Beyond Ukraine : what defence for Europe ?


Beyond Ukraine : what defence for Europe ?

European Defence Talks - Fith Edition



9h00 : Welcome

9h20 : Opening remarks
Dr. Stéphane Rodrigues – IREDIES Institut de Recherche en droit international et européen de la Sorbonne - Sorbonne War Studies - University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne


1st panel - Who decides ?

9h30 : In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, is there a growing willingness in Europe to balance burden-sharing and create the “comprehensive full spectrum force package” that the EU called for when launching Permanent Structured Cooperation ? What is the role of European defence in the future set-up of the defence of Europe ? And who will set the strategy ?

Chair : Dr. Federico Santopinto – Senior researcher at the Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS)

Speakers : Bernard Guetta – MEP - author of "The European Nation”
LTG Michel Yakovleff – former Vice Chief of Staff of SHAPE (NATO)
Prof. Sven Biscop - Director at Egmont and Prof. at Gent University

11h00 : Pause


2nd panel - Who pays ?

11h30 : There will be no increase in military industrial capacities or more military equipment without firm orders. Today, common acquisition seems the only way forward to defragment and expand the European Defence Industrial and Technological Base. However, are Member States prepared to let the European Union act as an acquisition agency?

Chair : Frédéric Mauro – Lawyer at the Brussel’s bar, specialized in European defence

Speakers : Michael Gahler – Member of the European Parliament
Nathalie Errard – Head of Airbus Public Affairs in Brussels
Jean-Pierre Maulny – Deputy director of the Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS)

13h00 : Closing remarks
LTG Benoît Durieux – Director of the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN) and of Enseignement militaire supérieur

13h15 : Cocktail 



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Colloque organisé par l'IREDIES et Sorbonne War Studies (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), l'IRIS et l'IHEDN.

Fondation Universitaire de Belgique
11 Rue d’Egmont
1000 Brussels

Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne
Institut de Recherche en Droit International et Européen de la Sorbonne