP

14h00 : Hegemony, Radical Democracy and the Social Contract
Emilia Palonen, University of Helsinki

Rethinking “Social Contract” in the Times of Polycrisis
Pınar Uyan Semerci & Emre Erdoğan, Bilgi University

Panarchy : Non-territorial Contractarianism
Aviezer Tucker, University of Ostrava

15h30 : Coffee & discussion break

16h30 : Keynote - Political Contracts and Democratic Values : What Can Constitution Making Tell Us ?
Albert Weale, UCL

17h30 : Reception at AUP

19h00 : End


Thursday, December 19


9h00 : Coffee


Parallel Sessions 7 & 8


Session 7 - Critiques des théories traditionnelles du Contrat Social (in French)

Chair : Zona Zarić AUP

9h30 : Une critique féministe intersectionnelle de l’utilité publique pour refonder un contrat social inclusif
Léa Antonicelli, SciencesPo

Le contrat social, une ambition universaliste et des écueils historicistes
Djamel Chikh, UMMTO

L’État et les anarchistes : un contrat social impossible
Valentin Avenard, Université de Nantes


Session 8 - Capitalism, Public Reason and the Social Contract

Chair : Leora Dahan Katz Hebrew U

9h30 : How to Restore Democratic Capitalism as a Social Contract ? Controversies of Streeck’s Understanding of ‘Interregnum’
Tonci Kursar, University of Zagreb

Resilience, Social Contract and Democracy : Conceptual and Substantive Dilemmas
Ruzha Smilova, University of Sofia and Centre for Liberal Strategies

Living in Disagreement : Public Reason and Jurisdictional Rights
Cyril Hédoin, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne

11h00 : Break

11h15 : Keynote - The Regulation of Religious Interests : A Test for the Resilience of Social Contract Theory
Myriam Hunter-Henin, UCL


12h45 : Lunch


Parallel Sessions 9 & 10


Session 9 - Constitutional Norms and The Social Contract

Chair : Roman Zinigrad AUP

14h00 : Adjudicating Belonging : Citizenship and the Identity of the Constitutional Compact
Mohsin Bhat, QMUL School of Law

Jurisprudential Foundation of Rule of Law through Prism of Social Contract Theory
Vandana Singh, USLLS

Is solidarity necessary for democracy ?
Tamar Hostovsky Brandes, Ono Academic College


Session 10 - Capitalism, Democracy, and the Social Contract

Chair : Mirjam Dageförde AUP

14h00 : Customizing Social Contracts for Consumer Society ?
Peter Hägel, AUP

A Question of the Underlying Social Contract ? About the Differentiated Impact of Populism on Policy-Making in Proportional and in Majoritarian Democracies
Anja Thomas, Hochschule Fulda/University of Lille/EUI

Democracy in the 21st Century : Current Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for Democratic Governance
Elijah Okpanachi, Federal University of Lafia, Nigeria

15h30 : Break


15h45 : Session 11 - Extending the Social Contract

Renewing the Social Contract Through City Empowerment
Nefeli Lefkopoulou, Sciences Po

Influences of Social Contract Theory in Bruno Latour : From Early Works to Politics of Nature
Xhejn Xhindi, Université libre de Bruxelles

Locke’s state of nature as colonial practice : social contract and ecology
Oliver Feltham, AUP

17h30 : Break

17h45 : Concluding roundtable discussion
Anna Björk, Demos Helsinki
Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger, AUP
Emilia Palonen, University of Helsinki
Stephen Sawyer, AUP
Roman Zinigrad, AUP

18h30 : Closure



Contact : 33 (0)1 40 62 05 96 AUP

ou Stephen Sawyer : ssawyer@aup.edu
Roman Zinigrad : rzinigrad@aup.edu
Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger : ncolinjaeger@aup.edu
Emilia Palonen : emilia.palonen@helsinki.fi
Anna Björk : anna.bjork@demoshelsinki.fi

Inscription : Renewing the Social Contract: The Challenge of Inclusivity and Democratic Government in Social Contract Theory

Conférence internationale organisée par l'Université américaine de Paris sous la direction scientifique de Stephen Sawyer, Roman Zinigrad, Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger, Emilia Palonen et Anna Björk

Centre d’études critiques sur la démocratie
Université américaine de Paris
6 Rue du Colonel Combes
75007 Paris