The project focuses on the analysis of international authority in regionalisms. It explores regional organizations in Latin America and Africa through a relational and actor-based approach. This research aims to go beyond the formal institutional approaches of IOs and ROs’ authority, not only by focusing on specificities of regional authority but also by accounting for the sociological aspects and practices of authority within regional organizations.
REGPOL-ALA received funds from the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (Grant number : ANR-22-CE53-0005, 2023-2027).
The Principal Investigator is Full Professor of Political Science at the University of Tours and member of the University Institute of France.
10h00 : Welcome speeches
Kevin Parthenay - PI REGPOL-ALA, Univ Tours
Philippe de Lombaerde / Frank Mattheis - UNU-CRIS
Authority and Regional Governance : A conceptual debate
10h30 : Regional Regulatory Governance
Andrea Bianculli - IBEI Barcelona
Orchestration and Indirect Regional Governance
Giovanni Agostinis - Univ. Bologna
Legitimation Strategies
Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann - PUC Rio
12h30 : Lunch break
Authority and SICA/CARICOM
14h00 : Teams
Pedro Caldentey del Pozo - Univ. Cordoba
Luis Diego Segura - Univ. Nacional, Costa Rica
Jessica Byron - Univ. of Kingston (TBC)
15h15 : Break
Authority and the Andean Community
15h30 : Teams
Michel Levi - Univ. Simon Bolivar
German Prieto - Univ. Javeriana
17h00 : Contested regional authority in Latin America
Detlef Nolte - GIGA, Hamburg
18h00 : Closure
For registration, follow this link :
Colloque organisé par la faculté de droit et l'IRJI Rabelais, Université de Tours sous la direction scientifique de Kevin Parthanay