Jurisprudence of Climate


Jurisprudence of Climate

Climate Change and the Legal Tradition



This project, supported by Sciences Po's Scientific Advisory Board, engages in reflection on the potentiality of legal traditions to offer strategic resources for addressing the climate crisis, traditions being understood as much in terms of techniques (fictions, facilitating narratives, etc) as concepts, and as not being being exclusively Euro-American, and strategies as being as much those of adjudication as of other venues, discourses, or spatialities in which law might figure. We do not expect the outcome to be a celebration of law, and for some of our contributors the diagnosis might be one of structural limitation or foreclosure, but we are interested in whatever critical reflection on laws, legalities, and conflictualities might be able to unearth or invent.




Friday 29th September


12.00 : Lunch for speakers


13.00 : Introductory remarks
Sheila Jasanoff - Harvard

13.30 : Climate sorrow and the politics of art
Judith Butler - Berkeley

Unimaginable : hope and duty in the Anthropocene
Doug Kysar - Yale

Combustion, law, and unresolved complex mixtures
Suzana Sawyer - UC Davis

Chair : Stephen Humphreys - LSE

16.00 : Coffee interval

16.30 : Granting rights to rivers in Colombia : theoretical influences and distributional consequences
Helena Alviar - SciencesPo

Global or local ? On the scales of climate between jurisdiction and science
Stéphane van Damme - ENS

From re/forms to re/frames : climate litigation as existential litigation
Thomas Scheffer - Frankfurt

Chair : Hans Lindahl - Tilburg

19:00 : Reception for all attendees

20:30 : Dinner for speakers


Saturday 30th September


9.00 : Climate change, jurisdiction and the problem of limits
Julia Dehm - La Trobe

Between finance and law: fossil fuel property as asset and liability
Andreas Folkers - Giessen

Lucretius, the Roman jurists and a ‘natural contract’ that is not a contract
Dario Mantovani - Collège de France

Chair : Alain Pottage

11.30 : Reflections
Horatia Muir Watt - SciencesPo


12.00 : Lunch for speakers



Contact : events.edd@sciencespo.fr


Colloque organisé par l’École de droit de Sciences Po Paris sous la direction de Frédéric Audren & Alain Pottage

McCourt Pavilion
Sciences Po
1 Place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin
75007 Paris
