
Conférence et cycle

"Intersection of technology and Ethics in Healthcare" in Ethics and New Technologies in HealthCare and Innovation



Are you interested in the intersection of technology and ethics in healthcare and education ?

If so, then this conference is for you. We have gathered six experts from around the world (USA, Canada, France) to discuss the latest developments in biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and education, and how these advancements are transforming the way we think about the human body, healthcare and education.




5:00pm : Re-Creation : The Biotechnological Restructuring of the Body
Dr. Paul Root Wolpe, PhD, Director, Center for Ethics, Emory University, Atlanta GA, USA

When the Second Opinion is AI : Digital Twins in Healthcare
Dr. Edward Queen, PhD, Director, Ethics and Servant Leadership Program and Director, EASL, Emory University, Atlanta GA, USA

AI, Education and Ethics. Why we need to face these 3 questions together
Pr. Colin de la Higuera, Holder of the RELIA UNESCO Chair in Technologies for the Training of Teachers at the University of Nantes, FRANCE

Explore the intersection of technology and ethics in healthcare
Pre Anne-Elisabeth Courrier, Associate Professor in Public Law at the French Nantes Université and Visiting Fellow at the Emory Center for Ethics, Emory University Atlanta, USA

In the Era of ChatGPT, Trust is an Essential Feature of Digital Health Technologies
Pr. Bryn Williams-Jones, Professor of Bioethics at the University of Montreal, QC, CANADA

Patient-centric synthetic data generation, no reason to risk re-identification in biomedical data analysis
Gabrielle Crolard, Communication & Marketing, Octopize - Mimethik Data, Nantes, FRANCE

7:00 pm : End of the conference

International Happy Hour organised by DELPHI, Nantes University, with the support of the Emory Center for Ethics, and the Service for Sciences and Technologies

1 Bd Salvador Allende
44100 Nantes

Nantes Université
Faculté de Droit et Sciences Politiques